I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 440 Cunning William

Chapter 440 Cunning William

In Umbrella's base.

Dr. William watched his biochemical troops defeat the umbrella mercenaries in a row, and couldn't help showing a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"How many troops are there in the base now? Send them all to me to cooperate with my biochemical troops. I want to completely annihilate the army of the Umbrella Company here." Dr. William asked the military officer on the side.

Umbrella's military chief looked at Dr. William in surprise and said, "But, Doctor, the other party's armed force is several times that of ours!"

Dr. William suddenly turned around, his eyes were cold: "Are you questioning my order?"

The military chief at the Umbrella base suddenly felt like he was being targeted by an ancient beast, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead: "No...don't dare! I will mobilize the troops right away."

The military chief of the base quickly mobilized all the military forces in the base and organized a wave of counterattacks against the dragon army.

With the help of the biochemical warrior troops, the troops at the Umbrella base acted like a god. They suppressed the flying dragon army with extremely powerful firepower for a while, and pushed the flying dragon army back a certain distance.

"As expected, as expected, my research is the most powerful." Dr. William watched his biochemical troop roam freely among the dragon army, with a fascinated look on his face.From studying viruses at the age of 16, to seeing the fruitful fruits of his research today, a sense of pride spreads in Dr. William's chest.

"Sir, traces of intruders were found at the third, eighth, and NO.11 entrances."

"Sir, there was an exchange of fire in areas [-] and [-]."

Dr. William had just been intoxicated by his research results for a while, when suddenly a piercing siren sounded, and the entire base was in chaos.

Just now, Dr. William's order has drawn out all the security forces in the entire base, and now the defense capabilities of the entire base have been reduced to the minimum.

Dr. William didn't expect such a thing to happen, he shouted loudly: "Shut up and return to your post."

After being yelled at by Dr. William, the panicked commanders fell silent.

Dr. William then issued an order: "Activate all security measures in the base and close the elevator door."

After hearing Dr. William's order, these commanders had a backbone, and then they activated all the security measures in the entire base in an orderly manner.

"To obtain the highest authority of Dr. William, activate all the security measures of the base." After all this was resolved, a high-ranking commander said to Dr. William: "Doctor, what should we do in the next wave?"

Dr. William frowned and said, "Call me the image of the intruder first, and report the damage."

The commander immediately called up the surveillance angle inside the base on the screen. Dr. William immediately recognized that this was the genetic soldier unit of the Umbrella Company.

"Doctor, the first, fifth, seventh, and eighth areas have completely lost communication, and the security department has been wiped out. There has been an exchange of fire in the second, third, and ninth areas, and the security department is seeking support." The commander will now be in the base. The whole situation was told to Dr. William.

When Dr. William heard the commander's report, he fell silent immediately.

Now so many genetic warriors have infiltrated and infiltrated into the base, obviously they are here for themselves.And judging from the commander's report and the scene on the screen, there should be quite a few genetic soldiers who invaded the base.

"Damn umbrella, damn Li Yu!" Dr. William punched the table viciously.The two confrontations with Li Yu ended with his own escape, which made Dr. William very unwilling.

But judging from the current situation, the large number of genetic soldiers is simply not something he can resist with his current strength, so no matter how unwilling Dr. William is, he has no choice but to give an order to retreat.

"Open the escape route and prepare to evacuate immediately." William shouted loudly at the officers.

The commander did not expect to receive such an order, and immediately hesitated: "But sir, there are still our troops above..."

Before the commander could finish speaking, he realized that his arm had been pierced through his chest.

Then the members of the entire Umbrella Corporation's Japanese branch were killed one by one, without the slightest ability to resist.

An expressionless assistant beside Dr. William slowly withdrew his blood-stained palm, and then stood silently behind Dr. William.

Dr. William said to another young assistant of his own: "Start the self-destruct program and make sure not to let our research data leak out."

The young assistant nodded, and started the base's self-destruct procedure with Dr. William's highest authority.

Before leaving, Dr. William watched his biochemical troops being wiped out on the screen, and his heart seemed to be bleeding.He said viciously to Feilongjun on the screen: "Li Yu, I look forward to meeting you next time."


Soon the news of Dr. William's escape was spread to the war room of Operation Dawn.

"Escaped? This Dr. William is really a cunning mouse!" Li Yu was not surprised to hear the news, but gave an order for the gene team to evacuate Umbrella's base as quickly as possible.

"Boss, why don't you take advantage of this opportunity to cooperate internally and externally and directly take down the Umbrella base?" Wu Peng asked a little puzzled.

Li Yu rubbed his eyebrows and said: "If you were Dr. William, would you give up such an important base to your enemy? Order the mercenaries not to entangle with the remaining troops of Umbrella Company, and immediately use the fastest The entire army retreated at a speed."

Wu Peng came back to his senses immediately, cursed secretly that the top management of Umbrella Company was inhumane, and then ordered the Feilong Army to withdraw.

Three minutes later, the entire Umbrella Wa country branch turned into a huge mushroom cloud and soared into the sky.

Those members of the Umbrella Wa country branch were killed by the flames without knowing it.

At this time, most of the combat capabilities of the Yinhua base have been destroyed by the umbrella company, and the branch base of the Umbrella company has also self-destructed.Such a record has exceeded Li Yu's expectations.

Since then, the umbrella company's combat operations against the entire Wa country have completely come to an end.

It's just a pity that, under the tracking of the genetic team, Dr. William was able to escape proudly. After expanding the scope several times, Dr. William's whereabouts have not been found. Presumably, he has secretly left the Wa Kingdom through some channel.

(End of this chapter)

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