I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 257 Somalia Attack

Chapter 257 Somalia Attack

As the plane gradually landed, Li Yu saw the general outline of Somalia through the window.

Somalia is an island country. The overall buckle looks like a crescent moon. The land area is about the size of an ordinary province in Yanhuang. There are yellow, white, and black races, but there are more third parties. Some.

It is said that Somalia was originally just a deserted island, and later countless pirates settled here. In fact, this can be said to be the lair of the world's most famous Somali pirates.

Later, the country of Somalia can be said to have been established by these pirates.

This country started with piracy. Although it developed rapidly, it also paved the way for the chaos that lasted for more than 200 years until today.

According to the information obtained by Li Yu, there are about ten large and small warlord forces in this country, and they are either allied with each other or fighting endlessly with each other.

The whole country has been messed up by them, and the people are in dire straits.

Only Bayer, the capital of Somalia, is still stable, because this is the home of the largest group of warlords in Somalia. They attract foreign tourists to make money, and other forces are not allowed to create chaos here, otherwise they will suffer their bloody revenge.

After leaving the plane, Li Yu shook his dizzy head, and then felt better.

"Boss, you are here!"



As soon as Li Yu and others got off the plane, they saw a group of people coming towards him.

The leader was Wei Quan, whom he had not seen for a long time. Next to him were Wu Peng and fifty fully armed security members, each of whom was fully armed and loaded with live ammunition. This is not Yanhuang, but chaotic Somalia. Naturally, there is no such control as Yanhuang's. Now the managers of the umbrella in Somalia are not only security guards, but even the management are wearing guns, just in case.

"Haha, old Wu!"

Xiao Yao, who was following Li Yu, also showed joy on his face when he saw Wu Peng. He went up and punched Wu Peng hard in the chest, and then the two men laughed and hugged each other.

Xiao Yao joined the Umbrella Company under the recommendation of Wu Peng, and it was Wu Peng's promotion. Xiao Yao was able to temporarily manage the security department's company in Yanhuang after Wu Peng left Yanhuang. The relationship between the two is natural. extraordinary.

"Well, yes, I haven't seen you for so long, and I'm still full of energy. By the way, are all the branches here okay?"

Li Yu smiled majestically and said to Wei Quan and Wu Peng.

"It's okay, Wu Lin is watching over there!"

Wei Quan replied with a smile: "And recently our security guards have also expanded to 200 people, which is enough to protect the company's security, and there will be no problems. Boss, don't worry!"

"Well, I trust you guys!"

Li Yu nodded with satisfaction, and then asked, "Has Feng Bin sent you the machines for making weapons?"

"It has been delivered! We are currently installing and debugging, and when we recruit enough workers, we will start manufacturing directly!"

Hearing Li Yu talk about this matter, Wei Quan was very excited.

Only after coming to a chaotic place like Somalia did he understand the importance of weapons.

In such a country, if there is no strong military force, no matter how much money there is, it is just a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered. Maybe it will be swallowed by people at any time, and there will be no dregs left.

"Well, when I go back, I will hand over the armor weapon manufacturing technology and blueprints to you!"

Li Yu smiled lightly, it is easy for him who has the brain reward weapon blueprint

He personally came to Somalia this time, in addition to preparing to personally take charge of the construction of the weapons factory, he also wanted to hand over this information to Wei Quan himself.

The importance of this technology is self-evident. If the warlords of all sizes in Somalia know about it, they will all come to snatch it.

Whether it was transmitted through the network or delivered to her by someone else, Li Yu was not at ease.

The two walked out of the airport while talking.

Wu Peng and Xiao Yao took [-] heavily armed security guards to separate them from the surrounding crowd, guarding them vigilantly.

This place is no longer Yanhuang, but Somalia, which is famous for its chaos all over the world. Naturally, security members like Wu Peng dare not relax.

Although this is the capital of Somalia, and the law and order in the whole of Somalia is considered good, but they naturally will not pin their safety on others.

As former soldiers, they are more willing to believe in the weapons in their hands.

And just when Li Yu led everyone out of the airport, Li Yu suddenly felt his scalp explode, and a strong crisis rushed into his heart!
"Get down!"

Many years of survival experience in the last days of the previous life, as well as a keen sixth sense of crisis, made Li Yu crawl to the ground without hesitation.


At the same time, a muffled gunshot sounded from afar.


The moment Li Yu lay down, he felt a bullet fly out against his scalp and hit the marble floor behind him.

"No, it's a heavy sniper rifle!"

Just from the gunshots just now, Li Yu could hear that this should be a heavy-duty sniper rifle with an effective range of at least 2000 meters!


After reacting, Li Yu's face suddenly became extremely ugly. He didn't dare to get up at all. While moving quickly to find cover, he shouted loudly to Wu Peng and others: "The other party is a heavy sniper, quickly find cover!"

Facing this kind of hidden heavy sniper, it is very difficult to counterattack immediately. The best way is to hide yourself first, and then slowly map it.

"Protect the boss!"

Xiao Yao and the others are all experienced veterans, and they immediately reacted when the gunshots rang out. All the security guards strictly protected Li Yu in the center and walked towards the bunker.

And Wu Peng and the more than fifty security guards he brought with him have already lived in this chaotic Somalia for several months, and their reaction ability is much stronger than that of Xiao Yao and others who have just arrived. Wu Peng and the others not only immediately found the nearest bunker, but also deduced the approximate location of the sniper based on the ballistic trajectory, took out their weapons and began to fight back.

"Da da da!"

Regardless of whether they could hit or not, Wu Peng and the others shot indiscriminately in the direction of the sniper, countering.

In this way, even if you can't hit the opponent, you can make the opponent feel jealous, and don't dare to snipe them unscrupulously.

People like Wu Peng who have played with sniper rifles naturally know how terrible a sniper who hides and can kill the opponent without any scruples is very clear.

"Ah, help!"

"Mom, run away!"


Gunshots continued to ring out in the airport, and the crowd in the airport immediately went into chaos.

Some people wanted to flee the airport, some people wanted to find a place to hide, and everyone was pushing and shoving, making a mess.


Another sniper bullet flew out against Li Yu's cheek, and a trace of cold sweat broke out on Li Yu's forehead.

The target of this sniper is very clear, it is Li Yu himself!

Moreover, this sniper's marksmanship is very good. Every time he shoots, he aims at Li Yu's head. Obviously he wants to kill Li Yu with one blow!

If it was an ordinary person, he would have been killed by the sniper with the first shot.

Even with Li Yu's current physical fitness, if he is hit by this heavy-duty sniper rifle, he will end up not much better than ordinary people. After all, he is now a third-level supernatural being, and the supernatural power in his body is not enough to resist this. A heavy sniper rifle.

(End of this chapter)

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