I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 312 Lottery, Dragon Eagle Fighter

Chapter 312 Lottery, Dragon Eagle Fighter
"Director Thomas, all the medicines you need are here, please check them out!"

Feng Bin took Thomas's people to the warehouse where the medicine was stored, and said to Thomas.

"Yes, the production efficiency of your umbrellas is very good, we are very satisfied!"

Looking at a warehouse full of medicines, Thomas nodded with satisfaction, and then ordered the staff following him to go forward and count them.

After a whole morning, these medicines were finally counted, and Thomas immediately handed over the final payment of the order to Feng Bin.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for reaching 500 billion in total assets, and another chance to draw a lottery!"

Just after Toms transferred all the money to the account of the umbrella company, Li Yu suddenly heard the voice of the intellectual brain that had not moved for a long time: "Ding, congratulations to the master for successfully extracting the manufacturing drawings of the Dragon Eagle model, including the dragon Three types of Eagle helicopters, Dragon Eagle fighter jets, and Dragon Eagle transport aircraft!"

"This time I actually got a plane!"

Hearing the reminder from Zhinao, Li Yu couldn't help showing an overjoyed look on his face.

After the previous lottery draws, the armed forces of the protective umbrella have indeed been greatly enhanced, but in modern warfare, the importance of air power is beyond doubt.

This is undoubtedly a big shortcoming of the umbrella.

It was okay when I was in Somalia. After all, it was just a chaotic small country, and only a few powerful warlords such as Thiel had the strategic weapon of aircraft, while small warlords like Jiang Jiu and Zoe only had a few It's just a helicopter, no real fighter jets at all.

However, in most countries in the world, they all have their own fighter jets. If the umbrella has any conflicts with those countries in the future, then the umbrella will have no power to fight back against the cluster bombing of the opponent's fighter jets.

But now, Li Yu actually got the manufacturing technology of fighter jets this time, so the umbrella can naturally manufacture his own fighter jets!
If combined with tanks and armored vehicles on land, the umbrella will no longer be afraid of any opponent in the future.

"Intelligent brain, transfer the manufacturing technology of the Dragon Eagle aircraft to my brain!"

Li Yu ordered to Zhinao in a deep voice.

Of course, he can also let the brain transfer these technologies into the computer, so that Li Yu's brain can be less damaged.

But Li Yu deeply knows how important the technology transmitted to him by these intelligent brains will be when the end of the world comes and various human technologies are destroyed!
It can even be said that these technologies are related to the reconstruction of human civilized society in the future, which is not an exaggeration at all.

For such an important thing, Li Yu naturally needs to put it in his own brain to be more at ease.

Therefore, all the information he obtained from the intellectual brain before, he will let the intellectual brain transmit a copy to his brain.

Although the price of doing so is often a splitting headache for several days in a row.

But fortunately, with the continuous growth of Li Yu's mental power, now when the intellectual brain stuffs him with a lot of knowledge, his brain will no longer be as painful as before.

"Yes, Master!"

The intelligent brain doesn't think so much. Since Li Yu ordered it, it naturally immediately transmitted all the manufacturing technology of the Dragon Eagle aircraft into Li Yu's brain through brainwave transmission.


Although he had been prepared for a long time, when the intellectual brain transmitted the massive data into Li Yu's brain, he still couldn't help but let out a cry of pain.

The manufacturing technology of the three types of Dragon Eagle aircraft is ten times more complicated than that of the previous tanks and armored weapons. The knowledge involved in radio technology, aircraft engine technology, and aerodynamics is completely enough for an ordinary person to learn for a lifetime!

So much knowledge is now stuffed into Li Yu's brain, and the pain he needs to endure can be imagined.

Fortunately, Li Yu's strength is now close to the level of a fourth-level supernatural being, and his mental power is extremely powerful. Otherwise, if he is replaced by another person, it will not be as simple as a headache, but he will definitely go crazy directly.


There were big drops of sweat on Li Yu's forehead, and it took a full half an hour before he finally recovered a little bit, feeling that his brain was finally able to rethink again.

"Gu dong, gu dong..."

Li Yu picked up the teacup on the table and drank it in big gulps.

"Intelligent brain, transfer these materials to the computer again, so that I can hand them over to others to make!"

Li Yu's voice was a little hoarse and he ordered to Zhinao.

Zhinao naturally followed Li Yu's meaning, and once again transmitted the manufacturing technical data of the Dragon Eagle aircraft into a copy of the computer.

Li Yu immediately called Feng Bin and asked him to come to his office in person.

Feng Bin has been working in a factory in the suburbs, responsible for supervising the production of various products.

Because of the frequent trips between the factory and the company, Feng Bin is also the most dangerous one in the umbrella company.

Once Umbrella decides to attack the top management of the umbrella, Feng Bin is obviously the best target.

Therefore, Li Yu also arranged the most bodyguards around Feng Bin, which can be said to be second only to himself in the umbrella company.

Every time Feng Bin needs to go back and forth between the company and the factory, he has to take these bodyguards with him.

Fortunately, Umbrella hasn't taken any shots against the umbrella recently. I don't know if it's because they are concerned about the impact, or they haven't found a chance.


After Feng Bin rushed back to the company from the factory, he immediately went to Li Yu's office to meet him.

"Sit down, drink some water first!"

Seeing the oil stains on Feng Bin's body and sweat on his face, Li Yu knew how hurried he was, and quickly motioned him to sit down, and personally brought him a glass of water and handed it over.

It can be said that the recent preparations for the construction of the factory and the handover of the first order have been put on Feng Bin alone, and he is also the busiest one in the umbrella company.

Li Yu also felt a little guilty about interrupting his work suddenly and adding him from the factory.

"Thank you boss..."

Feng Bin was a little flattered, and quickly stood up again, taking the tea handed over by Li Yu with both hands.

After Feng Bin took a break and drank a few sips of tea, Li Yu talked about business.

"Director Feng, it's like this - I just got something, I want you to see how it goes..."

Li Yu said, turning the monitor of the computer in front of the desk to Feng Bin's position.

"Hey, this is..."

Umbrella Company has also produced a lot of tanks and various weapons. Feng Bin, as the head of the production department, naturally knows this aspect very well. He just saw at a glance that the information Li Yu let him see turned out to be very high-end. aircraft manufacturing technology.

(End of this chapter)

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