Chapter 293

"I'm going to do something to Umbrella!" Li Yu's expression became serious.

"What? Do something to Umbrella?" The three looked shocked.

"That's right." Li Yu told the three of them what Umbrella had done to the umbrella in Somalia recently.

After listening to Li Yu's words, the three people in the conference room were extremely horrified. They didn't expect so many things to happen after Li Yu left Yanhuang.

Jiang Yuyao's face was even more angry: "This Umbrella is too much, even sent someone to assassinate you!"

Since the death of Li Yu's parents, Jiang Yuyao has regarded Li Yu as her only relative, and after what happened between her and Li Yu, the relationship between the two has become closer.

Therefore, Jiang Yuyao was particularly angry when she heard that Li Yu was assassinated.

This kind of angry expression rarely appeared on her usually calm face.

"So you have to know that this time we entered the US market, not just for the simple purpose of doing business! At that time, we still have to have a head-on collision with Umbrella, which is very dangerous!"

Li Yu stared at Chu Hanyun seriously, and said in a deep voice, "Now you know why I won't let you go!"

"Li Yu, I know you are worried about me! It's okay if I don't go, but now I know that Umbrella dares to shoot you, then I must go!"

Unexpectedly, after listening to Li Yu's words, Chu Hanyun's expression seemed to become more determined, and she said without hesitation: "I will make Umbrella pay for this matter!"


Li Yu felt depressed for a while. He didn't expect that he said so much, not only did not dispel Chu Hanyun's thoughts, but also made her more determined.

Looking at the solemnity in Chu Hanyun's eyes, Li Yu knew that he could not persuade Chu Hanyun this time.

He could only shake his head helplessly, and said to Chu Hanyun: "Okay, you can go, but you must agree to a few conditions of mine, otherwise I won't let you go to the United States no matter what!"

"Okay, I promise you whatever the conditions!"

Hearing that Li Yu finally let go, Chu Hanyun couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and quickly promised.

"First of all, Zhang Hong will go there with you this time!"

Li Yu looked at Zhang Hong on the big screen and asked, "Now that you know it's so dangerous over there, Zhang Hong, do you still dare to go?"

In fact, even without Chu Hanyun's participation, Li Yu would have told Zhang Hong about the grievances between Umbrella and Umbrella before Zhang Hong left.

If Zhang Hong refused to go to the United States after hearing it, Li Yu would not care.

After all, Zhang Hong is the veteran of the umbrella, and he used to be the old man who followed Li Yu's parents.

He has always been honest and responsible, and he has done a lot for the company over the years. There is hard work without credit, and Li Yu will not force him to do things he does not want to do.

After all, Zhang Hong is just an ordinary person who grew up in a stable environment like Yanhuang, and things like fighting and killing are too far away for him, and they are not suitable for him.

"I would like to go to America!"

After Zhang Hong heard Li Yu's words, he stood up without hesitation and said to Li Yu: "Don't worry, BOSS, I will go there with Mr. Chu, and I won't let her have trouble!"

"Zhang Hong, you have to think carefully! It will be dangerous to go to the United States this time!"

Li Yu didn't expect Zhang Hong to agree so happily, and confirmed again.

"Hehe, I have been working in the company for so many years, and I have already regarded this place as my home! If I am willing to contribute to the company at this time, who else can I count on?"

After hearing Li Yu's words, Zhang Hong just smiled lightly and said, "Boss doesn't need to say more, I have already decided!"

"it is good!"

Seeing that the attitudes of the two people were so firm, Li Yu could only nod his head and said to the two of them: "Don't worry, I will send Xiao Yao to bring some security guards and mercenaries there before you arrive in the country of America. We can guarantee your safety!"

Wanting to fight against a big group like Umbrella is not as simple as a nominal business competition.

Umbrella can do things like assassination to Li Yu, and naturally he can do it to Chu Hanyun and Zhang Hong after arriving in the United States.

"You two can choose 20 people who voluntarily follow in the company's management, so that when you arrive in the United States, you can also quickly build the company's shelf!"

Li Yu exhorted the two of them, and then hung up the video communication.

Now that I have met Jiang Yuyao and Chu Hanyun today, Li Yu no longer avoids them. After hanging up the company's internal video communication, Li Yu used his private phone to call the two women respectively.

This time, of course, I won't talk about the company's official affairs anymore, just chatting about what happened to each other during this period, and the parting feelings between each other.

Regarding Chu Hanyun, although Li Yu had that kind of relationship with her, he really didn't know her very well, and after what happened that night, the atmosphere between the two was a little awkward.

After Li Yu dialed her number, the two chatted for less than 10 minutes before hanging up the phone hastily.

On the contrary, it was Jiang Yuyao who seemed a bit verbose on the phone, not at all like the strong woman she was in the company.

"Ayu, you must pay more attention to your own safety in Somalia! If you can't do it, you can go back to Yanhuang and leave all the affairs of Somalia to Wei Quan. He did a good job in the past!"

After answering Jiang Yuyao's call, Li Yu couldn't remember how many times Jiang Yuyao said such things to him.

In this regard, Li Yu can only respond with a wry smile.

If Wei Quan is just conservative, his ability is enough, but the problem is that Li Yu's goal is more than that.

After controlling Jiang Jiu, Li Yu's ambitions also swelled. Now he wants to use Jiang Jiu to annex other forces that cannibalize Somalia step by step, and eventually occupy the entire Somalia!

If you want to do this, you can't do it by relying on Wei Quan and the others. You must have Li Yu sitting there.

Therefore, it is impossible for Li Yu to agree with Jiang Yuyao's words now, he just casually changed the topic to talk about other things.

When Li Yu ended the call with Jiang Yuyao, he realized that two hours had passed before he knew it.

The phone call between him and Jiang Yuyao was actually longer than the previous video conference.

Li Yu is also speechless about this, which shows that nagging is indeed a woman's natural ability.

During this call, the three of them tacitly did not mention what happened that night. After the incident, it is better to talk about such things in person, because it is always unclear on the phone.

Li Yu is also planning to explain to the two women in person when he has time to return to Yanhuang.

The next day, Li Yu summoned Xiao Yao in the office and told him about sending him to the United States.

This time Li Yu sent Xiao Yao to the United States, of course it was not just as simple as asking him to protect Chu Hanyun and Zhang Hong.

(End of this chapter)

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