I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 336 Rectification

Chapter 336 Rectification
Li Yu had expected the chaos outside.

In fact, after he informed Jims of the possible outbreak of the biochemical virus, he anticipated what might happen later.

After all, these things have already been experienced once in the previous life.

So after calling Jims, Li Yu ordered all the employees of the umbrella company to evacuate to the factory.

After all, the factory is a suburb, so it is relatively safe.

And there is also the Dragon's Nest underground base that is about to be completed. Even if there is a major outbreak of biochemical viruses, it will be safe there.

The company employees who followed Li Yu from Yanhuang obeyed the order and withdrew to the factories in the suburbs, but those recruited from the United States thought they were worried about their families and did not follow for various reasons.

There is nothing to do about Li Yu. Since it is their own choice, they should bear any consequences.

When the entire Raccoon City was in chaos, Li Yu had completely closed the umbrella factory and no one was allowed to enter.

In the factory, there are heavily armed mercenaries constantly patrolling, and if they find anyone who breaks in, they will be killed immediately.

By now the law doesn't mean anything—at least in Raccoon City.

"Boss, all supplies have been counted! The current food is enough for everyone in the factory to eat for about three months..."

Feng Bin was in an office in the Dragon Nest underground base, reporting the situation to Li Yu with a worried face.

This is thanks to the fact that Li Yu has been hoarding supplies before, otherwise there would be no food for these three months.

It's just that the time for the umbrella to come to the United States is still too short after all, and it is already the limit to be able to hoard these supplies.

After the factory was closed, all the materials in the factory were handed over to Feng Bin for management. Looking at the daily food supply that was greatly reduced, Feng Bin felt that his hair was going gray.

"Don't worry, there is only Raccoon City in the United States where a biochemical virus has broken out. The entire United States is paying attention to this place. It is estimated that there will be airdrops of food support soon. When the time comes, let our people go out and grab some back. "

Li Yu replied unhurriedly.

When the biochemical virus just broke out, basically there was no need to worry too much about food.

Only when the current grain is almost exhausted because of sitting and eating, will the food crisis really start to break out.

People who starve to death in the last days are no less than those who are bitten to death by zombies.

"Boss, some workers in the factory are clamoring for us to send them back to Yanhuang, and they are still inciting others to make trouble together!"

At this moment, Xiao Yao walked into the office anxiously and said to Li Yu.

"Huh? Didn't you say that if you want to leave, you can leave directly? Why are you still making trouble?"

Li Yu frowned.

"They know that even if they leave the factory, they won't be able to get out of Raccoon City and return to Yanhuang, so..."

Xiao Yao's expression turned ugly.

"Hmph! So you want us to help them?"

Li Yu sneered and added what Xiao Yao hadn't finished.

Now there are indeed dozens of planes in the umbrella factory, but at this time the air has been completely blocked by the United States, and it is almost impossible to break out directly.

In fact, Li Yu didn't want to leave the country at all for the time being-if he wanted to leave, he could leave before the US army blocked it.

But Li Yu knows that the outbreak of biochemical viruses is worldwide. Dr. William and the others may soon release biochemical viruses all over the world. By then, it will not be the same everywhere?
It's better to stay in the United States first, and adapt to the living environment of the end of the world in advance.

Li Yu can understand the feelings of other people who want to leave the fire pit of the United States.

However, understanding is understanding, but it does not mean that Li Yu can tolerate them instigating trouble in his factory.

"Talk about those who take the lead and those who are incited to make trouble, all will be driven out of the factory!"

Li Yu ordered Xiao Yao coldly: "Don't they want to go back? Then go by yourself!"

For this kind of person who eats his own food and smashes his own pot, Li Yu is extremely disgusted both in his previous life and now.

They should be thankful that they are Yanhuang people, and Yanhuang has not yet had a biochemical virus, otherwise Li Yu would directly use their lives to stand up, instead of just driving away the matter.

"But now there are people infected with biochemical viruses everywhere outside, if we drive them away..."

Although Xiao Yao is also very dissatisfied with these people, he has not lived in the last days after all, and his heart is not as hard as Li Yu. Thinking that these people are his compatriots, he feels a little bit unbearable.

"Remember, it's the end of the world now! If you want to survive, you have to make your heart colder..."

Li Yu looked at Xiao Yao coldly, and said word by word.

At this moment, he seemed to be the leader of the doomsday survivor base in his previous life.

"Yes, Boss, I know what to do!"

Seeing Li Yu's emotionless eyes, Xiao Yao couldn't help shivering. At this moment, he finally understood that the world is different from before.

"I tell you a sad news. You have been fired from the umbrella factory. From now on, the umbrella will no longer protect your safety, nor will it provide you with food. Please leave!"

After Xiao Yao left Li Yu's office, he quickly led a group of armed mercenaries to find those who were still leading the trouble in the factory, and said to them in a cold tone to the hundreds of workers who were incited by them next to them .

"You...why do you drive us away? According to the contract, you are obliged to send us back to Yanhuang!"

Seeing the posture of Xiao Yao and the others, the workers who were inciting other people to make trouble immediately became scared, but they still confronted Xiao Yao.

"Sorry, we breached the contract! This is liquidated damages..."

Xiao Yao said, throwing a stack of rice yuan on these people, and said coldly: "Now take the money and go, I wish you good luck, you can buy a plane ticket back to Yanhuang!"

Of course, this is a complete joke. Now in Raccoon City, banknotes have been completely reduced to waste paper. Not to mention buying plane tickets, you can't even buy a piece of bread or a pack of instant noodles.

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yao ignored the pleas of these workers and directly drove them out of the factory.

The expressions of the workers around them suddenly changed when they saw this scene.

They didn't expect that the umbrella would actually drive people away.

They are very clear about what is going on outside now.

If you go out now, you will almost certainly be infected with those terrible biochemical viruses.

They couldn't help secretly rejoicing: Fortunately, they didn't make trouble with these people.

(End of this chapter)

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