Chapter 1413 The Lone Star of the Fiend [-]

Of course, Lin Lang would not say that his grandparents and father died because of the child's birth, so he pretended to be blank and shook his head, "No, everything at home is normal!"

The doctor frowned, checked his pulse again, and pondered for a long time, "Is it true that nothing happened... Could it be the devil boy?"

Although the doctor spoke in a very low voice, Lin Lang still heard it. Goosebumps all over her back, her eyes narrowed, and she said cautiously, "Doctor, is my child okay?"

The doctor then turned around and shook his head, "The child is fine, it's very normal, but the red eyes... Tell me it's extremely puzzling, did anything really happen to your family? Please be honest Reply?"

Lin Lang became angry all of a sudden, stood up, hugged the child and said angrily: "Doctor, what do you mean? Is there any reason for doubting my son's identity? He is my child who was born in October. Abnormal I know better than anyone!

Doctor, because the child has red eyes, people in the village say that he is the reincarnation of the lonely star in the world, and they all say that he will be killed... I am a woman whose father-in-law and mother-in-law have left, and my husband will follow. If there is no more children, How can I live with this? "

"This..." The doctor frowned, "Your parents-in-law and your husband-in-law left? When did you leave?"

Lin Lang pretended to be impatient, "Doctor, why do you always ask some random questions? My father-in-law and mother-in-law left because they were not in good health. After I came back for a while, they followed Well, as for my husband... God really doesn't have eyes, my husband fell into the water and drowned in order to kill the children in the village, but the group of heartless people in the village even wanted to kill my children, It’s good to rob our family’s property..."

The doctor laughed, and forced a smile, "You are worrying too much. Since there is nothing abnormal about this child, you probably ate something by mistake when you were pregnant, which caused the child's eyes to be red..."

Linlang lowered her head and naturally noticed that the doctor was abnormal. She hugged the child in her arms and said to the doctor: "So it's like this, doctor, you don't know. When I was pregnant, my family was very poor, basically I ate whatever was on it, probably at that time I ate something that shouldn't be eaten, and made the child like this, since the child is fine, I am relieved..."

After speaking, Lin Lang left with the child in her arms. On the way back, she bought a few feet of cloth and some thick cotton, and was going home to make some thick clothes for herself.

"Isn't this Linlang? How's the child doing after getting things done so quickly?" the old man driving the cattle asked enthusiastically.

Lin Lang smiled reluctantly, "I went to the doctor, and the doctor said there was nothing wrong, only why my eyes were so red, I guess I ate something that I shouldn't have eaten...Master, I really regret it, even though my family I can't open the pot inside, but I shouldn't eat wild grass on the mountain just to fill my stomach..."

"It turned out that I ate the poisonous weeds on the mountain by mistake, this poor child..." The uncle was not surprised by this scene, and continued: "It's nothing, when I grow up, if I have a fairy fate, I think it can be cured." Pink eye!"

Lin Lang smiled gratefully, "Then I will accept the auspicious words of the uncle!"

On the way back, the people in the village had been preparing for the baby's eyes, so Lin Lang told them exactly what the doctor had said.

"We are also picking wild vegetables on the mountain to eat. Why is our child's eyes fine, but yours?" An old lady said sarcastically.

Lin Lang heard this and said sadly: "Then how can it be the same? The wild vegetables you eat are picked by your mother-in-law or your daughter, but the wild vegetables I eat are all picked by my husband-in-law. She, a big man, can't tell which vegetables are edible and which are not... I really regret it. If I had been more careful at the beginning, such a thing would not have happened...My poor child, I gave birth If you are sick, you have to be discriminated against by others..."

"Wang Er's family, don't talk about it, the doctor said that the child is fine, so don't be surprised!" An old woman reminded.

When Wang Er's family heard this, they curled their lips and did not continue.

After returning home, Lin Lang put back the things she bought, and after feeding the baby, she put it aside. She made her own needlework, and the baby was also very good. She didn't cry or make trouble after feeding. The eyes are round and round, quiet and well-behaved, coupled with fair and clear skin, it makes people like it just by looking at it, wishing to melt people's hearts.

Time passed day by day, and the children grew up day by day. During this time, Lin Lang made a lot of money doing show work, used the money to repair the house, and bought some supplies for the winter. When the first snow fell, Lin Lang Sitting on the warm kang with the child, he sighed comfortably.

At this time, the child is four months old and can do some simple movements. However, although this child can turn over, he hates to move very much, and spends most of the time staying there quietly.

Lin Lang liked this well-behaved child very much at the time. After finishing her needlework, she would play with this child and make some toys for him. At this time, the child would laugh like a silver bell.

"Lin Lang, are you there?" An aunt called out from outside the yard. After hearing the voice, Lin Lang sat up, opened the door and said to the aunt, "I'm here, aunt, come in quickly, it's cold outside!"

The aunt came in with a smile, holding a bowl in her hand, "My pickles are good, I think they taste pretty good, so I'll give you some!"

Lin Lang took the pickles, and at the same time took out a few persimmons from the cupboard and handed them over, "This aunt is holding them for the sweet mouths of the children at home!"

"Oh, this is a precious thing, so I'll take it!" The auntie smiled and took the things away, and she sat on the kang without seeing anyone, and looked at the child who was also sleeping beside her, and smiled. Said: "This child is so old, did you choose a name?"

Lin Lang nodded, "Yes, last time I went to politics, I specially asked an old scholar in politics to name him Fu Sheng, and I will live a safe and happy life!"

"My darling, that's a good name!" The aunt smiled and continued, "But it's a pity about those eyes... Sigh, things are impermanent, Lin Lang, there are only two of us in this room, so I won't say anything." Some out-of-the-ordinary words, in fact, I came to you today because of my natal family’s tone. I have a nephew’s wife who has left, and I want to find another one. His family has tens of acres of fertile land, and the family is relatively rich. , and there is only one daughter under her knee...and they also said that they don't mind if you bring the child there...but the property of the family is definitely not your son's share..."

(End of this chapter)

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