I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 300 Tier 2 Bionic Warrior

Chapter 300 Tier [-] Bionic Warrior (Subscribe)

In fact, if Umbrella hadn't obtained the drug virus sample from Donglin Group last time, he wouldn't have developed a new type of T virus so quickly.

Those ordinary biochemical warriors need to be injected with this new type of T-virus before they can start their second evolution.

It's just that the only biochemical warrior who has successfully evolved to the second level is still undergoing experiments and observations in the petri dish. It is not a wise choice to wake him up before collecting enough information.

But seeing the virus crystals approaching, Dr. William was willing to go all out, and had to take the risk of waking up this second-level biochemical warrior in advance.

Although everyone in the conference hall felt that something was wrong, with Dr. William's position in Umbrella, no one dared to raise any objections.

"Let's decide like this! You go down and start preparing to wake up the second-order biochemical warrior, and try to ensure that he will not lose control!"

Dr. William gave orders to everyone, and finally gave another advice.

It is not unheard of that the biochemical warrior fell into a state of madness after being awakened, and then crazily attacked the experimenter.

Although the biochemical warrior was killed in the end, more than a dozen researchers were killed or injured.

And this time the one who will be awakened is a second-order biochemical warrior. If he goes crazy, he will definitely cause more harm, so he has to guard against it.

This time, in order to be able to capture the virus crystal in Li Yu's hands, Dr. William also worked hard, even if he sacrificed the only second-level biochemical warrior, he would not hesitate!

And once the virus crystals can be obtained, Dr. William is sure to create even stronger biochemical warriors, not to mention second-order biochemical warriors.

While Umbrella was busy preparing to wake up the second-order biochemical warrior, Umbrella was renovating the office building that had just been leased.

In fact, this building was originally the office building of another company, and there is no need for major changes. Just remove the original company logo and name and replace it with the name of the umbrella company and the umbrella logo.

Li Yu asked someone to find a decoration team of more than 20 people, and it took only one afternoon to complete the renovation.

The whole office building has a new look, and the huge umbrella sign just hung outside has attracted the attention of many passers-by.

Although this small change was only made, Xiao Yao and the others couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging to this building.

"Well...this is our own company!"

Li Yu nodded with satisfaction.

But at this moment, Li Yu's cell phone rang.

"It's Hanyun, what's the matter?"

Seeing that it was Chu Hanyun's call, Li Yu asked after connecting directly.

Since the relationship with Chu Hanyun happened, Li Yu couldn't continue to call Chu Hanyun "Manager Chu" or "Miss Chu", so he naturally changed to a more intimate name.

"Li Yu, Director Zhang, Director Feng and I will arrive in the United States tomorrow morning, and now I will tell you in advance!"

Chu Hanyun's sweet and capable voice came from the phone.

It may be because there are outsiders beside her. Whether it is address or tone, Chu Hanyun's words are more formal. If it is in private, Chu Hanyun will directly call Li Yu's name.

"Okay! After you arrive in the United States tomorrow, don't leave the airport for now, I will take someone to pick you up!"

Li Yu's expression became serious, and he exhorted.

"Okay, I know!"

Although Li Yu didn't say it clearly, Chu Hanyun understood that he was worried that Umbrella's people would attack her group, so she readily agreed.

Neither of them said much, and hung up the phone directly after finishing their business.

Anyway, Li Yu will stay in the United States for a while, and when Chu Hanyun arrives, they will have plenty of time to spend alone.

Early the next morning, Li Yu took Xiao Yao and the others to the Raccoon City Airport at the agreed time to meet Chu Hanyun and the others.

Although Li Yu felt that Umbrella would not be so insane, he dared to directly attack Chu Hanyun and the others in a place like the airport.

But just in case, Li Yu brought all the security guards and mercenaries who came to the United States with him this time.

And, get them fully armed with all the powerful weapons and equipment.

Such a lineup can almost capture a small military base.

If Umbrella dares to do it, Li Yu will definitely make them come and go.

When Li Yu and the others arrived at the airport according to the agreed time, Chu Hanyun's special plane also arrived just in time.


"Good boss!"


Seeing Li Yu coming to greet him in person, Zhang Hong, Feng Bin, and more than 20 other company managers who got out of the car behind Chu Hanyun were a little moved, and hurried forward to say hello to Li Yu.

"It is I who want to thank you!"

Li Yu nodded to everyone, and suddenly bowed to them.

"What is the boss doing!"

"Boss, no!"


Seeing Li Yu like this, Zhang Hong and the others quickly avoided, not daring to really accept Li Yu's gift.

"Both Manager Chu and Manager Zhang should have told you how dangerous the opponent we are going to face this time is, right? But you are not far away, and you dare to come to the United States to help us establish a branch under the umbrella. This gift is my Li Yu As it should!"

Li Yu said solemnly.

He is so contrived, not only for show, but also for his sincerity.

Although many of these people came to the United States for money and status, anyway, since they are willing to take such risks for the umbrella, Li Yu is naturally grateful.

"Boss is serious! Since Manager Chu is not afraid of a woman, what am I afraid of?"

A young man in his 20s said to Li Yu with a smile.

Li Yu knew this person. It was the young man who dared to speak out against Li Yu when Li Yu held a video conference between the two places in Somalia last time.

"I remember you... your name is Zhang Yi, right?"

Li Yu stepped forward with a smile, took the initiative to shake hands with Zhang Yi, and said with a smile: "I knew you were a brave kid last time, but I didn't expect you to come this time!"

"Hehe, everything is for the company!"

Zhang Yi was a little flattered, but he didn't expect Li Yu to actually remember his name.

"Okay, now I'll take you to our company first!"

Li Yu nodded to everyone with a smile, and then led everyone to the umbrella branch in downtown Raccoon.

Xiao Yao immediately led his security guards and mercenaries to disperse around, and surrounded Li Yu and Chu Hanyun.

(End of this chapter)

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