I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 350 Solicitation

Chapter 350 Solicitation
After seeing that all the survivors have been transferred, Li Yu will also take people back to the factory.

"Mr. Li Yu, are you really not going to the quarantine area?"

Knowing that Li Yu and the others were leaving, Jims said to Li Yu with some hesitation: "Although the location of the nuclear bomb attack is the city center of the raccoon, there is a possibility that your suburbs will be attacked."

"Don't worry, we have an underground base, which can completely resist the attack of nuclear bombs!"

Li Yu waved his hand indifferently, and said to Jims and Brent: "Are you two interested in taking refuge in my base? Anyway, it's better than the quarantine area outside, right?"

For the many soldiers and policemen in Brent's hands that year, Li Yu had long wanted to be under his command.

These people can live to the present, and their single-round combat experience exceeds that of Li Yu's mercenaries.

It's just because their weapons and equipment are not as good as mercenaries, so the results of these days' battles are not as good as those of the mercenaries on the umbrella side.

If it is in peacetime, it is completely impossible for Li Yu to take these people who belong to the government department under his command.

But now the situation is special. If they don't want to take refuge in Li Yu, they have to stay in the quarantine area outside like ordinary survivors.

For Li Yu, this is the best chance to subdue them.

James and Brent were very clear about what the quarantine area looked like outside. After hearing what Li Yu said, both of them were silent for a while.

Brent's face was even more emotional.

If Li Yu's underground base can really withstand nuclear bomb attacks, then it is indeed much better to follow Li Yu than to go to the quarantine area.

Even if Brent doesn't think about himself, he still has to think about those brothers who have followed him through life and death.

"Sorry, Mr. Li Yu, I'm afraid I will disappoint your kindness!"

After a while, Jims spoke first and said to Li Yu: "I will stay in the city hall and not go anywhere!"

Both Li Yu and Brent were taken aback when they heard James' words.

"Mr. Mayor, a nuclear bomb attack will be launched tomorrow!"

Brent said to Jims in surprise.

"This is the city I have fought for all my life. It will be completely destroyed tomorrow. I will stay with it until the last moment!"

Jims said calmly, apparently he had already made up his mind.

"Brent, if you want to follow Li Yu, then follow! In this situation, obviously we have all been abandoned by the country, and there is no need for you and your people to continue to serve the country. If You can also join the umbrella company if you want to."

Jims turned his head again, and said to Brent earnestly.

"Mr. Mayor, come with us!"

Brent wanted to persuade Jims again, but Jims just waved his hand, then turned around and walked slowly back towards the city hall.

His back looks extremely lonely.

"It seems that Mr. Mayor has made up his mind..."

Li Yu sighed, but secretly happy in his heart.

He really hoped that Brent would join the umbrella with his men, but he didn't want Jims to go there too.

After all, Jims has been the mayor of Raccoon City for so many years. His status and prestige in the hearts of Brent and those under him are far from what Li Yu can compare.

If Jims also goes to Li Yu's underground base, it's hard to say whether Brent and others will listen to Li Yu's words or Jims' words.

Now that Jims is willing to die with Raccoon City, this is of course the best news for Li Yu.

However, he naturally wouldn't reveal his thoughts in front of Brent and the others, and he still had a look of grief on his face.

Brent didn't see Li Yu's careful thinking, he said to Li Yu: "Mr. Li Yu, we really don't want to go to that quarantine area, but intend to join your company! But before that, I have to go to your company's underground base Check it out and confirm that it can really resist nuclear bomb attacks, I wonder if Mr. Li Yu can allow it?"

"Of course this is possible!"

Li Yu nodded without hesitation and agreed to Brent's request.

After all, this is a matter of life and death. It is impossible for them to give up the isolation zone, the only way out, and follow Li Yu directly to the base in the suburbs because of Li Yu's one-sided remarks.

"Mr. Li Yu, please wait for me for a while, I want to persuade Mr. Mayor again!"

After discussing his request with Li Yu, Brent said apologetically to Li Yu, and then hurried to the city hall.

For Brent's behavior, Li Yu didn't mean to blame him. Instead, he felt that he was a good person. Even at this time, he still remembered Jims, and he was obviously not the kind of person who would betray easily.

Just 10 minutes later, Brent came out of the city hall again.

He looked a little frustrated, obviously not trying to persuade Jims to change his mind.

"Mr. Mayor still refuses to leave?"

Li Yu asked pretending to be concerned.

"Yes, it seems that he has made up his mind!"

Brent's voice was a little low, and then he said to Li Yu: "Time is running out, let's go to the base first!"

"it is good!"

Li Yu nodded, and immediately ordered his men to activate the tanks and armored vehicles, left Raccoon City in a mighty manner, and headed towards the factory in the suburbs.

Brent also got into Li Yu's car, and those under him naturally stayed in Raccoon City temporarily.

After Brent checked the situation in Li Yu's base and confirmed that it could withstand the attack of the nuclear bomb, Brent would notify them to go to Li Yu's base.

Three hours later, Li Yu's team had left Raccoon City and arrived at the umbrella factory.

"Boss, you are finally back!"

Knowing Li Yu's return, Chu Hanyun, Feng Bin and the company's management all came out to greet them.

"No, don't get close!"

Li Yu stopped them from approaching, saying: "All of us will do the isolation check first, and we will talk after we are done!"

After all, Li Yu and the others stayed in the center of the biochemical virus outbreak in Raccoon City for so long. Some of them might be infected with biochemical viruses, so naturally they have to be isolated and checked first.

It's not that Chu Hanyun and Feng Bin didn't know the factory rules, but they were too excited to ignore Li Yu's return.

There is a special isolation area in the underground base. After Li Yu and others entered the isolation area, staff wearing protective clothing immediately stepped forward to check them one by one.

Except for Li Yu, everyone was drawn a tube of blood samples.

These blood samples will be brought into the laboratory for careful examination, and if someone is found to be infected with a biochemical virus, they will be immediately isolated separately.

(End of this chapter)

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