I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 617 Special Care

Chapter 617 Special Care
The blue planet in the Andromeda galaxy was in a state of panic at this time, and 10 people disappeared overnight, all of them were gamers who had received the beta log-in device. Regarding the game "Glory of My Lord", I was once again in a dilemma. On the cusp of the global focus, but this time there are countless voices of opposition. A large number of parade organizations took to the streets to protest against the umbrella company. Even several major countries demanded an explanation from the umbrella company.

But on the second day, a large number of robots descended on the planet, erasing the memory of the people involved, and the Umbrella Company went into hiding again. It was as if nothing had happened. No one remembered those people who entered the game , as if they had never been there.

"Hey, it's not bad this time, someone actually broke the fate."

In the initial universe, Li Yu cast his gaze into the prototype of the universe in his body. A colored bubble had burst, and the power of destiny with a mysterious atmosphere slowly flowed out of it. He quickly took out the mechanical heart and put it into the sacrifice stand up.

"This power of destiny really has an effect on the improvement of superstring weapons!".

Although the current level of the mechanical heart is still the hero level, after tempering, the superstring power that can be released has been doubled, which makes Li Yu overjoyed.

"Xu Tiantian? Nice little guy, Red Queen, don't let him die in reality. Also, you can put in the second batch of players."

"Yes, master."

On Azure Planet, at the gate of an ordinary residential area, Xu Tiantang's figure suddenly appeared, a trace of confusion appeared in his eyes, in that place called reincarnation space, he felt that he had stayed for several years, a mysterious figure told him , Only by breaking his fate can he escape, and after a narrow escape, he did it.

"Movie world? Is this a dream?"

When he first entered that world, everything around him was absurd. The characters in the movie actually appeared in front of him alive. It took him several days to accept this reality.

"Mom, open the door?"

He knocked on the door of his own house, and after leaving for so long, he didn't know how anxious his parents would be. While waiting, he looked at the gorgeous ring on his right hand, but found that he couldn't do it when he wanted to take it off.

"Young man, who are you looking for?"

The person who opened the door was his very familiar mother, but the other party looked at him suspiciously, making Xu Tiantang froze in place.

"I am your son Xu Tiantang."

"Crazy, my son died in a car accident, please leave."

The face of the other party became very indifferent, as if Xu Tiantang's words touched the other party's scar, looking at the tightly closed door, he was just a senior high school student before, and he sat helplessly on the concrete floor.

"Are you Xu Tiantang?".

A limited-edition super sports car stopped in front of it with a "squeak", and two intelligent robots stepped down from it, and respectfully called "Master" to Xu Tiantang.


Ever since he received the "My Lord Glory" lander, Xu Tiantang felt that the things that happened around him became more and more strange. He was sucked into the supercar by an invisible force, and when he was driving to an empty place, , this super sports car he had never seen before quickly transformed and flew towards a distant island.

"Umbrella Corporation!".

Two days later, Xu Tiantang was in a luxurious seaside villa with a dull expression on his face. He somehow became a member of the umbrella company, and the other party also promised him supreme money and power, a black card with unlimited overdraft. The card is in front of him, and there are two tall robots to protect his safety at any time. Even at the request of Xu Tiantang, the umbrella company promised to restore the memory of his parents.

An invisible fog shrouded his mind, and he arrived at the door of his house again in a luxurious private jet.

"Heaven, you son of a bitch, where have you been this week?".

The middle-aged woman who had just returned from shopping for vegetables let out an exclamation, and just hugged him in her arms. Xu Tiantang looked confused. His mother didn't react like this a few days ago.

"Haven't I been in the film world for more than two years?".

He repeatedly looked at the calendar at home, with more and more doubts in his mind.

"Welcome our transfer student, classmate Xu Tiantang."

In Class [-] of the third grade of Qingteng High School, the teacher who was familiar with him once again pulled him in front of the students and began to introduce him seriously. The students all showed curious expressions, as if it was really the first time they saw him.

"Who is Bai Lu? There is no such person in our class."

He started to inquire about some classmates who also bought the login device, all of them disappeared out of thin air, and this was obviously related to the umbrella company. Deep fear arose in Xu Tiantang's heart. The one hundred thousand people who received the game ring back then, I don't know how many people like him can come back here safely?

"Have you heard that a game called "My Lord's Glory" is about to be released. It is said that the world's top ten chaebols have funded this game, and every country is promoting it, but the quota is only 9999 people."

A few days later, Xu Tiantang heard the news again, and his expression became extremely strange. Except that the number of places was one less than before, this was almost a repeat of a week ago, and non-stop appeared in his landing ring. voice of inquiry.

"Do you want to enter the game now?".


Cold sweat broke out on Xu Tiantang's forehead, and he refused without thinking.

"This is the global evening news. Recently, there have been a lot of supernatural phenomena in various places. Nearly 10 people have disappeared. According to the investigation of relevant departments, this has a lot to do with the "Glory of My Lord" just launched by Umbrella Company, because these missing people are extremely rare. Most of them have just received their landing rings...".

Switching the TV to another channel, Xu Tiandao found that there were news about these weird things everywhere, so he just watched the news and passed the night in a daze.

"Sure enough, it's weird."

Xu Tiantang, who went to school with a pair of dark circles under his eyes, found that there were many fewer people in the classroom, and shortly after finishing the first morning self-study, a large number of intelligent robots from the umbrella company descended one after another, and began to falsify the memories of relevant personnel without hesitation. was selectively ignored, which allowed him to learn part of the truth.

"Is this an alien invasion?".

A terrible thought rose in his heart, he returned home like a walking dead, and began to live in a daze.

"Nine colored bubbles burst this time!".

A week later, the nine figures returned to the blue planet. Like Xu Tiantang, they all successfully broke their fate.

(End of this chapter)

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