I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 308 Factory Progress

Chapter 308 Factory Progress
The factory that Feng Bin favored has closed down. It is said that the factory owner owes a lot of debts. I believe that Umbrella Company can take down this factory without spending too much money.

"Boss, since the factory has been confirmed, I'm going to buy production equipment tomorrow?"

Feng Bin asked Li Yu for instructions.

"Well, go! Send me the list after you buy it, and I'll ask the financial department to allocate funds for you!"

Li Yu nodded. It's not the first time Feng Bin has done such a thing. He has his own way, so Li Yu doesn't need to say more.

"Boss, the second batch of company management from Yanhuang is about to go to Raccoon."

After Feng Bin left, Zhang Hong walked into Li Yu's office and reported to Li Yu.

"Let Xiao Yao take someone to pick them up!"

Li Yu immediately called Xiao Yao downstairs and asked him to take someone to the airport to pick him up.

The people who came this time were only the middle and low-level management of the company, and there was no need for Li Yu to pick them up in person, it was enough to send Xiao Yao out.

Chu Hanyun, Zhang Hong, Feng Bin and others were the first batch to come, mainly to build the company's framework first.

And these are the second batch, as long as they are filled into the company's framework, they can start working immediately.

If the two groups of people had arrived at the same time, the company would have been thrown into chaos.

"Director Zhang, how is the company's staff recruitment going?"

After dealing with this trivial matter, Li Yu asked Zhang Hong again.

Although the company's factory building has not yet been officially built, the recruitment of employees has already begun.

"The company's management and ordinary employees are relatively easy to recruit, but the factory workers are really difficult to recruit in the United States!"

Speaking of this matter, Zhang Hong couldn't help frowning: "It seems that we are indeed going to Yanhuang to recruit."

"Then go to Yanhuang to recruit!"

Li Yu said to Zhang Hong indifferently: "These American guys don't like the tedious work of being a worker, but there are some people in Yanhuang who are willing to come here! Anyway, we have an agreement with the American ambassador before, and it is very convenient to apply for a visa."

"Okay, BOSS!"

Hearing what Li Yu said, Zhang Hong nodded and left Li Yu's office.

In the afternoon, Xiao Yao took the second batch of managers from Yanhuang to the company.

There are over a hundred of these newcomers, all of whom are elites selected by Umbrella from various branches of Yanhuang.

Their arrival has greatly enriched the company's current headcount, allowing the company to operate immediately without delay.

On the second day, the negotiations between Chu Hanyun and the original owner of the factory finally came to fruition.

Due to the closure of the factory, the original owner of the factory owed a lot of debts. If he could not repay within a time limit, his other assets such as villas and luxury cars would be forcibly auctioned by the court.

Chu Hanyun had investigated the amount of debt owed by the original owner of the factory before the negotiation, and knew that the other party owed about 3000 million yuan in debt.

After the negotiation started, Chu Hanyun took advantage of the other party's eagerness to get cash, and kept her bid below 3000 million yuan.

In normal times, the owner of the factory would never agree to the price anyway.

But now he is in debt and can't afford it at all. If he misses the buyer of the umbrella company, I'm afraid he won't be able to wait for the second seller, and the factory will be forcibly auctioned by the court.

In the end, in desperation, the owner of the factory could only accept the price of 3000 million yuan proposed by Chu Hanyun, and sold the factory to the umbrella company.

This price is indeed very low, just the land of the factory itself is almost worth the price.

Not to mention, there are a large number of workshops and buildings in the factory.

These factories and buildings can be directly used by umbrella companies, which can save a lot of construction expenses.

For Chu Hanyun's negotiating methods, everyone under the umbrella who followed her to negotiate was in admiration.

In fact, if Chu Hanyun hadn't chosen to merge the Chutian Group into the umbrella at the beginning, with Chu Hanyun's ability, the current Chutian Group would probably be far superior to before.

After Li Yu got the news, he also expressed his praise to Chu Hanyun in front of many employees of the company without hesitation. At the same time, according to the previous practice, he gave Chu Hanyun a reward of 100 million yuan.

Chu Hanyun's pretty face almost turned into a flower with a smile.

"As for being happy like this?"

Everyone in the company looked at Chu Hanyun's happy face and were secretly surprised.

Many of them knew that after Chu Hanyun sold the Chutian Group to the umbrella, she got a huge sum of money, which was enough for her to spend her lifetime.

Although the 100 million yuan rewarded by Li Yu is quite a lot, it doesn't make Chu Hanyun happy like this, does it?
They didn't know that Chu Hanyun was so happy, of course not because Li Yu rewarded her with the 100 million yuan, but only because of Li Yu's attitude and opinion towards her.

She didn't want herself to be just a beautiful vase in Li Yu's heart.

Now that the factory has been bought, it is natural to start rebuilding it.

Li Yu immediately ordered to send a construction company to the factory to carry out reconstruction work.

Although the umbrella of this factory can be used directly, there are still some things that need to be changed, so that it will be more suitable for the production of umbrella products.

But this reconstruction work is much simpler than building a new factory.

Of course, preparations for the construction of the Dragon's Nest underground base in the factory have also begun.

It took only half a month to complete the reconstruction work in the factory.

The entire factory looks completely new, with all the original logos and names in the factory erased and replaced with the umbrella logo.

At this time, Feng Bin, who went out to buy production equipment, finally returned to the company with a large number of production equipment.

Some of these equipment are used to produce medicines, some are used to produce weapons, and some are used to produce umbrellas and other products. They are all filled with more than a dozen boxes of train skins.

Although these instruments look inconspicuous, they are the best quality instruments that Feng Bin has purchased from all over the world. They are very expensive and cost the company hundreds of millions of dollars in total, which is more than the cost of buying a factory!
However, these expenses were agreed by Li Yu.

After all, the opponent this time is Umbrella. Li Yu knows the strength of this company better than anyone else. If he wants to deal with this company, naturally every detail must not be sloppy.

Due to the huge number of equipment purchased by the umbrella company this time, the manufacturers of these equipment have also sent experts to help the umbrella company install and test these equipment. . .

(End of this chapter)

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