I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 285 Killed

Chapter 285 Killed
"The general has an order, retreat!"

The soldiers on Mondo's side were originally demoralized due to the order to retreat. Now they are being chased behind and can only be beaten but cannot fight back. A real rout!
They started scurrying around like headless flies.

This made Wu Peng, who directed the pursuit behind, had to start dividing his troops.

But Mundo has completely lost control of these soldiers now, even if he wants to command a counterattack again, he can't do it anymore!

Wu Peng didn't have to worry about the opponent's counterattack in the end.

"Hey! This time it's a fall!"

Mondo, who fled in a panic in the command car, knew that the situation was over, and couldn't help but sighed in his heart. He didn't know how to report the results of the battle to Ivan after returning to the station.

As an old subordinate who has followed Ivan for more than ten years, Mondo is very clear about the character of his leader.

Ivan is a person who will take revenge, and who can't rub the sand in his eyes!
If he knew that he was defeated by the umbrella this time and suffered heavy losses, Ivan would of course find the umbrella to retaliate, but as the commander himself, I am afraid that he is also to blame, and he also has to bear Ivan's anger!

Thinking of this, Mondo felt uneasy in his heart, fearing that after he fled back, Ivan would kill him without saying a word.

At that time, I didn't fall under the enemy's muzzle, but died under the gun of my own leader, then I would really be aggrieved!


Just when Mondo was thinking wildly, he suddenly heard a loud noise, and then felt the world spinning for a while. The command vehicle carrying him turned over like this, and lay on the ground with its feet upside down!

"Not good, I was hit by the chasing enemy!"

Mundo immediately understood what happened, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart!

In this case, my own command vehicle can be hit. I really don't know if the opponent's artillery is too powerful, or I am too unlucky!
Fortunately, the two command vehicles of Mundo are an enhanced version of armored vehicles, and their defense capabilities are much stronger than ordinary armored vehicles. Although they were overturned to the ground by the opponent's shells, the vehicles as a whole did not suffer much damage Mundo and his driver, who were in the car, were also unhurt.

Mondo quickly unbuckled his seat belt, pushed open the window, and got out with his butt dripping.

"Stop, I'm Colonel Mundo! I order you to stop immediately and let me go up!"

After Mundo got out of the car, he quickly stopped a nearby armored vehicle that was also fleeing, and ordered the other party to stop.

Although the soldiers on this armored vehicle were fleeing for their lives, the driver of the vehicle instinctively obeyed Mundo's order, quickly stopped the vehicle, and then opened the door to let Mundo step forward!

"It looks like a big fish ahead!"

Chasing on an armored vehicle not far behind Mondo, Jiang Xiaoyun saw this scene through the eyepiece of the sniper rifle in his hand, and couldn't help but whispered to the mercenary next to him.

Now that everyone is frantically fleeing for their lives, it is not easy to stop an armored vehicle. It is not easy to guess Mondo's identity!
Seeing that Mondo was about to jump onto the stopped armored vehicle a few steps away, Jiang Xiaoyun pointed the sniper rifle in his hand at Mondo without hesitation!

Even though the armored vehicle under him was bumping so fast that it made people want to vomit blood, the sniper rifle in Jiang Xiaoyun's hand was like cast iron, motionless!
The cross mark in the eyepiece is tightly locked on Mondo's chest!

It is very difficult to hit a target while moving rapidly!
Even the top snipers in the world dare not say that they can guarantee to hit the target, and neither can Jiang Xiaoyun.

But now is his last chance to make a move. It will be difficult to catch this big fish after Mundo gets on the armored vehicle!

Seeing the door of the armored car open in front of him, Mondo couldn't help showing a happy expression on his face.

It was only two steps away, as long as he took two more steps, he could enter the armored vehicle and escape!

Just when Mondo had already grasped the car door with both hands and was about to pull himself up with all his strength, he suddenly heard a muffled gunshot!

Then Mondo felt a sharp pain in his chest, and a strong force pushed him into the air!

Seeing the car door that was close at hand, but now getting farther and farther away from him, Mondo let out a unwilling roar!

Mondo's body hit the ground heavily, and the blood flowed out from his chest, which soon soaked the ground under him.

The driver of the armored vehicle, who was still waiting for Mondo to board, seemed to have finally been awakened by the gunshot, and realized that he still had to run for his life, and he didn't need to care about the orders of a commander who had failed!

The door of the armored car closed instantly, and then the driver continued to flee without looking back. As for Mundo's body on the ground, he didn't even look at it again.


When the armored car that Jiang Xiaoyun was riding in got to the side of Mundo's body, Jiang Xiaoyun asked the mercenaries driving in front to stop the armored car, and then he jumped off the armored car with one step.

Although Jiang Xiaoyun knew that he might have killed a big fish this time, but he still didn't know the specific identity of Mondo, so out of curiosity, he wanted to come down and take a look - to check his loot, which is also available to every mercenary Habit.

"Hey, this guy is a colonel?"

Seeing the military rank on Mondo's uniform, Jiang Xiaoyun couldn't help showing joy on his face.

For these warlord forces in Somalia, the leaders generally call themselves generals, and the colonel is almost the highest rank that these warlords can achieve!

"This person should be the commander of this battlefield!"

Another security team leader who came down to check with Jiang Xiaoyun looked at Jiang Xiaoyun enviously and said: "You really made a lot of money this time, this time you actually killed the opponent's commander with your own hands! The boss will definitely reward you again when he finds out. You do it!"

Jiang Xiaoyun won No.1 in the last competition, and the hundreds of thousands of Yanhuang coins rewarded by Li Yu have already made other mercenaries jealous.

And now, he actually killed the opponent's supreme commander again!

The few mercenaries next to him couldn't help but envy this Yanhuang boy's good luck!

"Haha, after I get the reward this time, I will definitely treat my brothers to a big meal again!"

Jiang Xiaoyun also couldn't help laughing out loud.

This time, the people under the umbrella continued to hunt down these deserters under Ivan until dawn. After leaving Tyre's territory, they had to return with the captured tanks, armored vehicles and prisoners.

(End of this chapter)

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