I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 289 Invited by the President

Chapter 289 Invited by the President
After the group left the umbrella, they drove directly to the capital Bayer City.

Although Li Yu has kept a low profile as much as possible, the six armored vehicles protecting the front and rear of his vehicle still attracted the attention of many people on the road, and they all speculated which big man from Somalia was traveling.

As the capital of Somalia, Bayer City is the most prosperous place in Somalia, even compared with those first-class metropolises in the world, it is not much inferior.

And because of the prevalence of the mercenary industry in Somalia, Bayer City has formed its own style, and you can often see those mercenaries with weapons on their waists and fierce aura walking on the street.

However, Taylor was still very concerned about the law and order in Bayer City. There were patrolling policemen and plainclothes officers all over the streets.

Once someone makes trouble, they can be arrested directly, or they can be killed on the spot.

Therefore, although there are many mercenaries, the law and order in Bayer City has always been very good.

This is why Li Yu dared to bring red to Bayer City.

"Ah, there are so many people!"

The sweet voice of the queen came from Li Yu's mobile phone microphone.

Li Yu's mobile phone camera has been facing the outside, allowing the red queen to see the outside scene clearly.

Although the Red Queen has also seen this kind of scene from videos and pictures, those scenes are incomparable with this real scene after all.

"Hehe, there are more people ahead!"

Li Yu smiled, he could see that the Red Queen was very excited now.

Li Yu wandered leisurely in this bustling street, but he couldn't make the security guards like Xiao Yao nervous.

Whenever mercenaries with guns pass by nearby, Xiao Yao and the others will keep a close eye on each other's every move, fearing that they will suddenly pull out their guns and give Li Yu a shot.

Fortunately, along the way, such a terrible thing did not happen.

Li Yu wandered around from store to store, looking very interested.

This puzzled Xiao Yao and others who were following behind, thinking that with Li Yu's character, he should not be the kind of person who likes to go shopping.

"Let's take a good look around, otherwise I'm afraid there will be no chance in the future!"

Noticing Xiao Yao's strange eyes, Li Yu said to them meaningfully.

Li Yu really didn't like shopping before, and the main purpose of coming out this time was just to meet the requirements of the Red Queen.

However, Li Yu's interest in strolling around has gradually increased, especially when thinking of the biochemical virus that will erupt at any time in the near future, this scene of singing and dancing will disappear and become a paradise for zombies. Xiao Yao and the others couldn't understand this complicated and difficult emotion.

"Go there... Master, master, I'm going to have a look there!"

The red queen in the mobile phone is like a little girl, chattering in Li Yu's ear non-stop.

In fact, she was created in less than a year. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a little girl who has not grown up.

It's just that the previous red queen focused more on helping Li Yu deal with various things, which seemed a bit mechanical and dull, and did not reveal her true nature.

"Good, good, good!"

Li Yu's tone was a little doting, as long as it was the place that the Red Queen wanted to go, Li Yu had no second choice, and immediately took Xiao Yao and the others to rush there.

"Is it Mr. Li Yu?"

At this moment, a middle-aged man suddenly stepped forward and stopped Li Yu and others.

Xiao Yao and others who were following Li Yu immediately stepped forward to protect Li Yu with nervous expressions, and at the same time looked warily at the middle-aged man in front of him.

"Don't be nervous, everyone, it's the President who wants to invite Mr. Li Yu to drink coffee!"

The middle-aged man smiled at Li Yu and the others, then reached out and pointed to a nearby coffee shop.

Through the glass door of the coffee shop, Li Yu and others happened to see Thiel smiling and nodding in their direction.

"Since it is invited by the President, of course we have to go!"

Li Yu smiled slightly, nodded to the middle-aged man, and said with a smile: "Please!"

Li Yu didn't believe that Thiel would meet him here by chance.

With Tell's intelligence capabilities, I am afraid that when Li Yu and the others first entered Bayer City, Tell got the news.

Now he is waiting for himself in this coffee shop, what exactly does he want to do?
Li Yu was also a little curious about Thiel's purpose, and immediately led Xiao Yao and others to follow the middle-aged man and walked towards the cafe where Thiel was.

Only the Red Queen showed an unhappy expression on the phone screen, obviously very dissatisfied with being interrupted by Tire.

But she also knew that this was a serious matter, so she didn't complain to Ye Mu.

"It turns out that Mr. President likes to drink coffee!"

After Li Yu entered the coffee shop, he went directly to the seat opposite Tyre and sat down, smiling.

"Hehe, actually I prefer to drink your Yanhuang tea..."

Taylor glanced at Li Yu with a smile, and asked, "Mr. Li Yu is really interested, why are you still in the mood to come to Bayer City now? Don't tell me you are just here for shopping?"

After Li Yu and the others entered Bayer City, Taylor's people have been monitoring them.

But seeing that nearly two hours had passed, Li Yu and the others were just wandering on the street without doing anything. This made Thiel feel very strange, so he decided to come to see Li Yu in person, and wanted to see him come to Bayer What is the purpose of the city.

"Why are you not interested in shopping?"

Li Yu shrugged and said disdainfully: "Mr. President thought that those jumping clowns last night could scare me, Li Yu, into fear and fear, so I dare not go out?"

What Li Yu said was indeed the truth. With the countless bloody storms he had experienced in his previous life, the battle last night was just a small fight for him.

But obviously Thiel would not see it that way, thinking that Li Yu was just perfunctory him.

He didn't believe that Li Yu was so young, he would have such a heart shape that the mountain collapsed in front of him without changing his face.

Both of them are scheming people, drinking the coffee on the table in a leisurely manner, while talking about each other's words without any trace.

However, after chatting for more than half an hour, Li Yu felt a little impatient. He felt that he would be more happy to go shopping with the red queen because he was fighting with the old fox Tire here.

"Mr. President! For the loss of our umbrella this time, how are you going to compensate us in Somalia? Don't think that you can pass by just publishing some innocuous condemnations in the newspaper! If your country can't give our company a satisfactory answer, Then our umbrella can only divest and leave Somalia and go back to Yanhuang?"

Li Yu directly raised a sharper question.

Of course, leaving Somalia is just a trick for him to play hard to catch. Now even if Thiel wants to drive him away, Li Yu will not leave.

 PS: The end of the world has already entered the introduction, and then we will go to the raccoon, that place is there, everyone should know that by then, the characters in biochemistry will be online, so stay tuned, and at the same time, the virus outbreak has entered the countdown.

(End of this chapter)

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