I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 615 Break Destiny

Chapter 615 Break Destiny
Each universe is actually a special high-dimensional life itself, but because of certain restrictions, they cannot awaken their own independent consciousness, at most only a weak subconsciousness operates in it, like the first universe, even the source of heaven has been plundered, In a few epochs, it will be a Death Star.

"These colorful bubbles can actually increase the level of superstring weapons!".

After absorbing a large amount of the origin of heaven contained in the heart of the machine, Li Yu's cosmic prototype expanded to [-] meters. The colorful bubbles formed by the power of the whole system of law and the power of the whole system in the thunder robbery before conveyed a message that made him The extremely surprising information, the mysterious power contained in the bubbles can actually increase the level of superstring weapons. To him, this is like a poor beggar winning a billions lottery at once. He was so shocked that even the embryonic form of the universe was in turmoil. .

"It turned out to be the power of destiny?!".

Streaks of colorful rays of light evolve in the bubbles, and in Li Yu's shocked eyes, they become small illusory worlds, in which scenes that are extremely familiar are being staged, and they are all film and television works that have appeared on the earth, but I want to To obtain these powers of destiny, one must break the fate of the protagonist, and those who can enter it can only be ordinary creatures similar to the human beings on the earth before the end.

"Ordinary people?".

Li Yu smiled bitterly. Now in the umbrella company, even newborn babies have a yellow-level cultivation. He never thought that one day, he would be troubled by looking for ordinary people.

"It doesn't matter, let's talk about it after absorbing the origin of the Heavenly Dao of the Mechanical Heart."

He devoted himself to cultivation again, wanting to refine more of the origin of the Dao of Heaven, but soon found that he had reached a bottleneck, the power of fate of those colored bubbles had interfered with the embryonic form of the universe, and he returned to the original state all of a sudden. In the beginning of the troubles, I had to face the problem of finding ordinary creatures.

"By the way, isn't there cloning technology? How could I forget this."

As long as a batch of babies are successfully cloned and catalyzed by cell division technology, a batch of ordinary humans will soon be obtained. He called Dr. Liu and began to implement the plan immediately.

Ten days later, a thousand clones were thrown into the colored bubbles by him. Before entering, he implanted a lot of knowledge, experience and fighting instinct into everyone through advanced technology, and let them know every plot well, and then looked forward to Wait for the burst of colorful bubbles.

"how so?".

Thousands of clones all failed. The protagonist did not change because of their efforts. Instead, everything returned to the final plot by mistake. Li Yu asked Dr. Liu to catalyze thousands of clones again. This time he They didn't tell them any plot, but the result was still the same.

"It seems that the cloned creatures can't affect the fate at all!".

After many experiments, Li Yu saw the difference between clones and normal humans. The former could not carry the power of luck at all, which is crucial to the plot world.

"Red queen, help me deduce the best plan."

"Yes Master".

Li Yu has used Skynet a handful of times in recent years, because after seeing the figure of the master, the red queen showed great surprise on her face, and the models were continuously deduced in the super light brain, and she quickly found out A plan that made Li Yu's eyes shine.

"I'm so stupid, why should I think about this kind of thing?"

Looking at the series of plans listed above, he began to carefully sift through, and soon focused his attention on which one was the least optimistic about Hong Hou.

"Master, although this plan is perfect, it takes too long."


The Human Emperor's Pagoda quietly emerged from his hands, and this heavenly weapon containing the law of time was once again useful.

"let's start".

"Yes, master."

In a barren territory of the Andromeda galaxy, a large number of space battleships are constantly busy, transforming it into a cosmic environment that is exactly the same as the solar system before the doomsday. A blue planet was transported by several space battleships and pushed On the predetermined orbit, a star about the size of the sun is shining in the distant starry sky. After the other planets are in place, this place becomes a replica of the solar system.

"The master is really capricious, but I like it."

The red queen pouted. This item was not originally included in the plan, but Li Yu insisted on adding it. He suddenly had a good idea. If the end of the earth did not happen at the beginning, what would the development of civilization be like this.

When everything was completed, he put a large number of human beings with a yellow-level cultivation on it, and urged the Human Emperor Tower to cover the entire planet, allowing it to evolve naturally. At this point, he started his own plan.

When his cultivation hit a bottleneck, Li Yu simply didn't bother to cultivate. Although his current life form is completely different, he still maintains the habits on earth, and stays with his family as long as he has time.

It took 50 years in a long time. Jiang Yuyao and Chu Hanyun broke through the heavenly level in ten years under the stacking of a large number of resources, and successfully promoted to the true god under the indoctrination of Li Yu's origin of heaven. It took 15 years to break through to the true god level, and they each found their beloved.

"Grandpa, grandpa, can you accompany me to fly a kite?"

"Grandpa, I'm going to play in the first universe."


A few little boys carved in pink and jade followed behind Li Yu, while Jiang Yuyao and Chu Hanyun stared at the back with kind faces. Although Li Chuxin and Li Anping were not young when they got married, but for the true god-level strong In a long lifespan, life has just begun.

Li Yu enjoys the family happiness of his children and grandchildren, and is extremely happy every day. In the past 50 years, his use of superstring power has become superb, and he has been able to become like ordinary people, not independent of others. A strange life in the universe, which allows him to play with his grandchildren easily, without worrying that he cannot be truly touched and felt like air.

"Ordinary is also a kind of happiness!".

The days go by day by day, with the company of relatives, every minute and every second is extremely fulfilling, Li Yu almost forgot about the colorful bubbles, until one day the red queen appeared in front of him, and began to report on the Andromeda galaxy. Information from the blue planet is coming.

"This is simply the earth before the end."

Looking at the busy figures under the high-rise buildings, Li Yu sighed, if he hadn't been reborn, he would have been one of them.

(End of this chapter)

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