I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 326 Disposal

Chapter 326 Disposal
"Are you Mr. Li Yu? I'm Brent, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Department!"

Seeing Li Yu come out with Feng Bin and others, the police chief named Brent immediately handed over his ID to Li Yu.

"It turned out to be Director Blunt."

Li Yu took the document and looked at it, then handed it back to Brent.

"Mr. Li Yu, this time I'm here to investigate the violent exchange of fire that happened here before. Could you please let us in?"

Brent asked Li Yu politely.

If Li Yu refuses, he really has no choice but to return to Raccoon City and wait until he gets the search warrant tomorrow before he can investigate again.

"Please come in!"

However, Li Yu gave way generously, allowing Brent to enter the factory with more than 20 policemen behind him.

Li Yu originally planned to use the power of the government of the United States to deal with Umbrella, so he did not hide it from Brent, and told Brent exactly what Umbrella sent biochemical soldiers to attack the umbrella factory.

After listening to Li Yu's story, Brent looked at Li Yu as if he was looking at a fool!
"What! Bionicle? God, are you kidding me?"

Brent didn't believe a word of Li Yu's Arabian Nights-like words at all.

Moreover, Umbrella has been established in Raccoon City for so many years and has always obeyed the law. Brent did not believe that they would do such a crazy thing as sending people to attack the umbrella factory.

At this time, Brent has decided that Li Yu is completely deceiving him, and there must be other secrets that Li Yu does not want him to know that there was such a big commotion in the factory before.

Li Yu also knew that he wanted to make Brent believe that it was impossible based on his own words, so he took Brent and other policemen directly to the place where they had exchanged fire with the surviving fighters, and asked people to kill them The bodies of those biochemical warriors and the mercenaries killed by them were carried out.

After these biochemical warriors have been transformed, they are somewhat different from human beings. Not only are they taller and bigger, but their complexions are also very ferocious, making them look like monsters.

When Brent and the policemen behind him saw the strange-looking corpses on the ground, their expressions suddenly changed.

They are all people who are used to seeing corpses, so they can tell at a glance that these corpses have just died and have not been tampered with.

However, how can human beings grow so deformed, and so many appear at one time?
Brent also had to believe a little bit about Li Yu's previous statement that they were biochemical warriors.

What made Brent even more dizzy was the more than 100 dead mercenary corpses on the ground.

Some of these mercenary corpses had their heads chopped off, some were disemboweled, and some were even torn in half, which looked horrible.

Brent has been handling cases for many years, and he has rarely seen such a brutal killing method.

Moreover, this time hundreds of people died at once!

This is definitely a serious event that can shock the entire United States, and even the world!

No matter what, Brent must find out the truth about tonight's attack, otherwise he, the chief of the police department, will definitely end his job.

"You can take away the corpses of these biochemical warriors first, and hand them over to the forensic doctor for identification. You will definitely find something special!"

Li Yu smiled slightly and said to Brent.

When Dr. William sent these biochemical warriors before, he definitely didn't expect that they would die here, and their corpses would become the most favorable evidence.

However, it is obviously not enough evidence to make others believe that these biochemical warriors were sent by Umbrella.

Li Yu had to wait until the red queen clone swallowed Umbrella's artificial intelligence program and got a lot of evidence.

"Okay, we will take these corpses away!"

Brent said to Li Yu solemnly: "I will report this to the mayor. If Umbrella did it, we will give you an umbrella of justice!"

Li Yu just nodded noncommittally, and then sent Brent and the others out of the factory.

Li Yu didn't believe Brent's assurance at all.

Umbrella has been operating in Raccoon City for so many years. If the officials of Raccoon City didn't find Umbrella's biochemical experiment at all, Li Yu didn't believe it at all.

It's just that Umbrella's power is deeply rooted, and many officials in Raccoon City City Hall have been bribed by them. These officials will naturally help Umbrella hide everything.

Li Yu wants to deal with Umbrella, although he has to rely on the power of the government of the United States, but if he wants to really catch Umbrella's criminal evidence, he still has to rely on himself.

After Brent and the others left the umbrella factory, the sky was almost dawning.

Li Yu immediately ordered the mercenaries to go down to rest, and wait until the day after tomorrow to reward and punish them according to their performance in battle.

Others can rest, but Li Yu has to drag his tired body and continue to count the battle losses tonight.

Of course, it is mainly my own loss.

Although speaking seriously, those who died on the umbrella side were mercenary-like cannon fodder, but what Umbrella died was their most powerful force—the second-order biochemical warrior.

However, the number of those second-order biochemical fighters is clear at a glance, and there is no need to count them at all. Only those dead mercenaries need to collect their bodies one by one and count their numbers.

"Boss, this is what I just counted. This time we killed a total of 120 seven mercenaries, including 73 official mercenaries and 54 temporary mercenaries."

It was around five o'clock the next morning that Xiao Yao told people that the corpses of those mercenaries were pieced together, and finally counted the number of these corpses, and then hurried to Li Yu's office to report to him.

"Well, according to the company's regulations, give them pensions!"

Li Yu said to Xiao Yao expressionlessly.

Li Yu, who was used to seeing life and death in his previous life, had long since stopped paying attention to such a small number of casualties.

For Li Yu, so many lives are just some cold numbers on paper.

Besides, they were just a group of mercenaries who were used as cannon fodder by Li Yu.

"By the way, did you remember the mercenaries who took the lead in escaping before?"

Li Yu's eyes flashed coldly, and he asked Xiao Yao.

"It's all been recorded, how to deal with them, please tell the boss."

Xiao Yao said respectfully to Li Yu.

After the previous battle and seeing Li Yu's terrifying strength, Xiao Yao is now even more in awe of Li Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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