I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 629 Rebirth

Chapter 629 Rebirth
"My lord, I dug up obsidian!".

"What, take me to see."

The alchemy creature guarding the mining area was overjoyed. Obsidian is extremely rare in the alchemy universe. This kind of ore can greatly increase the success rate of engraving runes on the energy core, and it is a treasure that is priceless.

"Developed, haha".

Looking at the broken alchemy shovel and black ore on the ground, the alchemy creature was ecstatic, and began to take out his alchemy weapon, digging carefully at the obsidian, splashing huge sparks from time to time, and a star on his body A rune kept flickering, providing him with great motivation.

"about there".

Seeing that the runes on the opponent's body surface were a little dim, Sima Aotian quietly touched it from behind, and then punched a place on the lower left of the opponent, causing the runes all over his body to become disordered. After a long time, he finally found the hub of the opponent's rune route.


The alchemy creature turned his head in disbelief, then turned into a piece of icy metal and fell to the ground, the runes all over his body began to spread one by one, Sima Aotian stepped forward quickly, and began to secretly draw a smelting rune, These metals melt into a cloud of liquid.

"It must be successful."

He knew that there was only a little time left in his time, and soon there would be a shift of alchemy creatures coming to investigate, so his fingers began to move at high speed, and a complex alchemy circle was drawn on the ground. The molten metal jumped in together. This alchemy circle was just deduced by him not long ago, and he was not very sure at all.

"Hey, you are so lucky that you discovered obsidian while on duty."

"Haha, thank you, thank you!".

When he was a child, Sima Aotian, who turned into the original alchemy creature, stepped on the alchemy spaceship. Because he found that obsidian had merit, a big person wanted to summon him.

"What a terrible energy fluctuation."

In front of several tall alchemy creatures, Sima Aotian knelt down respectfully and handed over the obsidian. Although the opponent did not activate the rune, he still felt the terrifying energy contained in the opponent's body.

"Tell me what reward you want."

"The small ones dare not, just ask for some information on alchemy runes."

"Haha, that's interesting. It seems that you want to become a rune master. It's not that easy. I allow you to stay in the Alchemy Tower for a month. It's too late for you to regret it now."

"Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord, the little ones don't regret it."

Sima Aotian was overjoyed. After being kindly told by an alchemy creature next to him, he learned that the alchemy tower is like the scientific and technological database of the doomed universe, which is exactly what he needs now, although he can also draw runes , but compared with the runes in the alchemy universe, his is still too simple.

Now he can be regarded as an alchemy creature, but in a head-to-head confrontation, he is basically the opponent of the alchemy guard who sneaked in at the beginning.

Knowledge is the sharpest weapon in front of those who are good at using it!
For a whole month, Sima Aotian immersed himself in the alchemy tower without sleeping and eating, absorbing the alchemy system of the universe. When he walked out again, he passed the rune master's assessment that day, which caused quite a stir.

"That little guy is quite interesting!"

After hearing the news, the big man who met him before smiled and decided to take a good look at Sima Aotian's potential.

In a series of complicated tests, Sima Aotian's potential shocked everyone, and even several respected rune masters fought on the spot, scrambling to accept him as an apprentice. Sima Aotian's reputation as a genius resounded throughout the alchemy Universe, and there are even prophecies that he might become the greatest rune master ever.

Sima Aotian did not live up to his reputation as a genius. In only three years, he successfully inscribed runes on the energy core. The success rate of all the runes inscribed by him reached an astonishing 90.00% or more. In the meantime, Sima Aotian's name as the number one rune master resounded throughout the alchemy universe, and he also became an important figure.

After randomly finding an excuse to rescue the surviving humans in the Doomed Universe, he began to devote himself to the study of runes. Another three years have passed, and the rune system of the Alchemy Universe has undergone leapfrog changes under his improvement. His prestige began to rival those of the strongest.

Ten years later, Sima Aotian inscribed a set of top-notch runes for himself, and then dominated the entire alchemy universe, and the human beings in the doomed universe began to multiply, and entered the alchemy system, two universes began to appear fusion.

"The thread of cause and effect disappears!".

Li Yu's gaze was projected across multiple dimensions, and he saw the scene where the two universes began to blend at a glance, and Sima Aotian also seemed to feel it, a trace of willpower flew out of his body and quickly returned to Li Yu's body.

"It's the only one that's been successful."

In the past 200 years, Li Yu made successive moves and chose more than a dozen hosts, but only Sima Aotian succeeded, but no matter what, the line of cause and effect finally disappeared, which gave him hope.

Only those who are contaminated with the breath of fate will be selected as the host, but the selected host may not be successful, and because of the interference of the power of cause and effect, every time he invests a little bit of willpower, he will fall silent for various reasons.

Trapped in the river of fate, he now has a lot of time. Under the action of the Bronze Order, the Destiny Clan of the universe in his body guides more and more origins of the way of heaven, and his power of will has become extremely large. , There is no need to worry about the consumption of willpower at all, Li Yu began to choose the host again and again, and the thread of cause and effect entangled him became less and less.

1 years have passed, and the last thread of cause and effect that entangled him has disappeared, and a feeling of incomparable clarity arises in his heart. He finds that his perception of the Dao has become more and more clear, and during these ten thousand years, Due to the absorption of countless sources of heaven, his power of will has become extremely large, and even the universe he has transformed has expanded more than a hundred times.

But in the process of cracking the line of cause and effect, Li Yu found something wrong. All hosts that were not contaminated with the power of fate failed in the end. With his current strength, there are strict restrictions on the selection of hosts. At the beginning, he was able to become a high-dimensional life The host of her was contaminated with the breath of fate because of her rebirth.

But the point is, why is he reborn?

To create a reborn person in a universe contaminated with karma, even he who has an immortal superstring weapon can't do it, let alone an ordinary high-dimensional life that only had a mechanical heart.

(End of this chapter)

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