I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 220 Formal implementation

Chapter 220 Formal implementation (for subscription)

Just now, the security personnel of the umbrella came here, sent the suitcase containing four pharmaceutical preparations here, explained the purpose of coming, and then returned! !
"Also, what is this thing they need to apply for a patent?" The little worker said again.

"If I'm not mistaken, judging by their outfits and the logo on the car they came, they should be the umbrella group that has become very famous recently!" Said the man called Brother Wang sitting on an office chair.

"I've been hearing on the Internet that the Umbrella Group has developed a new drug. It seems that this is it!" said the little worker.

"Let me take a look!" The man called Brother Wang carefully picked up the suitcase and put it on the table, opened it, and then placed four small medicines neatly in the box.

"Celisin, antibiotics, fungicides, and the upgraded type B vaccine for bird flu?" The man surnamed Wang looked at the four medicines carefully, with the names and uses marked on them. Every time he saw one, his expression changed. Just a surprise.

"This is what their company developed!" the little worker said excitedly.

There are not only four reagents in the suitcase, but also some documents, identification results, introduction to the reagents and their efficacy.

"In addition to pathogenic factors, it can kill all viruses, such as AIDS..." The man surnamed Wang picked up the materials and read this, and his voice stopped immediately.

"This umbrella company is right, isn't it, dare to write such a thing? Still want to apply for a patent like this?" The small worker also noticed, and then said.

The voice of the man surnamed Wang paused, and then he looked back, his expression changed very obviously.

"This umbrella company is not simple, maybe what they said is true?" the man surnamed Wang said hesitantly.

"Brother Wang, have you ever thought about AIDS, a disease that cannot be cured in the whole world, and he wants to be cured with just this little medicine? Is it a dream?" The little worker said disdainfully.

"Whatever he does, the higher-ups have told us to pay attention to the patents of this umbrella company and report them directly to him so that the higher-ups can make a decision!"


Umbrella Building! !

"Here I officially announce that the umbrella company has launched four medicines!" On the conference table, Li Yu solemnly glanced at the top management of a dozen umbrellas below, and solemnly announced.

"BOSS, please order!" All the management said respectfully, each with indescribable loyalty and awe to Li Yu in their eyes.

Due to confidentiality reasons, 90.00% of the employees of the Umbrella Group only know that the company has released a new type of drug, but they don't know anything about the specific type of drug, even the senior executives above the deputy director in the conference room are only Know the name of the new drug, but not its efficacy.

It can be seen how strict the secrecy system of the umbrella is now!
"Boss, what is the overall effect of the medicine this time?" Yi Hailun asked aloud.

"The medicines launched this time are antivirals, antibiotics, antimicrobials, and avian influenza B vaccine!" Li Yu said word by word: "Simply speaking, the efficacy of antivirals is that it can kill all common Viruses, even HIV!"

"Can AIDS be eradicated?" Tian Xing, the head of the technical department, was quite surprised.

When antivirals appeared, being able to resist all common viruses was enough to shock the whole Yanhuang, but killing and eradicating all common viruses was even more shocking.

If it spreads, not only Yanhuang, but the whole world will shake!

"Not bad!" Li Yu nodded and said.

Jiang Yuyao took a white handbag from her side, put it on the table and opened it, four medicines contained in transparent test tubes appeared in the conference room, and at the same time, everyone's eyes were focused on the four medicines , very eagerly.

"This is the medicine we developed this time, and each test tube is one!" Jiang Yuyao said with a smile.

"Chubingsu, I have explained the efficacy just now." Li Yu picked up a potion marked "Chubingsu" from the box.

"The rest, I won't say much, there are introductions on it, you all have a look at each other!"

The umbrella management present here took the suitcase, carefully took out the potion inside, and looked at it carefully.

"Boss, can this destroy cancer cells?" Yi Hailun picked up the reagent labeled "Demycin".

Demycin can eliminate all common bacteria and germs, and its effect is comparable to that of pathogens. According to the experimental results mentioned by Liu Guanglei, it can completely kill cancer cells!

Cancer cells are a disease caused by a defect in immune cells. Simply put, in current medicine, cancer cannot be completely conquered!

"Of course!" Li Yu smiled.

"These kinds of medicines are about to be put on the market and mass-produced. What do you think about the price?" Li Yu looked around and said.

"Boss, since this medicine is so powerful, the price must be very expensive!" Huang Yao said with her head tilted.

"Yes, the medicine you are holding now is unique in the world, and this is the first in this world! Of course the price will be expensive!" Li Yu said.

"Since this is the case, the price of a reagent should be at least [-] yuan!" Yi Hailun said.

No one refuted Yi Hailun's words, and Li Yu also thought so. Such medicines must be at least more than [-] yuan. Don't look at more than [-] yuan. The lives of those who are on the verge of death, after all, this is not an antiviral agent, but an antiviral agent that can cure the disease, an antimicrobial agent!

Even if it is like the anti-virus element developed by the umbrella, the current price is more than three thousand Yanhuang coins, and there is no market for the price!

"I think it's feasible, what do you think?" Li Yu asked.

"I also think it's okay, after all, it's a medicine that can treat terminal illness!" Jiang Yuyao and Li Yu had the same idea.

"I'm fine too!"

"Me too!"

The senior executives present expressed their views one after another, and they all agreed to raise the price to more than [-] yuan.

"Except for the price of the bird flu type B vaccine, which is set at [-] Yanhuang coins, the price of the remaining three medicines is set at [-] Yanhuang coins!" Li Yu said.

"Huang Yao, you are responsible for reporting the price of the medicine to the official department!" Li Yu ordered.

"Okay BOSS!" Huang Yao nodded cheerfully, the medicine that the umbrella has painstakingly researched, the unique medicine, the official will definitely approve it
"I am very confident in the medicine developed this time, and even more confident in us. There are hundreds of millions of people in Yanhuang, and there are not a few people suffering from cancer and terminal illness. There is a huge patient population. These medicines are really needed for them. Already!"

"In recent years, a series of high-end drugs such as anticancer drugs can only be imported from abroad, and the country has no ability to produce such drugs. At the same time, such imported drugs can only delay the onset of the disease, but cannot cure it. It is very harmful to the body!"

"As for the medicines developed today, once the news spreads, it will cause earth-shaking changes in Yanhuang and even the world!"

Li Yu said loudly!

"At the same time, the emergence of these drugs has also brought a ray of hope to those who are suffering from serious diseases. The drugs that can eliminate those incurable diseases have been developed under my umbrella since then!"

"Moreover, I believe that with the birth of new medicines this time, foreign countries may come to buy the medicines under my umbrella. When the time comes, I will handle them myself!" Li Yu smiled charmingly, very confident.

After the birth of the bird flu vaccine, many foreign countries have secretly sent people to the umbrella, but now the umbrella is not going to be exported, and their idea of ​​buying it has been rejected.

Yanhuang has a good saying, put a long line to catch big fish, and when the time comes, you can earn a lot of money from those foreigners! !

"BOSS is wise!" The executives present said in unison.

"Old Liu, you are in charge of the production of medicines this time. You must increase the production of medicines. If you have any difficulties, tell Mr. Jiang!"

"The drug price has been handed over to Huang Yao, so I won't say more!"

"Tian Xing and Zhang Yu, one is the head of the technology department, and the other is the electronics company. The publicity of the official website and the Internet will be handed over to you two, and you should do a good job of dividing the work!"


 PS: Brothers, please make more decisions, otherwise Wuliang will not be able to survive. At present, Wuliang is speeding up the plot. When we go abroad, we can cultivate real power. Please make more decisions, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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