I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 270 Mercenaries

Chapter 270 Mercenaries

Laser grid ah!

As Li Yu, who was reborn from the end of the world and had dealt with Umbrella, the overlord of the end of the world, that is no stranger!

Laser Grid, a very powerful laser weapon!
Falling into the defensive attack of this laser grid, even a level [-] superhuman will die in it. It can be said that the laser grid is an absolute defensive weapon!
If the core secrets of the umbrella are stored in a protective base with a laser grid, it can be said that the risk of being stolen is almost zero!

Moreover, this technology of the laser power grid also belongs to the military industry. If it is researched properly, it may be possible to develop a powerful laser attack weapon!
After all, in this seemingly peaceful world, the virus may emerge at any time, or when the end of the world will break out, and all order will be destroyed by then. Only advanced weapons can protect yourself, your relatives and friends , to keep their own interests inviolable.

"Haha not bad!"

"With the defense of the laser grid, the base of my umbrella will be impenetrable!"

Li Yu smiled with satisfaction. The Dragon Nest base is currently under construction in various places in Yanhuang. I believe it will be deployed soon. The Dragon Nest can resist nuclear explosions. If it is combined with the laser grid, it will be really strong.

"Now that the military factory has started to produce heavy weapons, the next step is to start producing light weapons!" In the first two technology lottery draws, Li Yu first got light weapons and then armored heavy weapons.

However, Li Yu first gave heavy weapons that are more difficult to produce to the military factory, and light weapons have not yet entered production. It is a difficult and then simple process for the military factory.

And now!
Heavy weapons have also stabilized, so it's time to produce light weapons!

There are many types of light weapons, such as light submachine guns, light sniper rifles, light pistols, light grenades, light sabers and light body armor, each of which exceeds the current military industry in the world.

Now that mercenary companies have been created, these light weapons are just right to equip them.

None of the technologies given by Zhinao are ordinary!

This is Li Yu's firm belief, and it is also the experience summed up from so many technologies that Zhinao gave him.

"Wei Quan, I will transmit some confidential military documents to you now!" Li Yu called Wei Quan, sorted out the technology of light weapons and handed it over to Wei Quan, ready to enter production.

"Boss, don't worry, these equipment will enter production soon!" Wei Quan assured.

"Wu Peng, lead me to the mercenary company!"

"Yes, BOSS!"

Li Yu took Xiao Yao and several security guards to protect him to the newly established mercenary company.

The office building of the mercenary company is not far from the newly expanded military factory. It is a group of buildings built at the same time as the military factory.

Usually, this place is responsible for accepting and issuing mercenary missions, and those recruited mercenaries will also live and train in this office building.

Li Yu did not set an upper limit for Wu Peng to recruit mercenaries, so the number of mercenaries has been increasing rapidly during this period. The number of contracted mercenaries has reached more than 200, and the number of non-contracted mercenaries has reached more than 500, comparable to Somalia. small armed forces.

Of course, only contracted mercenaries are eligible to live in this office building, and non-contracted mercenaries can only come here to choose tasks.

Since this period of time, Li Yu will come to the mercenary company whenever he has time.

Although Li Yu handed over the mercenary company to Wu Peng, he must also let these mercenaries understand who is their real boss
Even Li Yu believes in Wu Peng's loyalty, but after the betrayal of Wu Yong, a "good brother" in his previous life, Li Yu's trust in anyone is limited.

The powerful armed force of the mercenary company can only be in the hands of Li Yu alone.

It's just that these recruited mercenaries are rebellious and very difficult to control.

Although Li Yu has been to the mercenary company many times, these mercenaries also know that Li Yu is their boss, but Li Yu has never seen loyalty and awe in their eyes.

Some mercenaries even looked at Li Yu with scrutiny and provocation.

This made Li Yu very annoyed, but he couldn't punish these mercenaries just because other people's eyes were wrong. After all, they seemed to respect the company's rules and regulations on the surface.

Wu Peng told Li Yu that there is only one way to solve this situation, and that is to drill them-drill them hard!

This is the experience Wu Peng learned from the army.

In the army, no matter how rebellious you are, the continuous practice day after day will smooth all your edges and corners, and let you know what obedience is.

But after all, it will take time, and it may be difficult to change the status quo of these mercenaries not obeying the control in a short time.

When Li Yu entered the mercenary building with him, he saw two young black men standing beside the front desk in the lobby, molesting the reception lady at the front desk.

The face of the reception lady was blushed after being molested, as if she wanted to drive her away but didn't dare.

Although the two black youths Li Yu couldn't remember their names, they knew that they must be one of the recruited mercenaries.

Seeing this scene, Li Yu's face turned dark all of a sudden!
"What are you doing again!" Seeing that Li Yu's face was wrong, Wu Peng hurried forward.


Hearing Wu Peng's words, the two black men turned around, still with playful smiles on their faces, and said, "Our two brothers are not feeling well, and we have already asked the squad leader for leave."

"Not feeling well? I think you are feeling very well!"

Wu Peng looked at the two of them coldly, only coldly in his eyes: "I'll give you three seconds to go back to the training ground immediately, otherwise, get out!"

It's not fun for Umbrella to spend money to hire mercenaries, but to serve Umbrella. This move really made Wu Peng a little angry.

And Li Yu was still present, so how could he explain to Li Yu!

"Fire us?"

Hearing Wu Peng's unquestionable words, the faces of the two black men changed, and the hippie smiling faces disappeared in an instant. They absolutely had reason to believe that Wu Peng would do what he said.

"Team, I'm sorry, let's go back!" The two quickly ran towards the training ground. After entering the umbrella, they were well paid, and they didn't want to leave.

"Boss, I'm sorry, I'm not strict in discipline, and I'm willing to accept the punishment!" Wu Peng said guiltily.

"Let's go in first!" Li Yu lowered his voice.

Instead of being harsh immediately, she walked towards the elevator.

A group of people took the elevator directly to the top floor.

The top floor of the entire mercenary building was opened up and turned into a large training ground.

It's filled with all kinds of training equipment: dumbbells, treadmills, and other types of multi-trainers.

After all, mercenaries are not an army, they pay more attention to individual combat and group combat, and generally do not have large-scale group battles.

Therefore, the training of mercenaries is based on improving personal strength, unlike the army that needs to practice formation.

"Boss, team!!"

"Good boss!"


Seeing Li Yu and Wu Peng coming in, some mercenaries stopped to greet Li Yu. As the president of the umbrella, they naturally knew the mercenary service objects.

Needless to say, Wu Peng is their chief instructor and chief captain!
(End of this chapter)

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