I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 306 Alice's Actions

Chapter 306 Alice's Actions (for Subscription)

"Well, you are right. This Li Yu must not be underestimated. He can survive the pursuit of William and the others many times. He is absolutely impossible to be a simple character!"

After listening to Alice's report, Marcus nodded thoughtfully: "It seems that after you told him the cause of Li Yu's parents' death, you have successfully provoked his hatred and anger! In this way, William I'm afraid they will really have a headache in the future... Haha!"

"Yes, Li Yu was very angry at the time! Next, the umbrella company and Dr. William will inevitably have more intense battles, and we will have a good show."

A smile appeared on the corner of Alice's mouth, agreeing to what Marcus said.

After Alice said goodbye and left Marcus's office, the smile on the corner of Alice's mouth suddenly subsided, and she became the expressionless look before.

"I don't know if the program in this USB flash drive can be compared with the intelligence in Umbrella. Hey, let's take a step and see. First, find a way to insert this USB flash drive into the network terminal."

While making an aimless look in Umbrella and constantly patrolling, Alice gently pressed the U disk that Li Yu gave her in her pocket.

She was thinking about how to quietly insert the U disk that Li Yu gave her into the LAN port inside Umbrella.

Although Alice also thought that Li Yu's method was unlikely to succeed, but thinking of Li Yu's confident look before, Alice decided to try it.

As long as this matter doesn't implicate me, it's fine even if someone finds out.

"Director Alice!"

"Hi, Supervisor Alice!"


The security guards patrolling the Umbrella company stopped immediately after seeing Alice and greeted him one after another.

Alice used to patrol the company frequently, and the security guards didn't express any surprise about her appearance.

"Well, you have worked hard, continue to patrol, and if you find anything unusual, report it to me immediately!"

Alice said to the security guards in a cold voice.

"Yes, Supervisor Alice!"

These security guards were used to Alice's cold appearance, so they nodded and agreed without paying any attention.

After the security guards left, Alice continued to pretend to be looking around aimlessly, but her figure was getting closer and closer to her destination, a biochemical virus sample storage room.

To be precise, it is the computer in this storage room.

According to Li Yu, as long as the U disk is inserted into any computer connected to the core network of Umbrella, the program in the U disk can be secretly distributed into all other computers connected to the Internet.

Although the biochemical virus storage room not far from Alice is inconspicuous, the computer inside is also connected to the Umbrella core network for the convenience of counting the number of virus samples in the company.

And out of guard against Marcus, even the computer in Marcus's office does not have permission to access the company's core network!
It can also be seen how far Marcus has been emptied. He has almost been reduced to a decoration in Umbrella, and he has long been separated from the core layer of the company.

However, the storage room where the biochemical virus samples were stored was out of the inspection range of Alice and the security guards, and there were biochemical soldiers sent by Dr. William to guard it.

And once Alice is found to have entered the core area that she has no right to enter, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

Alice quietly approached the storage room, and when she was less than 100 meters away from the storage room, she saw two fully armed biochemical warriors standing guard at the door of the storage room.

Among the two biochemical warriors, one of whom Alice still knew was a young black man named Thomas.


Looking at this black young man, Alice who was hiding in the corner, couldn't help but a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes.

Thomas was originally a member of the security guards and was Alice's subordinate.

Because Thomas speaks humorously, he is also very popular among security guards.

It's a pity that Thomas was later named by the company and entered the biochemical warrior transformation laboratory to conduct transformation experiments on biochemical warriors.

Three months later, when Alice saw Thomas again, she could hardly recognize him at all!

Thomas, who was originally tall and strong, has now grown more than a head taller, and his body has grown even bigger.

And his originally sharp and clever eyes became dull and lifeless. Occasionally, a bloodthirsty light flashed uncontrollably in his eyes when he looked at Alice, which made Alice, who had been killed for a long time, couldn't help but tremble in her heart. cold.

Alice knew at that time that Thomas was no longer himself, but a machine that only knew how to kill.

It was from that time that Alice had the idea of ​​destroying Umbrella. Apart from wanting to get justice for Thomas, she also didn't want to become such a monster one day.

"Although these biochemical warriors are powerful, they also have their own weaknesses."

Looking at the two biochemical warriors standing like two statues at the door of the storage room, Alice thought to herself.

Although they, the security guards and the biochemical warriors, were in charge of different areas and it was difficult to meet each other, but they were still in the same company after all, so naturally they had much more chances of contact than outsiders.

Alice even went out of her way to find out, knowing that although the fighting power of these biochemical warriors is terrifying, their wisdom has dropped drastically, and some of them are no different from idiots.

Gently took out a leftover lollipop from her jacket pocket, Alice waved her hand vigorously, the lollipop flew tens of meters away, and landed on the opposite side of the storage room. direction.

"jump jump jump……"

The sound of lollipops bouncing on the ground continued softly, and the two biochemical warriors who were guarding the door of the storage room like clay sculptures suddenly moved!

They all let out a hoarse growl, and then galloped towards the direction where the lollipop fell.

"Look, this is the biochemical warrior you are so proud of, it's really stupid!"

A sneer of disdain appeared on the corner of Alice's lips, and at the same time her figure flashed, and it took only a few breaths to enter the storage room without any guards in an instant.

This storage room is not big, only about [-] square meters, and there is no one in it.

The light in the room was very dim, and the only source of light was the computer monitor emitting bluish light in the storage room.

Alice leaned in front of the computer, and saw that it displayed the names and quantities of various biochemical virus samples in the storage room.

"The opportunity is here!"

Although few people come to this storage room under normal circumstances, Alice still seized the time and quickly took out the USB flash drive in her pocket and inserted it into the interface of the computer.

PS: Brothers who are capable, please go to the Qidian Chinese website to subscribe, I am grateful, I can’t stand it anymore, I have no motivation at all.

(End of this chapter)

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