I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 417 The real end is coming

Chapter 417 The real end is coming
"Later, after research by the intelligence personnel and the intelligence investigation provided by the Red Queen, this kind of change did not exist at the beginning. It was some zombies who were exposed to nuclear radiation later. The zombies in the nuclear radiation range everywhere mutated, and then Following the pace of the plundering team, more and more first-order zombies were found, and there was a fierce exchange of fire with our military team. Although many were successfully annihilated, our team suffered a lot of casualties. The specific situation will be discussed later. Peng will personally report to you."

Li Yu nodded to express his understanding, and then asked, "When will Wu Peng come?"

Chen Yueyue said: "It will take about 10 minutes to sort out the report materials."

Chen Yueyue then reported on the current situation of the world, which has not changed much from a few days ago. Except for the four countries, the outbreak of the virus in the European Union, Yanhuang, and Russia has not changed much.

"Well, I understand, you go down first." Li Yu nodded to express his understanding, and lightly touched the table with his fingers and thought for a while.

Now Umbrella Company is developing at a high speed, and every person and every department is mobilizing all staff, and they are all very busy.

Li Yu didn't hold a meeting, but reported the latest information through Chen Yueyue, and summoned him separately for anything. After all, the general development policy has been issued by Li Yu. There is no need to start the meeting, maximize the time to the extreme, and strive to become a strong organization in the face of the doomsday, a hegemony-like organization.

Li Yu didn't deal with the affairs, but after waiting for a few minutes, Wu Peng pushed the door and entered, holding a laptop.

Li Yu didn't speak, but looked up at Wu Peng, waiting for his report.

Wu Peng was signaled to sit down, cleared his throat, and said, "As of 4:[-] a.m. yesterday, according to your wishes, the Miguo sub-base dispersed teams to harvest resources. Casualties occurred in various teams. There are three teams. The whole army was wiped out."

"The major squadrons have also experienced more than half of their staff reduction, and the brigade also suffered casualties, but the killing of the enemy is not bad. A total of 23 first-order biochemical zombies were killed, and 23 first-order green crystals were obtained. There are hundreds of first-order pieces, but 250 and six of our military personnel died, and I haven’t got the latest news yet, I’m connecting with Luo Feng now, and he will report the latest information to you.”

"Due to the urgency reported by Luo Feng yesterday, I temporarily changed your order and arranged for the formation of the squadrons to be merged with the squadrons. Patrols and sweeps will be carried out according to the personnel of the squadrons. At the same time, I have arranged for the military bases to send fighter jets. Once the first-order zombies are found , ground personnel will be evacuated, and air fire will be used to strike."

"The first-order biochemical zombies are too powerful, almost worth a team of 20 people."

Li Yu nodded and said appreciatively: "Well, yes, you can adapt to this situation, otherwise, I will cause more casualties. In the face of the end, people and materials are tied for the first place."

Wu Peng is also worthy of being the person in charge of security he promoted. He can respond in an emergency, so there is no need for Li Yu to direct them one by one.

On the laptop that Wu Peng brought in, Luo Feng's video call soon appeared, and he was reporting to Li Yu.

"I believe Wu Peng has already explained the situation to the boss. Now I will report the latest situation." Luo Feng was in the United Front Work Department, and the people behind him were busy.

The news that Luo Feng then reported was consistent with what Wu Peng said earlier, but the number of casualties was a little more, and the harvest was naturally a lot.

Li Yu waited for the two to report their intelligence, and thought for a while alone.

"Luo Feng, call back all the security mercenary teams you sent out, leave enough garrison personnel to mop up supplies, and distribute the rest of the fighters to the eastern and western branch bases."

Because just using ordinary soldiers to hunt and kill biochemical zombies is completely filled with consumption, Li Yu had to change his strategy.

"Later, I will dispatch the special response teams and supernatural fighters from the various bases to go to where you are. You will command and dispatch them, and at the same time use the firepower of the Air Force fighter jets. I will also ask Wu Peng to dispatch some fighter jets to help you. , the two parties combined to carry out a raid, where the zombies are slaughtered, the main goal is to collect green ability crystals, followed by supplies, understand?"

"At the same time, send me all the collected green crystals, understand?"

Luo Feng nodded. Although he didn't quite understand what the intention was, he still resolutely carried out Li Yu's order.

However, Li Yu naturally has his plan, because the biochemical zombies have just appeared, mainly distributed in the United States. Now the United States is almost the sphere of influence of the umbrella company, and the military forces distributed there are also very strong. Naturally, it is necessary to collect more of these green crystals. To increase the strength of supernatural beings, in the face of doomsday, strong strength is the most important thing.And since the biochemical zombies have begun to mutate and appear, what about the supernatural beings?No one knows whether more abilities will appear in the dark period of the doomsday. In addition to Li Yu's small bet on this point, the green crystal is also the most powerful boost to enhance his strength.

He already has people, but he still lacks supernatural powers. If he can form a large army, no one in the world will be able to stop him.

After all, Alice is the best example. With her skills, I am afraid that if she goes to any military base to make trouble and sabotage, there is a 70% chance of being able to retreat completely. The ability to fight alone is so strong. , then form a small team, or in other words, form a company, then which military base can withstand the blow led by Li Yu himself?
After hanging up Luo Feng's video call, Li Yu thought for a while again, and said to Wu Peng: "Now I have two orders for you, first, fully support Luo Feng in obtaining green crystals, this task is parallel to collecting supplies. "

Li Yu hesitated for a moment, paused, and then said: "At the same time, I ordered Li Qiba to form some secret teams to capture zombies and launch them on the EU continent and the Eastern continent, understand?"

Wu Peng nodded, expressing his understanding, and then retreated.

"The end is coming."

Li Yu smiled lightly.

Then Li Yu video connected Zhang Hong and Lin Tianxing respectively, and told Zhang Hong that the pace of recruiting personnel should be accelerated. If there are not enough manpower, they can be recruited from other departments, and the personnel expansion of the umbrella must be carried out as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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