Chapter 1408 Peasant Girl Eleven
Cheng Tianjun gave a wry smile, "I just didn't think that family affection is not worth mentioning in front of power and status!"

Lin Lang couldn't help but rolled her eyes, "Brothers still know how to settle accounts, so you want them to pay attention to family affection, that's really a dream!
But it’s all right now, you at least know their true colors, be careful when you go back, and stay away at worst!
Alright, I won't talk to you here anymore, I'm leaving, you can do whatever you want! "

"Miss Linlang!" Cheng Tianjun saw that Linlang was about to leave, he yelled anxiously, and then asked: "Miss Linlang, you can't go back to the village now, where are you going? If you don't mind, you can come with me." Let's go back to Hou Mansion together, of course, I don't treat Miss Linlang as that kind of woman, I will treat Miss Linlang as a guest of honor, and ask Miss Linlang to give me a chance to make up for the grace of saving my life!"

Lin Lang shook her head, and said without hesitation: "Come on, I've been unlucky one after another since I met you, so I dare not stay with you any longer. If you really want to repay me, you can repay me when my uncle still has you." On my great aunt!"

"Miss Linlang..." Cheng Tianjun showed a trace of hesitation on his face, and then asked cautiously: "I said... I said I want to be with you, are you willing to give me a chance?"

Lin Lang turned around and looked at the man in front of her, "Oh, you are so hypocritical!"

With him, what is the identity of being with him?Is it a concubine, a bed warmer, or just a confidante?The man across from him didn't take him seriously at all, maybe he liked him, but this liking was not worth the higher price he had to pay, let alone his promise as his wife!So this man is not worth it.

Cheng Tianjun turned pale, and said: "I know that I have wronged the girl, but I also have my own difficulties. As the eldest son of the Hou family, I have to take on the responsibility of the Hou family, so my wife cannot be just a villager. village girl!
But I can assure the girl that I only love her in my life, and after the girl gives birth to a child, I promise to make him the heir of the Hou Mansion! "

Lin Lang looked at the man in front of him coldly, "I thought you were just hypocritical, but I didn't expect you to be able to do it, your so-called promise is nothing in front of me!
Also, you said you would make my child the heir of the Hou Mansion, so what about your wife's child?You said you only love me, so why do you marry a wife?Have you ever thought that everything you promised was extremely unfair to your future wife?
I really regret it now, regretting why I saved you, not because I love you, so I love you so much that I hate you, but because you are hypocritical, ruthless, righteous and shameless, I think it is very disgusting to save you! "

Cheng Tianjun's face turned extremely pale in an instant, and he opened his mouth to explain something, but Lin Lang waved his hand, interrupting what he was about to say, and turned around, "I was planning to say goodbye to Jianghu just now, it's better not to see each other again , never see you again in this life!"

Cheng Tianjun watched Linlang go away like this, he was very disappointed, but the reality could not allow him to be lost for too long, because the pursuers were about to arrive, so he hid in a big boat in a panic, and finally the boat sailed downstream Next, when he arrived at the next town, he hurriedly found the aristocratic family in the family for help!

After Cheng Tianjun returned to the capital, he told his father all his experiences. The father may have a family relationship during the Chinese New Year, but in front of the only son, other people are not worth mentioning. After the father collected the evidence, he disregarded the wishes of the old lady. , Strongly separated those brothers, and also forced his son to inherit the position of Lord Marquis.

After Cheng Tianjun's injury got better, his mother proposed to get married again. After all, Cheng Tianjun was really old, just like what happened last time. If Cheng Tianjun really suffered any accident, at least he still has a son who can inherit the marriage. Incense, but if he is not married and has no children, then all his things can only be inherited by others.

Cheng Tianjun thought for a while and agreed with his mother. He married the daughter of a family friend, but after a few years, he felt that life was still like that, lifeless.

After he had a child, he seemed to be relieved, never dared to touch his wife again, and did not take concubines, but after his parents had left, he discussed with his wife and took his own The seat was given to his son, and as for him, he rode a horse and disappeared!
"Miss Linlang, thank you so much, you cured my decades-old cold legs!" The old lady said gratefully.

Lin Lang smiled lightly, "It's okay, old lady, although your health is fine, you still need to take the medicine on time, and come back to me for a checkup every once in a while!"

The old lady nodded, then left with a smile, and then the next patient walked in...

Over the years, Lin Lang has traveled around, visited many places, and saved many people. Later, she settled down in a small town with beautiful scenery. Do not pick up lost items on the road, and do not close the door at night.

Lin Lang liked this place very much. He opened a medical clinic. Because of his excellent medical skills, many people came to treat their illnesses, and she asked for very little money. Because of this, Lin Lang quickly gained a firm foothold in this small town, and there were no unsightly ruffians and hooligans to harass her!

When there are no patients, Linlang carries her little bamboo on her back and goes all over the mountains to collect medicines. Sometimes she will sit on the mountains and watch the scenery, living a leisurely life.

Of course, she also had troubles, because those seven aunts and eight aunts were too much matchmakers for her. Although Lin Lang pushed a lot, they still remained interested and happily matched Lin Lang every day.

Just when Lin Lang thought that her life had passed so smoothly, she never thought that she would meet that person again.

"I..." Cheng Tianjun looked at the person in front of him and hesitated for a moment, then said: "I...I don't want anything, just come to see you like this!"

Lin Lang frowned and shook her head, "I don't like you, go back and live your life well!"

There was a trace of bitterness at the corner of Cheng Tianjun's mouth, "I know you don't like me, but... I like you, I think it's okay to just stay by your side like this?"

Lin Lang shook her head in resistance, "Please stay away from me!"

" really don't have any feelings for me? If you don't have feelings for me, why did you ask me that question?" Cheng Tianjun's question refers to the woman's question, that is, when Lin Lang went to the mountain Ask him that question.

Lin Lang lowered her eyes, "Because a girl did encounter exactly the same thing, but he didn't understand why it happened, so he wanted to ask you, and you two have the same status, maybe you have the same idea of!
So, don't think too much about it! "

"I don't believe Lin Lang. I really like you. Although I'm already married, it's all because of pressure from my parents. I only have you in my heart!" Cheng Tianjun said sincerely.

 We won't be together, we really won't be together, because we want to abuse scum, the Buddha said that there are eight major sufferings, the most painful of which is not being able to ask for it, I want this scumbag to suffer forever without being able to ask for it.

(End of this chapter)

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