Chapter 363

"Okay! But... will this hurt?"

Jiang Yuyao agreed, and asked Li Yu weakly.

"Hehe, don't worry, it won't hurt very much, it will just make you sleep for a while."

Li Yu said to Jiang Yuyao amusedly.

He knew that Jiang Yuyao had been afraid of pain since she was a child. In the past, even when she was sick, she only chose to take medicine and never got an injection.

Hearing what Li Yu said, Jiang Yuyao was relieved.

"By the way, the Red Queen has recently made a point system. I will let the Red Queen pass it on to you later, and you will start implementing it in the company! The remaining genetic medicines can be added to the point redemption list."

Finally, Li Yu said something to Jiang Yuyao and hung up the phone.

Due to the recent radiation effects, the Red Queen has also lost communication with Yanhuang. Fortunately, Yanhuang also has a clone of the Red Queen, so there is no need to worry about any troubles.

But in this way, with the points system that Li Yu arranged recently, the avatar of the red queen on Yanhuang's side cannot be obtained.

You can only wait until the communication is established now, and then let the red queen transmit it.

After hanging up the phone with Jiang Yuyao, Li Yu called Wei Quan from Somalia again.

Originally, Li Yu just wanted to tell Wei Quan to continue to produce genetic medicine, but Wei Quan told Li Yu a good news.

"Boss, Jiang Jiu and the others have captured Bayer City, and President Thiel was captured by Wu Peng himself!"

As soon as the phone was connected, Wei Quan quickly reported the news to Li Yu.

"Okay, great!"

Li Yu was overjoyed, and quickly asked: "What's going on, please tell me in detail!"

Thiel is the nominal president of Somalia and the most powerful warlord in Somalia. As long as he is caught, other forces in Somalia will be grasshoppers after autumn, and it won't be long before they jump around.

"Yes, BOSS!"

Hearing Li Yu's inquiry, Wei Quan reported all the recent events in Somalia to Li Yu one by one.

It turned out that Jiang Jiu started the war against Tire exactly according to Li Yu's plan.

Thanks to the support of dozens of planes under the umbrella, Jiang Jiu's strength expanded rapidly, and he was not weaker than Thiel's.

Regarding such a force, Tire did not dare to be careless at all, and quickly ordered all the troops to go to the front line to resist the invasion of Jiang Jiu's army.

If he was young, Thiel would definitely have led the army to go out in person.

But now that he is old, and he has been pampered for so many years, he has long lost the vigor of his youth, so he can only stay in Bayer City and let his officers lead the troops.

It was under such circumstances that Wu Peng suddenly led thousands of mercenaries from the umbrella factory to attack Bayer City overnight!

The relationship between Umbrella and Jiang Jiu has always been kept extremely secret. Only a few high-level officials on both sides know about it. Thiel has no idea that the two have already merged into one.

Although Tire had always been wary of the mercenaries in the umbrella factory, he never expected that the umbrella would attack him suddenly at this time!
Since all the troops were transferred to the front line, Bayer City was very empty at this time, with only thousands of defenders and hundreds of policemen.

Facing nearly [-] mercenaries equipped with the latest umbrella weapons, Baier City had no resistance at all, and was completely occupied by Wu Peng and his men in less than an hour!

And Thiel himself was also taken prisoner by Wu Peng personally leading people to the presidential palace.

The soldiers on the front line who were confronting Jiang Jiu didn't have any fighting spirit when they heard the news that even the president had been captured because of a mistake in the rear!
Immediately fleeing, surrendering and surrendering, Jiang Jiu surrendered more than 3 troops under Thiel's command almost without bloodshed, as well as a large number of spoils such as tanks, armored vehicles, and planes.

After this battle, Jiang Jiu's strength almost doubled, and he expanded rapidly again.

At this time, Somalia is already dominated by Jiang Jiu's family. After he digests Tire's power, he can completely annex other small groups of warlords in Somalia in one go.

"Well, it looks like you're doing a great job even though I'm not in Somalia!"

Li Yu nodded with satisfaction.

In addition to being satisfied with their capture of Bayer City, Li Yu also felt that Wei Quan and Wu Peng were completely capable of taking charge of their own.

this is very important!
After the biochemical virus broke out in an all-round way, it would be very difficult for Li Yu to communicate between the major bases. At that time, what he lacked most was this kind of talent who could be alone.

"Boss, after Tyre was caught by us, he has been yelling at you and our umbrella company, and even clamoring to see you... Do you want to talk to him?"

Wei Quan asked Li Yu for instructions.

After Taylor was arrested, he was indeed extremely angry.

When he introduced the Umbrella Company to Somalia, he originally thought that he would attract a hen that could lay golden eggs, which would bring huge wealth to his power, but he never expected that it would lead to a wolf entering the house in the end.

If the umbrella hadn't suddenly stabbed him in the back, Tire didn't think he would lose to the upstart Jiang Jiu.

"Hehe, I'm just a prisoner, what can I say!"

Li Yu curled his lips in disdain and refused directly.

Winner takes all, loser for Kou.

Before that, Thiel had been working on some conspiracies and tricks behind the scenes, and calculated the umbrella company.

Now that he has been calculated by the umbrella, it can be regarded as karma.

Li Yu, the leader whose bases were captured in the previous life, has also seen a lot. Thiel wanted to see himself, but he was just like those people, expressing his dissatisfaction.

"You, Wu Peng, and Wu Lin should each inject a copy of the genetic medicine you produced. It's a reward for your recent work! Remember to hand over the work before the injection, because after the injection, you will sleep for more than half a month. For the rest of the potions, you also add them to the point exchange list."

Li Yu would not favor one another, and told Wei Quan and the others to also inject a genetic medicine.

Although the recent production of genetic medicine in Somalia is not as good as that of Yanhuang, the quantity is also higher than that produced by their factory in Raccoon City, reaching more than 30 copies.

Now that Li Yu has contacted Wei Quan, it is natural for them to start promoting the point system.

"Thank you BOSS!"

Wei Quan said gratefully to Li Yu.

He is naturally aware of the preciousness of these genetic medicines. It can be said that the cost price alone is not something they can afford.

Li Yu's reward is not unreasonable.

"By the way, don't let Jiang Jiu and the others know about this."

Li Yu finally told Wei Quan again.

Jiang Jiu made such a great contribution, logically, he should be given a genetic medicine.

But Jiang Jiu and the others are only so obedient because they are controlled by Li Yu using biochemical viruses. If Jiang Jiu is injected with genetic medicine, the virus on his body will be expelled immediately and he will fully recover!

(End of this chapter)

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