I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 276 Thoroughly Subduing the Armed Forces

Chapter 276 Thoroughly Subduing the Armed Forces
"This should be Li Yu, the president of the umbrella company, right? I've seen him in the newspaper!"

Among this group of armed generals, someone recognized Li Yu's identity and immediately spoke.

"Yes, this is Mr. Li Yu! Mr. Li Yu came to Bran City in person this time to discuss the purchase of weapons with me, but I didn't expect that there is something wrong with my body now!" Jiang Jiu smiled and introduced Li Yu said.

A group of armed generals nodded, many of them felt sad about Jiang Jiu's condition, and some of them were thankful, divided into two extremes.

Afterwards, Jiang Jiu rolled his eyes bleakly, and said again:

"But even if I'm gone in the future, all the brothers will inevitably continue to deal with Mr. Li Yu. This time I called the brothers here to introduce you to Mr. Li Yu!"

"What do you say big brother, your illness will definitely be cured, don't worry!"

The generals hurriedly said to Jiang Jiu, no matter what these people thought in their hearts, they didn't show their expressions on the surface.

"Mr. Li Yu, hello, I am"

Among them, some people with ulterior motives showed great enthusiasm for Li Yu, and hurriedly stepped forward to shake hands with Li Yu. If they can get the approval of Li Yu, an arms dealer, it will obviously be very beneficial to their position after Jiang Jiu's death.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Li Yu smiled lightly, but he did not refuse to shake hands with these people. Then, the ability was activated, and the virus was secretly injected into the body of the handshake person without leaving any traces.

These people are all high-level generals of the Jiangjiu armed forces. Although the ethnic groups are different, there are Chinese, whites, and blacks, but basically there are not a few simple roles.

When Jiang Jiu was still working as a mercenary in Somalia, it was with the help of these people that he was able to defeat the current power.

After shaking hands with all the high-level generals of the Jiangjiu armed forces, Li Yu also injected everyone into a controllable virus.

"By the way, General Jiang, I'm going back to the group to prepare ammunition. I'll contact you next time." Li Yu smiled lightly, and gave Jiang Jiu a subtle wink.

Jiang Jiu immediately understood and nodded: "Mr. Li Yu, go slowly, next time I will definitely visit the umbrella in person."

"Mr. Li Yu go slowly." These generals also spoke out one after another, but they were also very polite to Li Yu.


Li Yu left the office under the eyes of these people.

As for how to show Jiang Jiu to these people and make them obedient, that is Jiang Jiu's business, and Li Yu doesn't have to waste this time.

I believe that after Jiang Jiu's showdown, let these people go to the hospital for examination and find that they, like Jiang Jiu, suffer from more than a dozen terminal illnesses, and they will naturally be obedient.

Li Yu left the central building slowly alone, just like he came without attracting too many people's attention.

Now no one in Somalia knows that Li Yu has quietly subdued a warlord force in Somalia.

In a short period of time, Li Yu will naturally not disclose his relationship with Jiang Jiu and the others, and will also ask Jiang Jiu to keep it secret.

In the future, Li Yu's strength in Bayer City will be quietly transferred to this side, so that it will neither affect its own development, nor cause the vigilance of Tire and other warlord forces because of the rapid growth of strength.

Go back to the umbrella branch station.

"Uh! Boss, where did you go yesterday?"

After Li Yu returned to the umbrella branch the next day, Wei Quan, Wu Lin and Wu Peng immediately found him, and all three looked worried.

Li Yu quietly left Bayer City yesterday, and disappeared for a whole day. The three of them couldn't get in touch even if they wanted to, so they were all worried.

"Yesterday, I did a major event related to the survival of the group, and it needed to be kept secret, so I didn't tell you!" Li Yu smiled wisely, as if he had returned successfully.

"What is it that requires you to do it yourself, BOSS?"

Wu Peng asked Li Yu suspiciously.

Nowadays, the stalls of umbrellas are getting bigger and bigger, and more and more people are being recruited. There are very few things that Li Yu needs to do in person.

Wei Quan and Wu Lin also showed puzzled expressions, but when they heard Li Yu say that they wanted to keep it secret, they were a little hesitant and didn't know whether they should ask, so they didn't speak.

On the contrary, Wu Peng's temperament has always been carefree, so he asked directly.

"I'm afraid you don't know yet that Thiel has already grown jealous of the development of our company."

All the people present were his confidants, and Li Yu had nothing to hide, so he told them that he had discovered that Paris was a spy sent by Tire.

"What? This old thing, Tire, is really unreliable! I just bought a batch of weapons from us, and turned around and wanted to deal with us!"

After hearing Li Yu's words, Wu Peng suddenly became furious: "There is also Paris, a dog, who is actually a spy. I really didn't see it! Now I will deal with him!"

With that said, Wu Peng turned around and was about to leave.


Li Yu frowned, and angrily scolded: "How do you do things or are you so impulsive? What good can you do if you kill Paris now? You can only tell Tyre that we already know about the spies he sent, and let him know We are more vigilant and preventive!"

"Boss is right, it's better to keep this Paris!"

Wei Quan also turned his head and said to Wu Peng: "If Paris is killed, Tire will send other spies over. It's better to keep this one which has already been exposed."

Hearing what Li Yu and Wei Quan said, Wu Peng slowly calmed down, and asked Li Yu: "Could it be, BOSS, did you leave because of this?"

"Yes, we are too passive in Tire's territory now. If we want to change this situation, we can only look for external forces, and it is also my umbrella that breaks Tire's power."

Li Yu told the three of them that after he left yesterday, he went to Bran City to subdue Jiang Jiu and his subordinates. Of course, the details of using the ability were not stated.

"Great! With such an armed force, we will provide weapons under the protection umbrella, increase in strength, and allow the armed force to develop"

Wei Quan, Wu Lin, and Wu Peng all showed excitement on their faces. Controlling Somalia, although it is chaotic and poor, is a country. How powerful will it be to control Somalia under the umbrella?
At this moment, they all understand how important Li Yu's subjugation of armed forces is to the umbrella, but it is said to be the opening of Genesis.

"Hmph, isn't Thiel trying to deal with us? Now that we have such a force, not only do we no longer have to worry about his suppression, but when we grow stronger, we can even annex Thiel's power! Even if we want to unify the entire Somalia in the future, It's not impossible!"

Wu Peng's tone reveals a strong ambition.

Now he is in his prime, the age when he wants to make contributions. When he thinks that he will be able to follow Li Yu to completely occupy the whole of Somalia in the future and become the ruler here, Wu Peng's mood is agitated.

Wei Quan and Wu Lin glanced at each other, and naturally they also thought of Wu Peng's point. When Somalia is unified, the umbrella will really take off.

"It's too early to say that!"

Li Yu naturally has a calmness that is different from ordinary people. He ordered Wu Peng: "For the sake of confidentiality, Wu Peng, you select some people from among the brothers who followed us from Yanhuang to be responsible for contacting Jiang Jiu and the others, and convey to them My order!"

"Yes, BOSS!"

Wu Peng nodded and accepted Li Yu's order.

"Wei Quan, soon Jiang Jiu will bring people to our company to buy weapons - we will charge their money on the surface, but in fact we will sell the factory's most advanced and best weapons at a price far below the market price. Give them the price, you have to be careful not to let people see the tricks between us and them, and the books must be perfect!"

Li Yu ordered Wei Quan again.

(End of this chapter)

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