I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 627 Deduction

Chapter 627 Deduction
In this doomed universe, due to the existence of the power of cause and effect, the use of superstring power is restricted. Li Yu was able to put a trace of will into it, already with the help of the special ability of the bronze order, an immortal superstring weapon, and The reason why Sima Aotian was chosen as the key person to unravel the cause and effect is because he is tainted with the breath of fate.

Karma is derived from fate, and only fate can break it. The reason why Li Yu was able to become the host of the alien's intellectual brain at the beginning was also because he was tainted with the breath of fate after his rebirth.

Although this doomsday universe has lost the origin of the way of heaven, it still has unique rules and attributes. The technology or knowledge of other universes is not applicable here. The formula Li Yu provided to Sima Aotian before was also derived based on the rules of this universe. , For high-dimensional life, this technique called "will derivation" is just the induction and arrangement of countless information after the thinking goes through super-dimensional operation.

"I didn't expect that one day I would become someone else's golden finger!".

Looking at the excited Sima Aotian, Li Yu remembered the days when he had just obtained an alien brain on Earth in the first universe. The only difference was that this little guy was not reborn like he was at the beginning.

"It's great to have a healthy body!".

Sima Aotian, who was running wildly on the street, was full of excitement. He stared at the mysterious phantom projected in the void with piercing eyes. He listened to Li Yu's guidance and opened a long list.

"Umbrella super black technology!".

Sima Aotian looked at the models projected continuously in the void, and was stunned. The technology inside was not even heard of, let alone seen. He ran home and turned on the computer, and compared it with the Internet. After searching a lot of information, he was shocked to find that these technologies are at least several times ahead of the current era.

"It's amazing! But I still have to complete the task, alas, it's too troublesome."

Sima Aotian murmured to himself that his family was already very wealthy, and he was only curious about these black technologies. This made Li Yu, who is a golden finger, freeze in mid-air, and a black line emerged from his forehead. In this way, I am not in a hurry to heal this little guy's leg.

Just when he was about to say something, a sense of weakness came over him. It turned out that in order to deduce the scientific and technological data that fit the rules of the universe, his will was seriously consumed. His figure suddenly shattered and fell into silence for a while. The host of his volition skipped and ran towards the house.

"Parents, look!"

Sima Aotian excitedly ran around in the spacious villa, jumping up from time to time to make backward shots. His parents stared wide-eyed, wondering if they were dreaming.

"It's nothing short of a miracle!"

In an authoritative medical institution, several Taishan Beidou in the medical field took Sima Aotian's physical examination report, and even grabbed a few beards. Some time ago, they were invited to diagnose this little guy's condition, and they even The physical disability is extremely sympathetic. I didn't expect that the other party recovered after a few days, and there was no trace of the previous disability.

"What an amazing recipe".

Although Sima Aotian is only a young boy, he is not stupid at all. Facing the questioning of several medical experts, he always pretends to be stupid and cute to fool him. When he returned home, he brought the formula passed down by Li Yu to his parents.

"If this is true, we may be developing."

As the city's business tycoons, the couple knew very well what this prescription represented. They looked at each other, secretly formulated the prescription, and then asked their trusted subordinates to conduct experiments in secret.

"Boss, this medicine is too miraculous. It has powerful biological energy, which can help the disabled to heal quickly...".

When an experiment report was placed in front of them, Sima Aotian's parents stood up excitedly. In fact, this drug has another advantage, that is, it is easy to prepare. Although there are many types of drugs involved, they are all common. This has an incomparably huge advantage in terms of manufacturing costs.

A month later, a company named "Aotian Medicine" was established, and launched a miraculous ointment for external application. At first, this product was so expensive that almost no one cared about it, and even the peers made malicious ridicule. But a week later, this situation quickly reversed, and its miraculous curative effect spread widely and attracted the attention of the country.

"Aotian, you are really the lucky star of your parents."

The two business elites with a lot of work every day specially set aside a day to take their son to have a good meal. Sima Aotian smiled. Their family's business has already started to enter the whole country.

"Why did that figure disappear!".

Except for a long list of black technology and task list, Sima Aotian never saw Li Yu again. He was very curious about the above black technology, but after seeing the first task that appeared, he was so scared that he quickly moved the It is closed, as for the following tasks, only after completing the first one can it be automatically unlocked.

"You want me to kill?"

There was deep shock in Sima Aotian's eyes, and he couldn't help but feel fear of this unknown thing that appeared in his mind.

Days passed, four years passed, Sima Aotian got his wish and entered the top university in their country, but Li Yu, the golden finger, was selectively forgotten by him, and he didn't even take a look at the list of black technologies, and they The Sima family has also become a leading international group, and the profit created by the magic ointment alone is hundreds of billions of dollars every year.

As the only son of the Sima Group, Sima Aotian has become the noble son that attracts everyone's attention. A large number of beauties flock here, wanting to marry into a wealthy family. However, he has fallen in love with his college classmate, a talented Chinese girl from a poor farmer's family. The incident surprised countless people, but his parents did not object, because they had already investigated this girl, not only was she self-improving, diligent and studious, but also filial, and she was not a materialistic gold digger.

"Sorry, we're not a good fit".

A crisp female voice made Sima Aotian pale, and he was rejected without hesitation. At the same time, a conspiracy surrounding the Sima Group was secretly plotting. The benefits created by the mysterious prescription were too huge. The big forces in the world stretched out their black hands one after another.


A few years later, Sima Aotian walked out of the campus with a gloomy look in his hand holding his graduation certificate. Although he tried hard, he still didn't get the love he wanted.

"Aotian, something happened to your parents."

He dropped his phone, picked it up in a hurry and ran forward frantically.

(End of this chapter)

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