I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 315 Flight

Chapter 315 Flight

Mark gave Li Yu a standard military salute.

Mark also just got out of the army this year, and it happened that Umbrella needs to recruit test pilots. The salary is very good, so Mark came for an interview.

With his resume, he undoubtedly defeated many competitors and became the pilot of this test flight.

But before the test flight, Feng Bin told Mark that there might be dangers during the test flight.

After all, although this helicopter has been tested many times, it is the first time it has officially taken off. No one can guarantee whether there will be any problems on the way.

But this is not a big problem for people like Mark who have experienced real battlefields. As long as the umbrella gives him enough money, he dares to go up and test the flight.

"Be careful!"

Li Yu patted Mark on the shoulder, and then signaled Feng Bin to start the test flight.

Feng Bin immediately asked the staff next to him to come forward and help Mark equip the parachute behind him.

Although the parachute cannot ensure the safety of the driver, it is also Mark's greatest safety guarantee, and he must not be sloppy at all.

After Mark carried the parachute, the staff checked carefully several times to ensure that there was no problem with the parachute before allowing Mark to step onto the helicopter.

The shape of this helicopter is smooth, and the huge propellers are unfolded, making it look imposing.

Judging from the appearance alone, this Dragon Eagle helicopter has left most types of helicopters far behind.

Of course, for the helicopter, the appearance is only second, and the more important thing is its various performances. Once successful, the umbrella will have a real and practical killer.


As the helicopter started, the propeller on the top of the machine slowly turned, making a loud roar.

The strong airflow blows the crowd around and has to start to retreat, leaving a large open space.

With the speed of the propeller getting faster and faster, this sturdy Dragon Eagle helicopter finally left the ground slowly and flew up.

The tester next to him was busy, recording all kinds of detailed data when the helicopter was turned on into the computer.

"Yes, the engine of this Dragonhawk helicopter is very powerful!"

Seeing the Dragon Eagle helicopter flying higher and higher, Li Yu nodded with satisfaction.

Although he is just a layman, Li Yu can also see that this helicopter has not activated the maximum power since it took off, and it has pushed the helicopter into the sky like a light weight.

"This is also thanks to the manufacturing technology you gave me, BOSS!"

Feng Bin next to him heard Li Yu's words and said to him: "These technologies are very advanced, especially the manufacturing method of the engine, which is very creative! These new experts from the company are full of praise after seeing it!"

Hearing this, Li Yu just smiled and didn't say much - this was transmitted to him by the brain, can it be bad?
Since Zhinao recognized Li Yu as the master, all the technologies it has given are all high-quality products, and Li Yu is no stranger to this.

At this time, Mark, who was flying higher and higher in the helicopter, began to follow the instructions on the ground to make various actions in the helicopter.

Go forward, turn, lift, land...

The numerous and complicated movements dazzled everyone on the ground.

"This Mark's driving is really good, you guys found a treasure this time!"

Li Yu said to Feng Bin with satisfaction: "When our aircraft can be mass-produced, let Mark be responsible for teaching other people to fly the aircraft!"

When the mass production of the aircraft starts next, Li Yu is not going to sell it to the outside world for a short time, but will hand over all the aircraft produced first to the umbrella's own people and Jiang Jiu in Somalia for use.

Most of these people don't know how to fly a plane, and they must be taught by an experienced pilot like Mark himself.

Although it is impossible for the aircraft factory to make a profit for the umbrella in a short period of time, it has to continuously invest a lot of manpower and material resources, but Li Yu has no regrets at all.

Li Yu deeply understands that only money has no power, and that is just a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered. Only by arming one's own people to the teeth first, will no jackal dare to covet the growing wealth and advanced technologies of the umbrella.

Besides, the end times are coming soon, and no matter how much money you have, it will be just waste paper.

After the apocalypse in the previous life, I don't know how many top rich people in the world became penniless beggars overnight.

Only a company like Umbrella, which attaches great importance to developing its own strength, can survive better when the end of the world comes.

The flight test lasted a whole afternoon, until the fuel in the helicopter was exhausted, and then Mark drove the helicopter down to the ground slowly.

"Fantastic! This helicopter is really good, I have never flown such a good helicopter!"

After the helicopter landed, Mark jumped directly from the exit of the cabin, still shouting incessantly.

Mark has also driven many types of helicopters before, but now he feels that those helicopters are like toys compared to this Dragonhawk helicopter!
Whether it's flying speed or changing direction, this helicopter gives Mark a sense of control.

In fact, the test flight could have ended an hour earlier.

It was Mark who hadn't driven enough and was reluctant to land so quickly, which extended the test time by an hour.

Until the staff next to him took off the heavy parachute backpack on Mark's body, Mark's eyes hadn't left the helicopter in front of him, his expression was focused as if he was looking at his lover, and he seemed very obsessed.

"Hehe, Mark, as long as you work hard for our umbrella company, you may not be able to own such a helicopter in the future!"

Li Yu walked to Mark and said to him with a smile.

People who are familiar with Li Yu must know Li Yu's expression now, and he must be thinking about something again.

In fact, this is indeed the case. After seeing Mark's driving skills, Li Yu knew that this guy was a rare talent, and he had already made up his mind to tie him to the chariot of the umbrella.

Originally, Li Yu was still thinking about what conditions should be used to impress Mark so that he can sincerely belong to the umbrella.

But after seeing his obsessed eyes looking at the Dragon Eagle Helicopter, Li Yu knew it.

"No, although my current salary is quite a lot, but if I want to buy such a helicopter, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it all my life!"

Mark shook his head with some regret, but his eyes still did not move away from the Dragonhawk helicopter: "It seems that I can only fly it again when I test the performance of this aircraft in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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