I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 296 To the Raccoon

Chapter 296 To the Raccoon
The manufacture and sale of guns in the United States is the same as other ordinary products, but if you want to carry and use guns, you need to apply for relevant documents.

If the government of the United States gets stuck with the umbrella on this, it will make the development of the umbrella mercenary company passive.

"As long as the people in your company abide by the laws of our country, this is no problem, I can promise you!"

Cruise also agreed to Jiang Yuyao's request without hesitation.

"Third, I hope that your country can give us some tax benefits!"

Jiang Yuyao then raised the third condition, which was also her last condition.

In the United States, no company dares to evade taxes. Otherwise, once it is discovered, the fines alone will make a company go bankrupt easily.

Moreover, the taxes in the United States are also extremely high. If some discounts can be obtained, it will be of great benefit to Umbrella's next competition with Umbrella.


Jiang Yuyao's question made Cruise feel a little embarrassed. He frowned and said, "In the United States, taxes are open and transparent. If we give you preferential treatment, I'm afraid it will cause dissatisfaction among other similar companies."

"Other companies in the United States don't have bird flu medicines, and don't have the advanced medicines under my umbrella." Jiang Yuyao frowned,

Seeing Jiang Yuyao's slightly displeased expression, Cruise was afraid that the umbrella's entry into the United States would be ruined, so he quickly added: "I can't decide this matter, I'd better ask for instructions first, and I'll give you an answer tomorrow."

"Okay, if there is nothing else, then I will take my leave first!"

Hearing what Cruise said, Jiang Yuyao got up immediately and said goodbye to Cruise.

When Jiang Yuyao was discussing the conditions with the ambassador of the United States, Li Yu in Somalia had already completed the visa to the United States.

He immediately gathered Xiao Yao, who was about to go to the United States, and nearly a hundred security guards and mercenaries selected by him, and informed them to prepare and set off in the afternoon.

"Boss, you want to go with us?"

Seeing Li Yu also looking ready to go, Xiao Yao asked in surprise.

"Well, after all, we have to establish a new branch. I'd better take a look at the past and feel more at ease. The United States is different from Somalia, and the crisis is even greater!" Li Yu nodded and said seriously.

Umbrella deliberately chose to establish its own branch in Raccoon City, which was undoubtedly a serious provocation against Umbrella.

No one can guarantee what the company will do when it goes crazy. Li Yu feels that he is more at ease following the past. After all, with his current strength and abilities, he can also help the company through some crises.

Xiao Yao looked a little happy. He felt a little sad that he would be separated from Li Yu for a while before. Since Li Yu is going to the United States, it is naturally the best.

But now Xiao Yao is no longer Li Yu's bodyguard and driver. Since Li Yu is going to the United States, Long Tao, Jiang Xiaoyun and others who have just taken over Xiao Yao's position will naturally follow.

Long Tao is a hulking young man in his 20s, with a simple and honest look on his face.

Since replacing Xiao Yao as Li Yu's bodyguard, Long Tao has been very excited. He has almost followed Li Yu's footsteps, and he will follow Li Yu wherever he goes.

Even if Li Yu wants to go to the toilet, he has to go in with him, without a wink, which often makes Li Yu feel a little dumbfounded.

No wonder Xiao Yao relies on him for being more than loyal but not capable.

Li Yu is also a little helpless about this, it is always difficult to have perfect people in the world.

For Li Yu, who has been betrayed by his subordinates in his previous life, he still feels that loyalty is more important than ability.

And Jiang Xiaoyun, who was standing on the other side behind Li Yu, was as silent as ever, standing straight with a sniper rifle on his back, like a javelin.

Jiang Xiaoyun was not dissatisfied with leaving the mercenary company and joining Li Yu's bodyguards.

He became a mercenary at the beginning just to make money, as long as Li Yu gave him money, it didn't matter what he asked him to do.

"Let's go!"

After the afternoon, under Li Yu's order, the group left the umbrella company and went to Somalia Airport.

This time, of course, there will be no shooting like last time - Umbrella is not that stupid, and the same method will not be used twice.

And this time, Li Yu and the others naturally also chartered a special plane, so that they can carry various powerful weapons into the plane without security checks.

This time, he was going to Umbrella's old lair, and Li Yu didn't dare to be careless at all. All kinds of new weapons recently produced in the company were selected and equipped with the best ones for everyone.

However, Li Yu felt that the more he was in his lair, the less Umbrella dared to do anything to himself this time.

After all, if things get too big, then Umbrella will definitely attract the attention of the US government. It is impossible for them to hide and develop in a low-key manner. Even their research on chemical weapons may be exposed. ****OSS, this is the airsickness medicine for you..."

Xiao Yao smiled ninja, and handed a bottle of pills to Li Yu.

Now Xiao Yao naturally understands that when Li Yu came to Somalia last time, Li Yu would have that expression, probably due to airsickness.

So before this departure, Xiao Yao went to the infirmary to get a bottle of airsickness medicine.

"Need not!"

Li Yu waved his hand, his face turned dark.

His airsickness is actually caused by psychological factors, and this kind of airsickness medicine may not be effective. When Li Yu's strength grows to the point that even if the plane is destroyed, he will be fine, this airsickness will naturally heal without medicine.


After taxiing rapidly for a period of time, the plane flew away from the Somalia airport.

"Are you sure you saw Li Yu leaving by plane?"

At this time, Somali President Tal, who was sitting in his office, was asking a military officer standing in front of him with a serious face.

"Yes, Li Yu left Somalia with more than 100 security guards this time. His goal should be the United States!"

The officer replied.

The movement when Li Yu left was not small, and it was impossible to hide from Thiel's intelligence network. When Li Yu's plane had just taken off for less than half an hour, Thiel got the news.

"At this time...what is he going to America for?"

Tire frowned, muttered to himself, his eyes flashed: "Could it be, he is to deal with it."

Thiel thought of the phone call from the United States before Ivan sent people to attack the umbrella company. . .

(End of this chapter)

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