I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 382 General Chapter

Chapter 382 Talking
Hearing what Li Yu said, Alice couldn't help being stunned.

She just knows that the island has stopped using money now, and instead uses points to exchange items.

But she has no idea of ​​the specific value of these points.

At this time, after listening to Li Yu's narration, she realized that the gene medicine is so expensive that she can't earn enough by working in the factory.

"Forget it, don't go to the factory, join our umbrella mercenary company."

Li Yu smiled and said to Alice: "Only in the mercenary company is the fastest place to win points."

When the end of the world comes, the status of combatants will be much higher than that of non-combatants.

Because it is because of their protection that the base can survive.

"You agree with me joining?"

Alice asked in surprise.

If she wanted to join the umbrella because of the situation before, in order to avoid Umbrella's pursuit, then after living on the island for these days, she has gradually fallen in love with it and really wanted to join the umbrella.

"Well, there are more and more people on the island. You can choose some young people from them and build a guard."

Li Yu thought about it and gave Alice a task.

Although there are hundreds of mercenaries on the island, these people can fight against the outside world. If you want them to maintain law and order on the island, they are not good at it.

Therefore, Li Yu is going to set up a guard similar to the authority of the police.

However, there was no candidate for the cooperative before, and now that Alice has joined the umbrella, it is appropriate for her to do this.

After all, Alice was the head of Umbrella's security department before, so managing a guard with hundreds of people is not a problem.

And after all, Alice is a new member of the umbrella, and it is impossible for Li Yu to promote her to a high position all at once, otherwise others will definitely not accept it.

Now let Alice choose people to form a new department, so that people can naturally avoid gossip.

"Yes, BOSS!"

Hearing Li Yu's appointment, Alice immediately agreed happily, then changed her tone suddenly, and asked Li Yu a little embarrassedly: "Boss, if it's this position, how long do I need to work to accumulate enough points to redeem?" Gene medicine?"

It seems that Alice has a deep obsession with genetic medicine, and has always been obsessed with it.

"It won't take long, if you have been working for more than 20 years, your salary will be almost enough to exchange."

Li Yu said lightly.

"Huh? It will take so long!"

Hearing Li Yu's words, Alice's mouth opened wide.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing Alice's reaction, Li Yu laughed and said: "Of course it will take so long to calculate your salary, but the end of the world is coming soon, and there will be opportunities for you to make contributions in the future. You want you to contribute to the company. If you make enough credit, you can directly get the reward of the genetic medicine."

The genetic medicine in the redemption list is just to spur and fiercely protect other people, and the first batch of people like Xiao Yao who used the genetic medicine were directly rewarded by Li Yu after the company made a certain contribution.

For a talent like Alice, Li Yu will let her become a genetic warrior as soon as possible. Only in this way can she make more contributions to the company.

Hearing what Li Yu said, Alice patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

She was really worried that it would take more than ten or twenty years before she could redeem the genetic medicine!
"Go down and prepare. If you need weapons and other supplies, you can ask me for approval."

Li Yu waved to Alice and let her leave.

As the company's senior family members continue to migrate to the island, the population of the island has now exceeded the [-] mark.

Many of these people are young people, they are not willing to work in the factory - this is not because they are lazy, but because they feel that working in the factory is too boring.

Now Li Yu let Alice set up a guard team, which can be regarded as giving them another way out.

Sure enough, when Alice sent out the notice to recruit the guards the next day, many people immediately went to Alice to apply for the job.

According to Li Yu's request, the guards Alice recruited this time are all between 18 and 25 years old.

This one condition has been refreshed by many people, and among the people who came to sign up, less than 200 people met the conditions.

However, according to Li Yu's request, Alice would rather be short than excessive for the guards.

Anyway, there will be more and more people on the island in the future, and it will just be expanded at that time.

In addition to age, a detailed physical examination should also be carried out on the applicant's physical condition. Of course, those with any diseases or physical defects cannot join the escort team.

After three days of screening, less than 100 people joined the escort.

These people were transferred to another nearby island, where they would train with the mercenaries there.

Only after the three-month training period expires will they officially take up their posts and become the first batch of guards on the island to maintain law and order on the island.

As the captain of the guards, Alice naturally had to train with them.

Originally, these guards looked down on such a young girl like Alice, and they were also a little dissatisfied with her becoming the captain of the guard.

But after Alice defeated all the team members under her command in hand-to-hand combat, those team members who looked down upon her immediately looked at her with admiration.

Even the mercenaries who were training together admired Alice's strength.

"Boss, here are the weapons, ammunition and other supplies that our guards need, please take a look..."

Alice found Li Yu, handed him a list and said.

The guards are still doing the most basic queue drills, but it won't take long for weapon training, so naturally they have to prepare in advance.

Li Yu took the list and looked at it. Most of the records on it were light weapons such as pistols, shotguns, rifles, and submachine guns. There were not even slightly more powerful machine guns.

Li Yu also understands this very well. After all, the duty of the guards is only to maintain law and order on the island, and they don't need to fight outside like mercenaries. Naturally, they don't need to use heavy weapons.

Moreover, if heavy weapons are used on the island, it is easy to cause accidental injury.

"no problem!"

Li Yu nodded, signed his name on the list, and handed it to Alice: "You can take it to the warehouse to get the weapon."

Now that the weapons factory on the island has started construction, it can be fully self-sufficient without transportation from the outside world.

"Boss, Director Lin Ming requests to talk to you."

Just as Alice left, the figure of the Red Queen appeared in Li Yu's office and said to him.

(End of this chapter)

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