I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 343 Survival of the Fittest

Chapter 343 Survival of the Fittest
"Boss, I found traces of zombies ahead, there are about thirty or so!"

A message came from Li Yu's communicator.

This was discovered by a helicopter in the air. It was difficult for them to see the specific number, but they only detected an approximate number.

"Pay attention to vigilance! There are traces of zombies ahead, the number is thirty to forty, be careful, remember, hit the head of the zombies, don't be approached by the zombies!"

Li Yu immediately passed the news to the mercenaries in other vehicles through the communicator.

On the way here, the mercenaries had already encountered several waves of zombies, so they didn't panic about the next battle with the zombies, and started preparing for the battle in an orderly manner.

The scary thing about zombies is their sudden attack. Once prepared, the zombies are no match for human's hot weapons.

Of course, after the zombies evolve in the future, the threat of thermal weapons will become smaller and smaller.

At that time, the only ones who can deal with zombies are supernatural beings.


Li Yu and the others soon encountered the wave of zombies that the sentry said, and the tanks that cleared the way ahead directly fired their main guns to attack.

Li Yu didn't intervene, but was in charge of directing everyone in the car to cooperate with each other to attack these zombies.

How rich is his experience in fighting zombies?
Even if Li Yu was just directing from the back and didn't take action himself, it took these mercenaries less than half an hour to eliminate these dozens of zombies, and there were no casualties on their own side.

The combat experience of these mercenaries and zombies is indeed not as good as those of the soldiers and police in Raccoon City, but they are personally commanded by experienced people like Li Yu, which is enough to make up for the lack of experience of ordinary mercenaries.

If Jims and Brent saw the efficiency of the umbrella group in killing zombies and their own zero casualty rate, they would definitely open their mouths in surprise.

"Keep going!"

After everyone killed all the zombies that appeared around them, Li Yu ordered everyone to continue to move towards the East District. From the perspective of the military police in Raccoon City, the umbrella is for evacuating the people. In fact, it is not the case. The umbrella is completely for your own benefit. The life and death of the guy is related to Li Yu's fart. These scientists abandoned by Umbrella are masters in various fields. If the umbrella is obtained, it will promote all aspects, and there is absolutely no room for loss.

"This is where Mayor Raccoon said he found those zombies!"

Soon Li Yu took everyone to the place Jims told him, but the sentinel did not find any traces of zombies nearby.

Li Yu didn't think it was necessary for Jims to deceive himself. Obviously, the zombies who were originally active here went to other places.

He didn't dare to be careless, and while making everyone ready to fight at any time, he sent some mercenary teams out to search for traces of the zombies.

"After you find the zombies, send out a signal immediately, don't fight them directly!"

Li Yu carefully told the mercenaries who went out to investigate, worried that they would be careless because they easily eliminated those zombies before, underestimated these zombies, and made some risky moves.

If they feel that these zombies are not very powerful because they were easily eliminated before, then they are really courting death.

"Got it, boss!"

Hearing Li Yu's instructions, these mercenaries who were sentinels all nodded.

Li Yu couldn't tell whether they really took it to heart, or they were just dealing with themselves.

After these people left, Li Yu immediately ordered everyone to build a temporary position on the spot.

All the tanks and armored vehicles were surrounded by heavy weapons such as machine guns and bazookas, and other mercenaries built some simple camps inside.

Now that Li Yu has come to Raccoon City, he won't leave until he gets enough benefits.

So many of them naturally need a temporary camp.

Although there are many buildings and other buildings around, those places can't be used - at least tanks and armored vehicles can't drive in, and the attack of heavy weapons can easily knock down those buildings, so it's not safe to stay inside.

Therefore, Li Yu simply chose an open place on the street as their temporary camp.

However, the camp had only just set up a framework, and Li Yu received the information sent back by the sentries sent before.

"Boss, we found more than 100 zombies! They found us and are chasing us now, please come to rescue quickly..."

The voice of the mercenary who sent the communication was very urgent, and these words were almost roared out.

"Hold on for another 10 minutes, we'll be right there!"

Li Yu's expression was indifferent, and he was not too flustered. He urgently summoned all the mercenaries through the communicator to gather and rescue the mercenaries who were being chased by zombies.

It can be seen from Li Yu's current expression!

The reason why he separated the mercenaries who had the advantage in numbers was not to clean up the surrounding zombies, but to train the mercenaries. There is a saying that is good, the survival of the fittest, Li Yu's purpose is exactly this, to eliminate the incompetent and cultivate the elite. generation.

Umbrella, only keep the elite, no garbage!
Through the positioning instrument, Li Yu can clearly see the position of the mercenary who reported to him before on the monitor.

At this time, the red dot representing the position of the mercenary was moving rapidly on the map. Obviously, they were fleeing wildly in an armored vehicle.

The mercenaries at various positions quickly rushed towards the fleeing mercenaries.

"not good!"

Seeing that the red dot representing their position suddenly stopped moving, Xiao Yao's expression couldn't help but change.

Whatever the reason for their stop, it probably won't be good news.

10 minutes later!

The closest mercenary finally arrived at the red dot marked on the map.

It was just the scene before them that made everyone's faces change.

The armored car driven by the mercenary who reported to Li Yu before, the shell has been completely torn, and the car is also parked crookedly on the side of the road. This is not an armored car produced by the umbrella, but purchased in the United States , It can be seen from this that the military industry produced in the United States is not as good as imagined.

Bang, bang!
The body of the car continued to shake slightly, obviously there are still things that can move in the car.

Still, no one believed that the moving thing would be a surviving mercenary.

"Shoot and draw out what's inside!"

Li Yu ordered the other mercenaries to prepare for battle, while ordering the two mercenaries around him.

Although everyone knows that the mercenaries inside are unlikely to be alive, but before confirming, Li Yu can't directly let people attack the armored vehicle regardless.

Although survival of the fittest is Li Yu's goal, it can't be said too clearly!

Otherwise, even if the other mercenaries don't say anything, they will feel chilled, thinking that Li Yu doesn't take their mercenary's life seriously.

Therefore, no matter what is in the car, it must be drawn out first.


After hearing his order, the two mercenaries next to Li Yu fired several shots at the broken armored vehicle in front, causing sparks to burst from the body.


With the sound of gunfire, there seemed to be an inhuman roar in the carriage, and then more than a dozen zombies got out of the carriage!

"Aim at the zombie's head and fire with all your strength!"

Seeing this scene, Li Yu immediately ordered the mercenaries to fire at the zombies, aiming at the head.

"Da-da-da, da-da-da..."



Hearing Li Yu's order, all the mercenaries fired with all their strength, machine guns, artillery, bazookas and other weapons bombarded the zombies who had just emerged from the armored vehicle.

At this time, everyone obviously knew that there would be no more living people in the armored vehicle, so naturally there was no need to hold back.

While the endless fiery snakes were blowing, one after another the heads of the zombies were blown off, and they died tragically under the fire snakes of the parachute mercenaries. There were more fleshy corpses on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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