Chapter 1403 Farmer Girl Six

Coincidentally, the elders from the village also came, and Lin Lang pointed to Cheng Tianjun and said, "Elders, you came just in time, you must have heard what my aunt said just now, there is an old saying that men and women sit at different seats at seven years old, I A woman who is not married for any reason should indeed keep a distance from other men!
This son must have been seen by everyone. Since he can come out, it means that he is almost in good health. Can the elders understand my difficulties and send this son to someone else's house to take care of! "

"This..." The elders in the village glanced at Cheng Tianjun and found that his complexion was much better, so they nodded, "In that case, let this young master live in my house, but although this young master can come out, But my body... I'm afraid I need to rest for a while, and during this time, I have to trouble Lin Lang to give you more treatment!"

Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that he was able to send the disaster star away, "It's natural to send the Buddha to the west, elders, don't worry!"

Hearing this, Cheng Tianjun glanced at Linlang subconsciously, feeling a little sad in his heart, but he didn't know where the sadness came from. He raised his head and said to the elders in the village: "My surname is Cheng and my name is Tianjun. Thank you all during this time." The elders have taken care of me. When I recover from my injury and return home, I will definitely thank you elders!

Ordinarily, I should leave here now, but although my body has almost recovered, I still feel a little uncomfortable. Let me rest for two days, and I will move out of here tomorrow. I hope all the elders will be happy! "

Elders, look at me and look at you. They help Cheng Tianjun for the generous reward. Of course, it would be great if Cheng Tianjun's family can protect them.

Lin Lang also knew the difficulties of those elders, so she turned her head and gave Cheng Tianjun a hard look, and said reluctantly: "Young Master Cheng is right, although he can come out and walk now, his health is still not optimistic. Stay here for two more days, and move out of here when you are almost in good health!"

The elders smiled and agreed, and when they left, they said: "Lin Lang, I know that letting a foreigner live in your house has wronged you, but you also have to think about the inside of the village. Our village is located in a remote place. , and there are no outstanding juniors in the family, so every time I go outside, I can only be bullied by others, if Mr. Cheng... can take care of our village after his injury, that would be great!"

Yes, you are very good, but you feel sorry for me, I only hope that Cheng Tianjun can be honest, and leave here in a hurry after he recovers.

But no one would have thought that Lin Lang heard a knock on the door that night. She subconsciously picked up the machete beside her pillow and asked vigilantly, "Who? Don't blame my aunt for not reminding you that my father is a hunter. He is also running around on the mountain, and he has some kung fu in his hands..."

Suddenly there was a nice chuckle from outside the door, "Miss Linlang, it's me!"

Lin Lang heard this and said angrily, "What are you doing if you don't sleep at night!"

Cheng Tianjun said heartily: "Miss Linlang, the moonlight is just right today. I want to invite Miss Linlang to come out to enjoy the moon together. I wonder if Miss Linlang can save me some face and come out to talk about it?"

Lin Lang laughed mockingly, "I'll give you some face, you're eating mine and drinking mine now and still using mine, you asked me to give you face, where did you get the face from!

Mr. Cheng, I think you are also a good-looking talent, with a personable demeanor, and what you think is that you have studied for a few years, so do you know what is etiquette, righteousness and shame?Knocking on the door of a girl's house at night, are you planning to be that shameless person? "

Suddenly there was no sound outside the door. I don't know how long the silence lasted until Cheng Tianjun's voice came, "Miss Linlang, there is actually one thing I don't understand. Why is Miss Linlang so resistant to me?"

Lin Lang's voice was cold and cold, "Why do you still have the nerve to say why I hate you so much? Don't you have any reason in your heart? I was kind enough to save you, but what about you, you came to knock on my door at night to destroy me? reputation?
Mr. Cheng, if you have any face, go back to your room now and leave my house tomorrow! "

Cheng Tianjun lowered his head, and the cold moonlight shone on him, making his figure tall and straight like a jade, with a trace of unearthly indifference on his handsome face, "That's not the case, it's true that you came to find a girl tonight. It's my fault, but I think the girl hates me, not because I came to find the girl tonight, because before that, the girl hated me very much!
Miss Linlang, I really don't understand, I have no grievances with you, why do you hate me so much? "

Lin Lang also opened the skylight to speak bluntly, "Mr. Cheng, I don't understand. Why do you ask me this? And you are still pressing on?"

Cheng Tianjun didn't understand why he was struggling with this all the time, perhaps as a child of heaven's pride, he had never experienced such a setback, he felt extremely depressed, as if a big stone was blocked in his chest.

"Miss Linlang, I really want to know the answer!" Cheng Tianjun asked thoroughly.

Linlang lowered her eyes, "Young Master Cheng, you should understand that there is no reason for one person to hate another!"

" that so?" Cheng Tianjun couldn't believe such an answer, " far as I know, I have never been hated by other women!"

"Hehehe, this is the best joke I've heard this year. Mr. Cheng, you are too narcissistic. It's not too early when you get better. Mr. Cheng, hurry back!" Lin Lang lay on the bed again and started to rush people!
Cheng Tianjun was naturally unwilling to leave here, "Miss Linlang, I heard from the aunt in the village that your medical skills are self-taught, is this true?"

Lin Lang couldn't help frowning, what happened to Cheng Tianjun?I even let him leave, why are you still talking endlessly?

"Mr. Cheng, this is my private matter. I don't want to talk about it. I'm tired. Please leave!" Lin Lang's voice had a hint of toughness.

"Miss Linlang, I'm actually really puzzled. After all, Miss Linlang's medical skills only began to emerge in recent years. There was no mention of medical skills in the past few years, so...Miss Linlang, why did your medical skills suddenly improve?" What? If you knew medical skills, why didn't you save your mother who passed away sadly? Maybe there is something hidden from everyone?" Cheng Tianjun lowered his voice, with a hint of persuasion in his tone.

Lin Lang became angry all of a sudden, sat up from the bed, lifted the quilt, and said to the outside angrily: "You have never finished, I learn medical skills from the medical books left by my mother, and the rest I learned it by myself. As for whether Mr. Cheng believes it or not, that's none of my business. As for why I didn't save my mother at the beginning, it was because my mother saw my father gone and had a death wish. There is no cure for the medicine stone, so go with it!"

Cheng Tianjun obviously didn't believe this remark, "It's really my fault to bring up the sad things about the girl, Miss Linlang, don't blame me, it's just that your medical skills came too coincidentally and too suddenly!"

(End of this chapter)

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