I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 432 Dawn

Chapter 432 Dawn
Wu Peng added: "In addition, I have also communicated with Zhang Hong of the Personnel Department, and have arranged for 4 reserve troops and sufficient military equipment to be stationed in Pacific Base 5 and 3, and Yanhuang Sea Area [-]. In the base."

Li Yu nodded, and continued to look down at the battle plan in the document. The United Front Work Department is indeed fully prepared, even the arrangements after the capture have been prepared. Large transport aircraft have been prepared in the Pacific No. 2 base and the divisional bases. As long as the results of the battle are achieved .

Then the umbrella sub-base will send logistics personnel to build a line of defense, facing the attack or temporary counterattack of the other two bases, because once the two border bases are captured, the other two bases will be destroyed if the damage is not serious. It's time for the Yinhua base to die.

After Li Yu closed the document, he thought about it quietly, and he was making sure that there were no loopholes in all the plans.

In the Asia-Pacific region, facing the simultaneous capture of the bases of the four countries, the total number of troops invested is very large, and the total number of combatants has reached 20.00% to 15.00.The support force is 60%, and if the reserve force is added, then the force invested in the Asia-Pacific region accounts for [-]% of the combat personnel of the entire umbrella company. These have to lead Li Yu to think carefully.

Now the main base is connected with the EU sub-base, the major sub-bases of the EU, the U.S. sub-base, and the triangular alliance. At that time, we are not afraid that the EU continent will take the opportunity to attack the umbrella. There will be 20 troops on the EU continent.

Some small countries don’t have to think about it, because they are not qualified to shake the umbrella company. Unless the umbrella company loses the battle in the Asia-Pacific region and suffers heavy losses, no one dares to attack the strength of the umbrella company now.

Even the continent of the European Union dare not, unless they fall into a swamp. After the war, maybe they will think about it, but after all, there is no dispute between the two sides, but the forces of the two sides are relatively close, so the situation is a bit tense. If so, Li Yu's first aspect is to deal with the EU continent.

After all, there are still tigers around my house, so I have to worry, there is some truth in the saying that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

Of course, Li Yu also considered the Umbrella company lurking in the United States, so he sent many special teams to the United States division in order to prevent this.

In other words, if you are not afraid of the eventuality, you are afraid of [-]. Even if the EU continent and Umbrella jump out at the same time, now the main umbrella base, the US division, and the EU division will form a triangular camp. The offensive and defensive fronts are intertwined. The surrounding military sub-bases and air force sub-bases can also completely resist the attack.

What's more, there is still a Somali base camp, and the big division is there. When the time comes to provide support, maybe the EU will be flattened before the four countries are defeated.

In addition, when the time comes, the front line will slow down, withdraw troops from the Asia-Pacific region, and shrink to the west. This will not hurt the umbrella company, but the harvest of resources will be slower, and the pace of building Noah's Ark will be slower. Other than that, there is no other influence. It is just that Li Yu is willing to give up the fat in the Asia-Pacific region when he sees it. After all, genetic soldiers and genetic weapons need to use energy crystals.

After thinking about everything, Li Yu looked at the time and said, "In an hour, prepare for the military meeting."

Wu Peng nodded, and hurried to the United Front Work Department to make arrangements after receiving the order.

Li Yu looked at the map and file transfer again, and walked out of the office after thinking about it.

after an hour!

United Front Work Department!
Military conference hall!

On a round table, Wu Peng sat on the right and everyone, the other deputy, the Minister of Communications Wang Hao, the Logistics Department Yi Hailun, and the heads of the Asia-Pacific region and the Western region appeared on the screen.

The heads of the military regions of the entire Umbrella Company, Xiao Yao, Luo Feng, Li Qiba, etc., and Jiang Jiu, representing the heads of the Yanhuang Division, the United States Division, the European Union Continental Division, and the Somalia Division, were all present at this meeting.




As soon as Li Yu stepped into the meeting room of the military department, various greetings sounded. Li Yu glanced around, nodded, and said nothing.

Li Yu stood on the main seat and said: "Today, the mobilization of major legions and combatants will arrive in place one after another, and various supplies and military supplies are also ready to be mobilized."


Li Yu glanced around again, and said: "If you have any different opinions, you can raise them now."

Everyone looked at Li Yu, the person in charge on the big and small screens, thought for a while, but didn't say anything.

Only Jiang Jiu opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Boss, don't we need military support from our Somali division? Now, in addition to the 6 military troops stationed by the Umbrella Company, with the prestige of BOSS, we can More than [-] fighters have been assembled in this city again, this is just my lowest estimate, and I believe there will be more people.”

Li Yu shook his head and said no, Somalia and the main base are the two last lines of defense, and the last resort. After all, even if an army of 10 people is assembled, the fighting quality is not as good as the existing troops of Umbrella Company. There is no need for support at all, unless the front line is defeated.

At that time, even if the main base plus the Asia-Pacific region and the western region are invaded, Somalia will be the last line of defense. Where there are enough soldiers and horses, no matter who launches the attack, it will not be able to please.

In other words, no one dares to attack Somalia at the risk of the world, even if there is an army of protective umbrellas stationed there, but other than that, it is the only last city on earth where the common people have enough Counting 10 people, no one dares to break through this line of defense under the doomsday, because this may be the kindling city of human beings.

Moreover, the umbrella also controls disease-resistant and disease-removing medicines. As long as these two medicines are still in Li Yu's hands, even if the entire Asia-Pacific region and the entire Western World's umbrella bases fall, even so, there will be no one on the entire earth. Dare to really destroy the umbrella company, at most it is to suppress and negotiate.

Li Yu glanced around and said: "Since there is no objection, after today's fighters are repaired, tomorrow dawn will launch an attack. The target is the Yinhua base of the Japanese country, a base on the border of Asan, South Vietnam, and Koryo, and Umbrella Company Branch base."

"The code name for this operation, I named it, Operation Dawn!"

(End of this chapter)

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