Chapter 1415 Tiansha Lone Star Six

The aunt gave Linlang a blank look, "Are you stupid? If my child could become a fairy, I would be so happy that I couldn't sleep for several nights, but you pushed such a good opportunity away, are really confused Already!"

Lin Lang shook her head, "Auntie, my family left early, and now only Fu Sheng is left in their family, I just hope he can stay in the village with peace of mind, and after he reaches a certain speed, marry A daughter-in-law, give birth to a few more children to continue the bloodline of their family!"

"" The aunt shook her head and sighed again, "I really don't know what to say about you, this is your idea, have you ever thought about whether your child would like to cultivate immortality? You go and bring your child over and see if he is willing!"

"You don't need to say, my thoughts are the thoughts of the child. When he grows up, no matter whether he blames me or hates me, I will not say anything!" Lin Lang took a look, then turned and left.

The aunt sighed, and it was not easy for him to participate too much in other people's housework. After watching Lin Lang leave, he turned his attention to the fairy in the middle, and followed the villagers to say good things about not requiring money, and hoped that his children Can choose.

Immortal Baimei looked at these villagers and couldn't help frowning. He was about to get angry, but he was afraid that the children of these villagers had good qualifications, so what would they do if they took revenge on him?So he could only be patient, "Okay, everyone, stop talking, please bring all the children in the family, I will test it, and those who conform to the rules can enter the mountain gate!"

The villagers didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly found their own children, but it was a pity that only a few of the hundreds of children were eligible, and their qualifications were average.

Mr. Baimei sighed, the aura between heaven and earth is getting less and less, and there are fewer and fewer children with good aptitude...

In any case, something is better than nothing. Immortal Baimei gave these children's parents a generous reward and asked them to say goodbye to their parents. After that, it was considered a break in the world, and then he took them away.

"Oh, Second Brother Wang, your child is really amazing!" A villager said flatteringly.

"That's it!" Although Big Brother Wang said this, he couldn't hide the pride on his face, "When my child becomes a fairy, then I will be the father of a fairy. Ha ha ha ha……"

The other villagers followed suit, and one of the villagers looked around and asked suspiciously, "By the way, why don't you see Lin Lang?"

The aunt curled her lips, "Here, but I don't want her child to be a fairy..."

"What? I don't want my child to be a fairy, am I wrong?" the villagers said incredulously.

"You heard me right, alas~ I don't know what to say about her..." The aunt shook her head and continued: "He said that his husband's family only has Fusheng's bloodline left, and he doesn't want him to be rich and wealthy, he just hopes He is safe and sound, staying in the village honestly, and when he grows up, he will marry a wife and give birth to dozens of children..."

"How can this be so? If you become a fairy, you can live forever, and you will be rich and prosperous..." The villager shook his head, with a trace of disapproval on his face, "Sure enough, it is a woman with long hair and short-sightedness. If you know, you will definitely hate her daughter-in-law to death!"

"But I didn't say that, just like his child, even if he came here, it's not sure whether to choose him now, after all, his eyes are red, like a monster..." A villager curled his lips and muttered Said.

"Hey, it's fine if you tell us about it, but don't say it in front of her face. When the child was born, the trouble was already caused by this incident. If you let her listen Come on, that's a big deal..." The aunt said in a reassuring voice.

"I just said so, what can she do to me?" The villager curled his lips and said with a look of disgust: "If I gave birth to a child like that, I would have drowned that child long ago!"

"My darling, you are too ruthless. After all, he is your own son. Can you really let him go?" said the aunt with a disapproving expression.

"How could it be impossible to make a move? If you think about that child's red eyes, even if there is nothing abnormal, when you think about it again, you will feel scared, as if you crawled out of hell... Also, I don't believe you If the face is not frightened, the child's father left immediately after the child was born..."

"Okay, don't talk about it, Lin Lang's husband died to save the children in the village, so you should build up some virtue!"

"I...why..." The villager was about to say something, but fell to the ground with a slap, touched his forehead, and his hand was wet, and when he took it off, his hand was covered with blood, "Ahhh !"

The villagers hurriedly pulled the man up, patted the ashes on his body, and said: "Why did you fall so hard, your head is bleeding, hurry up and go to the town to have a look!"

The villager who broke his head nodded, suppressed his headache, and asked the cattle driver in the village to send him to the county seat. It took a lot of money to treat the wound on his head.

Getting ready, Fusheng looked out the door, and suddenly smiled. Lin Lang next to him was unclear, so he patted Fusheng's head, " you like your life now?"

Hearing what mother said, Fusheng turned around and nodded, "I like it, I like being with mother...but I don't like this place, I like dad's place..."

"Daddy?" Lin Lang didn't react at first, but later realized that the daddy he was talking about was even the one buried in the soil, "Why do you like your daddy's place? Then you are a mass grave, so eerie and weird... ..."

Fusheng stared at you coldly with big watery eyes, which broke Lin Lang's heart. The milk voice said childishly: "Because... because I can eat very well there... there is a lot of black air, I really like……"

Lin Lang didn't know what to say, but this question allowed him to avoid it. It was the identity of his son. Now the cultivator has been here, although he didn't see anything unusual, but what about the future?This is the world of cultivating immortals, where the strong prey on the weak. If my son doesn't become strong soon, sooner or later he will end up in the same fate as his previous life!

Linlang managed to raise the child so much, so she naturally wouldn't just watch him die, so she looked at Fusheng and said word by word: "Mother will not hide it from you...Fusheng, in fact, your eyes are It's not because your mother ate bad food, but because of your identity... To be precise, although you are my son, you were born with the evil spirit of the world, and you are the evil spirit of this world. ..."

Fusheng was silent for a long time when he heard this, "Mother, when I was very young, I felt different from others, I like to eat those black gas, because they make me feel very comfortable, I can see What other people can't see... And I know what others can't, I can see and hear far away, and I can play tricks on others..."

(End of this chapter)

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