Chapter 598

In a pavilion by the lake, Li Yu drank a pot of wine by himself. He was in a coma for three months. A week ago, Shi Xiong and others who were in charge of taking care of him returned to their sects.

Because the ancient emperor forcibly stimulated his potential, after the Xiaoqian world was broken, the small world he had just transformed from the realm of gods could no longer be mobilized, and the corresponding power of law fell into silence. Li Yu found embarrassingly that he fell into The bad situation of not being able to comprehend and refine the law stone.

The only good news is that after breaking through the fourth level of Bajiu Xuangong, the world projection in his body finally turned virtual into reality, and moved towards a real small world. A thin world wall formed in the dantian, allowing him to rely on his powerful The physical body directly shuttles through the void, and this is something that only a heavenly powerhouse can do, and a heavenly powerhouse needs the protection of the power of the world to keep itself from being harmed.

"Go back to the heavy sword gate and have a look."

He stepped into the void with a pot of healing medicinal wine in his arms, and walked rapidly towards the southeast. The turbulent turbulence of the violent space hit his body without leaving a trace, and he didn't even need the power of force mobilize.

The power tempered by Heavenly Tribulation has become more inclusive, and it is automatically circulating to refine the impurities in his body. Every moment, some cells that are not strong enough are automatically excreted from the body, and then replaced by other cells. The strength of his body is constantly increasing, and it seems that some unknown change is about to occur in the 360 ​​blood holes in his body.

"Stop, who are you".

In the epee gate, a large number of heaven-level ninth-rank powerhouses were flying around, and began to search for the remaining treasures. These are all powerhouses from the celestial-human race. After receiving the news of the epee gate's collapse, they rushed Action unfolded.

"I am a disciple of the outer sect of the heavy sword sect."

When Li Yu came, he changed his appearance through muscle changes, and even his height became a big man over two meters tall, and he was making a simple and deep male voice at this time.

"The heavy sword gate no longer exists, and now our Celestial Human Race will take over, and the idlers and others will retreat immediately."

A heaven-level ninth-level powerhouse waved his hand. If he hadn't been in a good mood today, he would have slapped a ground-level first-level miscellaneous fish like this before him. How could he explain so much.


Li Yu curled his lips. As a disciple of the heavy sword gate, he should be the master here, okay? He passed by him pretending to be pleasing to the eye, and a large amount of power burst out instantly, while his extremely hard fist He blasted out hard.

This ninth-level heavenly powerhouse was caught off guard, and before he could even use the power of the world, he turned into a headless corpse, sprayed with blood, and fell from mid-air.

"So bold!".

Other strong men flew over one after another, and the power of various worlds intertwined, causing cracks to appear in the space. Li Yu stood still without any defense.

A huge explosion sounded, and all the power of the world that bombarded Li Yu was blocked by the power of the body surface, leaving no trace on his body. He waved his sleeves and looked at the group of people with disdain. The stunned strong man took a step and walked inside.

"Where did this strong man come from, what a terrifying body."

The strong men of the Celestial Race were stunned, and they looked at each other in disbelief until Li Yu's figure disappeared in front of them.

"I rub it, it's too big."

Li Yu quickly fled to an unoccupied corner. Just now he was majestic, but the power in his body was exhausted. As long as the opponent makes another joint attack, he probably will be able to bear it. After all, these are the ninth rank of the heavenly rank Strong, and it is not as simple as one plus one.

"It seems that my physical body can resist the attack of heaven-level weapons."

In the mid-air where the explosion happened before, a pair of heavenly soldiers were flying back into the hands of these strong men. None of the weapons could break Li Yu's defense just now, which is why they did not continue to shoot.

In front of the treasure house of the heavy sword gate, Li Yu's physical body changed for a while, and he became one of the heavenly powerhouses just now. In the formation, dozens of herbs of different shapes are flying around, and there are bursts of triumphant laughter, and dozens of heaven-level ninth-level powerhouses are chasing after them in embarrassment.

"Supreme treasure of heaven, material and earth".

Li Yu looked at these refined herbal medicines, and small stars appeared in his eyes. The environment in this magic circle is special, and the power of the world cannot be used. This is why those ninth-level powerhouses of the heavenly level can't catch up in such a mess. Well, this magic circle itself was arranged with extremely precious materials, and it is not so easy for outsiders to obtain the supreme level of natural materials and earthly treasures.

"What are you still doing in a daze, come and help me quickly," a strong man shouted. It's not that they never thought of destroying the magic circle, but the eyes of the circle are buried very secretly, and they won't be able to find it for a while.


Li Yu's figure swayed, and he began to move at a very high speed. If he just competed with the speed of the physical body, these ninth-level powerhouses of the heavenly level could not even flatter a horse.

"The taste is not bad, um".

He stuffed a screaming fire ginseng into his mouth and hiccupped. The ninth-level heavenly powerhouse next to him was stunned. He had to take it back and hand it in, even if he wanted to be greedy. It doesn't have to be so obvious.

"Are you crazy? If the true god finds out, he will blame him." A strong man whispered in his ear, and it seemed that he usually had a good relationship with the strong man he pretended to be.

Li Yu shook his head, and continued to hunt for the treasures of heaven and earth, ten of them could not breathe, and there were dozens of supreme-level treasures of heaven and earth in the star ring, which is difficult to encounter once in ten thousand years outside, and this It is also the foundation of the heavy sword gate.

"Hey, it's done so quickly, not bad."

At this time, nearly a hundred heaven-level ninth-rank powerhouses flew in from the outside, looked at the empty magic circle and said in surprise, he didn't expect his companions to move so fast, originally he was worried about the strong man with a terrifying physical body just now Found it here.

"Trouble give way."

Li Yu's figure directly knocked the person in front of him into the air, and after flashing out of the range of the magic circle, he stepped into the void and began to walk quickly.

"No, that's not my own."

After one breath, these days, no matter how stupid the top powerhouses of the human race are, they will react. If they are their own people, they will not have such a strange reaction at all, especially after mentioning the name of the true god, Li Yu has no expression of awe.


They followed the spatial fluctuations sent by Li Yu, wrapped their whole bodies with the power of the world, and chased after them in the void.

(End of this chapter)

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