I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 641 The space of the Lord God, the transformation of will

Chapter 641 The space of the Lord God, the transformation of will

"It's only the last small world, I don't know how the situation is now."

"Hope that Awakened One is a good tempered one."


In countless scenes, Li Bai was fighting alone, and all the people who came in with him died, and he didn't even survive the first scene. In this, he met countless partners who fought together, and the blood in his heart also It started to ignite slowly, but he would rather all this was just a dream, because these partners all fell in front of him one by one.

Watching the tragic death of his brothers and comrades-in-arms again and again, and struggling in despair again and again, in the last plot, Li Bai, facing a true god-level monster, uttered a shocking roar. Hope, he wants to break this damn space of reincarnation and find the truth behind the scenes.

"Those who play us like ants, I must make him pay the price!".

The member of the umbrella who manages this reincarnation space sees Li Bai's ferocious face in the scene, and his heart thumps secretly. From the warnings of others, he has long known that the last awakened person is not a good person, but out of loyalty to the BOSS-sama , He still sticks to his post. Anyway, he has earned enough after living for so long. If it weren't for the source of heaven and earth rewarded by the BOSS, he would have died of old age and turned into a pile of dung.

"Boss-sama has always been behind the scenes. If he can do this for him, he will die without regret." With a smirk, he calmly walked in front of Li Bai.

"Oh it's you!".

Li Bai's eyes revealed an inconceivable expression. He remembered the scene when he saw this young man in black. It was the first time he entered the space. He thought that the other party had already died in the horror plot, but he didn't expect it to be this reincarnation space. behind the scenes.

"The strength is really strong! Haha".

When Li Bai's fist pierced through the air, the member of the umbrella smiled, and then exploded into a cloud of blood that reverberated in the air for a long time.

"Finally back again!".

In reality, a figure knelt down on the ground and wept excitedly. Then, as time went by, this small world was slowly frozen.


All the members of the umbrella made loud voices. Although they didn't know why the boss asked them to do this, they finally lived up to Li Yu's expectations.

In each small world, countless soul fragments began to gather and slowly merged into Li Yu's appearance. The memories of life after life began to wake up, and the extremely powerful power of reincarnation broke through the sky, causing the entire sixth dimension to start to vibrate.

"How many years! I, Li Yu, are back!".

An incomparably vicissitudes of life resounded in the sixth dimension, and all the high-dimensional beings suddenly lost their minds, even those few Dao-level powerhouses were no exception, and this was just Li Yu's muttering to himself when he merged his soul .

It is not easy for hundreds of millions of souls who have awakened their own wills to successfully merge. This is a process of constant collision and sublimation. The more and more intense Dao patterns cover Li Yu. As more souls are fused, His understanding of the Dao of Reincarnation became more and more profound.

The blossoming flowers of the avenue floated above his head, and the profound artistic conception of reincarnation was manifested on it. Li Yu was shocked. With the addition of a large amount of reincarnation power, his soul fusion speed became faster and faster.

"It's raining!".

In the sixth dimension, all high-dimensional beings were stunned, and a trace of rain from the avenue fell from the sky, as if celebrating something extremely important. Living beings, I feel that my thinking has become much faster, and the power of will has become more concentrated.

"Is this the blessing of the Great Dao? Someone actually comprehended a brand new Great Dao with their own strength!".

All Dao-level powerhouses obviously knew more inside information. They were shocked in their hearts, with deep horror on their faces, and then desperately absorbed these extraordinary rainwater. Under the blessing of Dao, their understanding of their respective Dao changed. Go deeper.


A trace of doubt appeared in their hearts, and then they shook their heads. Such a talented and brilliant practitioner should soon face the catastrophe of the Dao, and everything will be displayed in front of everyone.

"It turns out that this is the real avenue of reincarnation!".

A hint of enlightenment rose in Li Yu's heart, struggling in the sinking, detached in the infinite, it turned out that this is the true meaning of the Dao of Reincarnation, small worlds emerged behind him, and the scenes of the reincarnation space in it flowed backwards rapidly, looking at himself In the scene where he kept struggling, he understood the original problem for the first time.

"The catastrophe of the Dao is coming."

His face changed, and he quickly moved the members of the umbrella back to the original universe, while he returned to the sixth dimension, watching the ever-gathering avenues of calamity with unruly eyes.

"I hope you don't let me down!".

A strong fighting spirit rose from him. After experiencing endless reincarnation, the original fear of the Great Dao has long since dissipated. Instead, a strong sense of anticipation has arisen. He found a sense of detachment again.

After the endless era, above the sixth dimension, the catastrophe of the avenue came again. It seemed that Li Yu's provocation was felt. This time the catastrophe of the avenue will be more terrifying than before.

Unlike Lucifer, Li Yu's power of will has already been sublimated before he experienced the thunder disaster. If other Dao-level powerhouses know what he did, they will definitely shout a lunatic in their hearts—— The soul is divided into billions, and only a madman can do such a thing.

Soul splitting is the existence of self-injury for the Dao-level powerhouse, because once the soul is split, it is not enough to withstand the power of the Dao, but what everyone did not expect is that Li Yu extravagantly spent his hard work The power of the great way accumulated and comprehended is used to evolve different small worlds. This is simply throwing gold into the garbage dump. If Li Yu hadn't entered the state of epiphany by chance at that time, he would not have such deviant ideas .

And although the fusion of will later seemed to be only a short moment, in the constant collision and sublimation, the pain from the soul was not something ordinary people could bear at all. Fortunately, his fusion speed was quite slow at the beginning, so he had After a process of adapting slowly, when it came to the end, after Li Yu successfully endured the pain of these souls, the fusion from hundreds of millions of memories almost caused him to collapse, but it was also the persistence that came from the hundreds of millions of soul fragments. The superposition of thoughts made him persevere and successfully completed the transformation.

The road to detachment is thorny every step of the way, and only with great wisdom and perseverance can we stumble forward, and Li Yu just has these two points.

(End of this chapter)

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