Chapter 405
"Did you really find out the whereabouts of the remaining emergency personnel?" Li Yu didn't expect that the 43rd Institute gave him such a big surprise, and hurriedly asked.

"Yes, Boss, we are here and found two large warehouses." The leader of the 43rd group briefly introduced the situation of the warehouse to Li Yu on the walkie-talkie.

"There happens to be one of my team members who has learned this before. Come on, introduce yourself to the Boss."

The voice of another person appeared on the intercom, "The most advanced combination locks are used in front of the warehouse door, and the materials used to build the warehouse are also made of strong aerospace materials."

The leader of the 43rd group took up the conversation, "We are still in front of the warehouse, and we saw a lot of dead zombies, and there are many traces of personnel activities. According to our estimation, the people in the warehouse seem to have brought something to the past .”

"I see, Group 43, where are you now?" Li Yu heard the report of the leader of Group 43, and already had a rough outline in his mind.

"Report, Boss, after we entered the emergency room, we went directly to the third basement level. At the end of the third basement level, there are these two large warehouses. I guess this is the last safeguard of the emergency room." Team 43 The team leader, replied over the intercom.

Li Yu looked at the large and small new weapons in this room.

Although the United States has collapsed due to the zombie virus, it is worthy of being a superpower in the past.

Many of the weapons here are lacking in the current umbrella base.

If you really want to study at the Umbrella Base, I am afraid it will take some effort to study to the current level of the United States.

Especially in this room, the most important thing is not weapons, but those new research devices, as well as the experimental data researched by the United States during this period.

"Where is the information here? Luo Feng, go and have a look. That is the most precious at the moment." Li Yu said to Luo Feng while coordinating the activities of each group on the walkie-talkie.

"Boss, look here." Luo Feng shouted suddenly.

Li Yu walked over and saw that the hard drives of the two supercomputers there had been removed.

Li Yu frowned, secretly thinking in his heart, it seems that when they retreated, they could also take away these research materials together.

"Luo Feng, you stay here, wait for several groups to come over, and move all these weapons to the infantry vehicle, the warehouse I mentioned in the 43rd group."

Luo Feng also understands that the real most valuable things here are probably those research materials and new weapons developed for dealing with zombies, as well as researchers with rich experience.

"Okay, Boss." Luo Feng replied while checking the weapons in the room.

Li Yu walked towards the third underground floor of the emergency station, and gathered several groups through the walkie-talkie, and asked them to rush to the underground, third floor.

At this time, most of the teams scattered out to search for materials had already gained a lot. No matter how much they were, they found a lot of materials stored in the emergency room.

The harvest here in the emergency station alone has exceeded Li Yu's expectations.

Many of the materials stored in the emergency room are food and water, the more the better.

It is worthy of being the United States, which was once ranked number one in the world. It not only has food and water, but also vegetable seeds and the like.Even various emergency medicines are piled up in several rooms.

After all these materials are transported back to the umbrella base, the strength of the umbrella base may directly jump several levels.

Now, basically the found teams have already started to move supplies to the infantry vehicles on the ground.

Fortunately, this time the infantry fighting vehicle carried more, and after the improvement, the carrying space on the infantry fighting vehicle was also much larger.

However, I am afraid it is still not enough. Now, the most important thing is to find equipment that can carry a large amount of materials and is suitable for carrying a large number of people.

As soon as Li Yu walked to the third basement floor, he found five or six groups discussing something in a low voice.

Seeing Li Yu's arrival, they all stopped talking, looked at Li Yu, saluted, and said respectfully, "Boss, come and see what's going on here."

Li Yu walked over, and the leader of Group 43 showed him a small broken picture. We found it outside the warehouse door. It should be those people who accidentally left it when they moved into the warehouse.

This is a very broken picture, just a small part of a complete picture. It seems that when the people inside entered the warehouse, they were accidentally hooked by something and fell to the ground.

Li Yu looked at it. On this small picture, only the materials and defense levels used when the warehouse was built were written.

This is bad news. Li Yu looked at the information on the paper, while looking at it, while searching for the information he knew about it.

Li Yu recalled for a while, and then explained to the soldiers around him, "According to the information I know, the materials used to build the warehouse and the defense level are all able to prevent nuclear weapons."

Li Yu looked at it, and the five or six groups beside him at this time had obviously started the preparations needed for the storm.

"If we want to storm in from the outside, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort." Li Yu obviously disagrees with the idea of ​​storming.

"Then Boss, what should we do now?" Team 43 asked.

Li Yu smiled and said, "Although it takes a lot of effort to storm into this warehouse from the outside. But I don't believe that there are so many of them, and there are no differences of opinion within myself. What we have to do now is to seize their internal contradictions Let's break this fortress from the inside."

Several groups of people nodded at the same time, which was indeed something they hadn't thought of before.

Li Yu said and looked around, "I think there should be a device to talk to the warehouse here."

This kind of standard-built warehouse must be able to monitor the movement of the outside. Not only that, but also the communication between the inside and the outside is a necessary condition.

Li Yu thought so, and said loudly, "People in the warehouse, you now know what's going on!"

"The emergency room is already full of people from our umbrella base."

"You moved into the warehouse in a hurry. Although we are outside now and it will take a lot of effort to get in, you are not absolutely safe."

Li Yu paused, but there was no movement in the warehouse.

He knew that the threats he said were not enough to make them subdue.

So he went on to say, "I checked just now. You didn't bring in many supplies. There are so many people in you. How many days will the water and food you brought in hastily last for you?"

This is the fatal injury to the people in the warehouse!

(End of this chapter)

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