I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 298 Urgent Umbrella

Chapter 298 Urgent Umbrella
and so!
Although Jiang Yuyao had negotiated three conditions with the US ambassador before, whether the mayor was willing to obey the orders of the US government was still a matter of debate.

However, Li Yu is not too worried about this. With the current strength and potential of the umbrella, unless the mayor's head is kicked by a donkey, he will definitely not be dissatisfied with the umbrella because of these conditions.

After all, the United States still needs medicines such as antibiotics and bird flu vaccines produced by the umbrella.

"I'm Li Yu!"

Li Yu arrived at the city hall, and as soon as he reported his name, he was immediately received by Raccoon City Mayor Jims in person.

The mayor's secretary personally took Li Yu into the mayor's office.

Long Tao, who had been following Li Yu, wanted to continue to follow in to protect Li Yu, but was glared at by Li Yu, and stopped the winkless guy.

What he was going to meet now was the mayor of Raccoon City in the United States. It would be too arrogant if he went in with his own bodyguard.

"Haha, this is Mr. Li Yu, the president of the umbrella, he is really young and promising!"

Jims is a middle-aged man in his 40s, with a handsome appearance and a humorous tone of voice, which is easy to make people feel good.

"I am Li Yu, and I will ask Mr. Mayor to take care of me in the future!"

Li Yu said to Jims in fluent American language.

"Hehe, it's our Raccoon City's honor that Umbrella can come to our Raccoon City to establish a branch. I, the mayor, naturally welcome it!"

Jims said with a smile on his face.

After the two were polite for a while, Li Yu finally got to the point: "I'm here this time, just to ask, is it possible to fulfill the three conditions that your country promised us the umbrella company last time?"

Americans like to speak more directly, instead of beating around the bush like Yanhuang people. Li Yu also does as the Romans do, so he asked this question directly.

"Of course!"

After hearing Li Yu's words, Jims nodded without hesitation and said: "As for the three conditions that we promised your company in the United States, our Raccoon City can fulfill them all!"

Jims can not care about the decision of the government of the United States, but he can't care about Li Yu's opinion!
Although Li Yu wants to establish a branch in the United States, it does not necessarily have to be in their Raccoon City.

If it made Li Yu unhappy and let him directly build branches in other cities, then he, the mayor of Raccoon City, might be kicked out by dissatisfied citizens.

After all, the medicine for bird flu is something that all Americans want to be vaccinated.

"The mayor is really good! I don't know where the company's residence that my umbrella group is going to lease is?"

Li Yu nodded in satisfaction when he heard Jims agree so simply.

The three conditions proposed by Jiang Yuyao are very important. If Raccoon City does not agree, it will definitely have a great impact on the development of Umbrella in the United States.

"These are the five office buildings in the city center that our city hall currently has the authority to dispose of. You can choose any one of them."

James picked up a document from the table and handed it to Li Yu.

Li Yu was a little surprised. He originally thought that Jims would assign them a random place, but he didn't expect to be able to choose by himself.

Li Yu opened the file and looked through it carefully.

These five office buildings were temporarily placed under the name of the city hall due to some problems with the original owner or the company.

Originally, these buildings were all going to be put up for auction, but Jims drew one out of them, and it would be fine to distribute it to the umbrella company.

"Well, let's take this one!"

Li Yu flipped through it for about 10 minutes, and finally decided to choose one of the office buildings as the location of the umbrella branch. Of course, it is the most luxurious and atmospheric one, and the most important thing is that it has an easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack location, which is very suitable Umbrella security defense.

This is the first branch of Umbrella in the United States, so Li Yu must be cautious.

This building is located in the city center, and Li Yu is very satisfied with both the area and the location.

However, the rent of this building is not cheap, more than 1000 million yuan per year.

However, the money is just a trivial matter for the current umbrella, and Li Yu doesn't care at all.

"Okay, I'll have someone draft a contract immediately, and as long as Mr. Li Yu pays the rent, he can go and accept it!"

Jims nodded, summoned his secretary, and went out to draw up a lease.

The contract was written quickly, and both Li Yu and Jims signed their names on the contract, and Jims also printed the seal of the city hall on it.

"Mr. Li Yu, happy cooperation!"

After the contract was signed, Jims got up and shook hands with Li Yu.

"Happy cooperation!"

Li Yu smiled, then got up and said goodbye to James, and left the city hall.

Now that the contract has been signed, Li Yu directly returned the hotel room and took everyone to the company's new office building.

The office building Li Yu chose is more than 50 stories high and is considered one of the tallest buildings in Raccoon City.

In addition to the office floors below, there are a number of residential floors above.

Li Yu directly arranged Xiao Yao and the others on the upper living floor, and he himself found a room on the top floor to live in.

Anyway, Li Yu will not stay in the United States for too long, there is no need to go out and buy a villa to live in.

And not long after Li Yu left the city hall, Umbrella, who was also in Raccoon City, finally got the news that Umbrella would establish a branch in Raccoon City!

Dr. William, as one of Umbrella's three executors, urgently held an Umbrella high-level meeting.

Not only did all Umbrella's top executives participate in this meeting, but even James and Wesker, who don't often appear in the company, also appeared.


After everyone arrived, Dr. William sat on the main seat and patted the table again, angrily said to everyone: "Everyone, we have news from the people in the city hall that this morning, Li Yu actually appeared in the The city hall, and also got an office building from Jims, and is going to set up a branch of the umbrella in Raccoon City!"

When everyone in the conference hall heard Dr. William's words, they couldn't help being startled, and they all bowed their heads and whispered.

For the recent series of conflicts between Umbrella and Umbrella Corporation, these high-level officials are naturally aware of it, and some of them even participated in it.

But none of them expected that Umbrella would be so courageous that they would suddenly go to Raccoon City, their hometown of Umbrella, to establish a branch!
"Everyone, this is Li Yu and Umbrella's naked provocation to us Umbrella, we must pay back!"

Dr. William snapped.

Dr. William was originally worried about the failure of the last operation to buy Ivan's umbrella in Somalia, and now Li Yu's behavior has completely angered him.

(End of this chapter)

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