I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 340 Purge

Chapter 340 Purge
"Now stand up and vote... Those who are willing to go stand where they are, and those who don't want to go stand aside!"

Li Yu pointed to the open space next to him and said expressionlessly.

Hearing what Li Yu said, even some mercenaries who were unwilling to go to Raccoon City did not dare to stand up in public at this time.

The whole audience suddenly became solemn.

"This is the last chance for you guys! If you don't say it now, you will have to go to Raccoon City tomorrow, and it will be too late to object!"

Li Yu continued unhurriedly.

Hearing this, the mercenaries in the arena were a little rioted.

Many of them showed hesitation on their faces, but most of them didn't dare to stand up. Only more than 20 of them came out and stood next to them after hesitating.

These people who stand up are not really not afraid of Li Yu's majesty, but they think that they have the right to refuse such a risky move.

"Very good...are there only these people?"

There was a sneer at the corner of Li Yu's mouth, which made the more than 20 mercenaries who stood up have a bad feeling in their hearts.

After waiting for a while, another seven or eight people stood over. Seeing that no one came out, Li Yu turned to look at Xiao Yao and said, "Take away the weapons on their bodies!"

"Yes, BOSS!"

Without hesitation, Xiao Yao immediately led people forward and collected all the weapons on the twenty or thirty mercenaries who stood up.


"Boss, I was wrong, I am willing to participate in tomorrow's battle! Please don't take away my weapon..."


Seeing Xiao Yao's actions, the faces of the mercenaries who stood up suddenly changed, and they pleaded.

The importance of weapons to mercenaries is self-evident, especially in this situation where there are zombies everywhere.

At this moment, they already had some regrets in their hearts, regretting that they shouldn't stand up in such a hurry.

It's just that it's too late to say anything now. Since it was Li Yu's order, Xiao Yao naturally carried it out meticulously, and quickly collected the weapons on the more than 20 mercenaries who stood up before.

"Sorry, these weapons belong to our umbrella, and everyone is no longer our umbrella from now on, so it's not appropriate to hold these weapons..."

What Li Yu said later changed everyone's face even more.

They didn't expect that Li Yu would punish those who violated his orders so severely that he would expel them directly from the umbrella company.

What Li Yu said next made the faces of the more than 20 mercenaries who stood up completely lose their color: "Xiao Yao, send them all out! Since they are no longer members of our umbrella company, naturally There is no need to stay here anymore..."

"Boss, we were wrong, please give us another chance!"

"No! It's so dangerous outside now, and we don't have weapons, we can't go!"


If these people were just panicked when their weapons were confiscated before, then they are completely scared now.

They have no weapons now. If Li Yu drives them out of the umbrella factory again, it will be no different from letting them die.

Facing the pleas of these people, Li Yu showed a cruel smile: "Don't you want to participate in dangerous battles? Now that you have fulfilled your wish, all future battles for the umbrella have nothing to do with you!"

After finishing speaking, Li Yu ignored the pleas of these people, and directly asked Xiao Yao to lead people to drive them all out of the underground base.

The mercenaries next to them didn't dare to take a breath. They were secretly glad that they didn't stand out like those people, otherwise they would also be kicked out of the factory.

Watching these people being forcibly dragged away one by one, Li Yu had no expression on his face.

He did this in public, obviously for the sake of standing up.

He wanted these mercenaries to understand that it was different now.

"Is there anyone who is unwilling to participate in tomorrow's battle? You can be like them now and leave here!"

After the more than 20 people were all dragged out of here, Li Yu looked down at the mercenaries present and asked again.

This time finally no one dared to stand up again.

"very good!"

Seeing everyone's reaction, Li Yu showed a satisfied expression on his face, and said: "Then, everyone who still chooses to stay here, tomorrow I will take you to Raccoon City to kill zombies! I hope that in tomorrow's battle, Everyone can obey my orders! If anyone violates my orders at that time, it will not be as simple as driving out of the umbrella, and I will directly shoot them according to military law!"

In the end, Li Yu's words showed Senhan's killing intent, which made the mercenaries present shudder.

They finally realized deeply: Now, it is indeed different from before!

Some time ago, when fighting with the second-order biochemical fighters sent by Umbrella, some mercenaries took the lead to escape. At that time, Li Yu had nothing to do with them. At most, he wrote down their names. In the next task Give them some little shoes to wear.

But now, the order in Raccoon City has completely collapsed, and if there are people who run away like that, Li Yu can be shot dead on the spot.

This is the difference between the end times and the peaceful world.

Looking at the thousands of mercenaries who were silent in the audience, Li Yu really had a feeling of controlling them at this time.

Although Li Yu hates the cruelty and bloodiness of the last days, he also faintly feels that the last days seem to be more suitable for him.

After reiterating the discipline during the battle, Li Yu asked all the mercenaries to go back to rest.

After breakfast the next day, it was time for the mercenaries to set off for Raccoon City.

"All mercenaries, immediately bring your own equipment and gather at the central square of the underground base!"

According to Li Yu's order, all the mercenaries were fully armed and came to the central square of the base to gather again.

Li Yu didn't wear casual clothes this time, but put on the same military-like uniform as these mercenaries.

"Xiao Yao, select the mercenaries who are over 40 years old and physically disabled!"

Li Yu ordered Xiao Yao who was standing next to him: "These people don't have to go with us, they will stay and guard the base."

Of course, it is impossible for Li Yu to take all the mercenaries away. Even though the underground base is now controlled by the Red Queen himself, some mercenaries must be left to maintain the order in the base and guard the safety of the base.

"Yes, BOSS!"

Xiao Yao nodded, asked someone to take out the roster of mercenaries, and quickly selected nearly 40 mercenaries who were over [-] years old and physically disabled according to Li Yu's request.

(End of this chapter)

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