Chapter 605

In the territory of the monster race, bottles of green biological virus reagents were scattered into the void, but after several days, except for the infection of the monster race accidentally encountered in the nearby area, these biological viruses did not spread as expected.

"Can the original universe automatically prevent the spread of biological viruses?".

A surprised voice sounded in the void. These biological viruses were developed by the machine clan with a lot of time based on the master-level biological virus information handed down from ancient times, but they did not expect to have such a weak effect.

Without the use of the mechanical heart, master-level technology is nothing more than this, and the reason why the machine clan can continue to produce true god-level powerhouses from ancient times to the present is that the previous machine clan predecessors sealed up a part of the original power of the mechanical heart.

A true god-level powerhouse has just been created, and the original power of the heavenly dao stored in the heart of the machine is almost exhausted, so its magical ability cannot be mobilized for the time being. The two true gods of the mechanical race looked at each other and decided to split up. One continued to steal the heavenly dao The source, and the other returned to the ancestral land of the machine race to bring back more resources.

"You have to plan ahead."

Li Yu is one of the few people who knows all the inside information. When the two true gods of the monsters and the celestials failed to block again, the comeback of the machine race is bound to become a foregone conclusion. The terrible plague was finally solved by one of the true god-level powerhouses named "Shen Nong" who went through untold hardships, and now it seems that this plague is likely to be caused by a biological virus.

"Master-level biological virus."

He has experienced the power of advanced biological viruses, and he is extremely afraid of the more advanced technology of the Heart of Machinery. There is no such thing as "Shen Nong" in this era who has strong medical skills. catastrophe.

"First transfer the blood of the ancient human race out."

Li Yu is going to transfer those ancient human races who have not yet reached the sky level to the first universe, because the sky-level powerhouses have the power of the world to protect them. Even in ancient times, it is rare to see a sky-level powerhouse die from the plague. recorded.

"The Human Emperor has ordered that all those below the heavenly level go to the Land Abandoned by God in batches."


Among the three sects and eleven sects in the human race's territory, Shi Xiong and other inner sect disciples came out, and began to use various means to transfer away the prefecture-level compatriots who joined, and arranged for the heaven-level compatriots born in the ancient human race The strong escorted these people to the land abandoned by the gods.

"Let me clear the way for you."

Li Yu teleported into the cosmic channel. When he came here before, he was protected by the power of divine punishment. All kinds of zombies in the channel were afraid of him and dared not approach him, but now as he freely restrained his whole body, these zombies even You can't easily spot him when you get close.

These zombies were transformed from the corpses of dead strong men in ancient times, and they were buried here. Later, for unknown reasons, they turned into such long-haired monsters. The strongest of the black zombies even possessed a heavenly rank. With the strength of the ninth level, it's no wonder that Asura fled in fright just because he was under his aura.

Li Yu ignored these half-dead and half-alive monsters. He was using the power of the law with the aura of catastrophe to build a correct passage. These zombies were extremely disgusted with this aura and avoided it from a distance.

"I should go back and have a look."

Apart from preserving the power of the ancient human race, half of the reason why this order was issued was because he was homesick. After almost three years since he came to the initial universe, Li Chuxin and Li Anping should both be 15 by this time. He is an older child, and Jiang Yuyao and Chu Hanyun haven't seen each other for a long time.

In the first universe, in the three years after Li Yu left, the Milky Way galaxy and the Gamma galaxy ushered in rapid and stable development. The Andromeda galaxy became extremely prosperous under the joint development of humans and Gamma stars, and the starry sky Among the Zerg, the first earth-level brood also appeared, and a large number of earth-level starry sky Zerg were hatched. As for the genius camp, as early as half a year ago, they all broke through to the first level of the earth-level, and today the genius camp welcomes Here comes a new member.

"Li Chuxin and Li Anping came to report!".

"Very good, I hope you two don't fall into the prestige of Lord Boss, I will treat everyone equally in training." Jia Nuo scanned Li Anping and Li Chuxin, who were at the ninth level of the Mysterious Class, with stern eyes, and led the others to welcome them to join .

"The owner of the five-star core!".

A hint of envy appeared in Alice's eyes. A single attribute star core may not be worth mentioning, but a five star core that gathers five attributes is top-notch even among first-order star cores. After such a long period of practice, she is not What kind of practice is a noob, she should know all the knowledge of the universe clearly, as the owner of the second-order star core, if she hadn't practiced the ancient dragon elephant skill, she would have been far away by the peerless geniuses such as Jia Nuo. in the back.

"As expected of the blood of BOSS-sama."

The members of the Genius Camp looked at Li Chuxin and Li Anping with incomparably gentle eyes. Although Garno had repeatedly stated that they would treat them equally, these teammates still gave the two new members preferential treatment in various aspects.

"Sister Yuyao, we should be considered a level five civilization now."


In the ancestral planet of the earth, since Li Yu set up the Jiuqu Yellow River formation, the energy in it has become more and more abundant day by day, and there has never been any crisis. The nine advanced technologies left by Li Yu before are widely used and can be used everywhere Seeing the mech fighters flying around and the spaceships flying away, they are at the forefront in the first universe in terms of technological level alone, and after having the strong ones at the earth level, they are even at the fifth level the forefront of civilization.

"I just don't know when my husband will come back?"

"It's been three years since I've been there, and I'm so heartless."

Chu Hanyun rolled her eyes, and when Li Yu appeared, she must make him look good.


At this moment, the alarms on the integral watches of the two of them sounded urgently. Just a few minutes ago, Skynet detected that a large number of earth-level powerhouses appeared on a barren planet in the Gamma galaxy, and the number was still high. is increasing.

"Location of the Cosmic Passage".

The two women exclaimed. Before Li Yu left, he briefly mentioned to them that from Skynet's combat power test, the lowest one that came to that planet was at the third level of the earth level, and the highest one had reached the earth level. Ninth level, as for the number, it keeps increasing by tens of thousands.

"How to do?".

The two looked at each other anxiously, losing their position for a while before such a powerful force, and hurriedly summoned the high-level leaders to discuss countermeasures.

(End of this chapter)

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