Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1437 Big Brother 3

Chapter 1437 Big Brother Thirteen

After the junior sister ran away, Lin Lang couldn't help but sighed, "I can't bear it like this, how can I bear it when your father loses power?"

Here, Xie Yanlin didn't want to wait any longer, so he went to the head of the sect the next day and told him that he was leaving.

How could the head of the sect be willing? After all, when he took Xie Yanlin as his apprentice, he took a fancy to his talent and wanted to use him to suppress Lin Lang, but he didn't expect this kid to grow faster and faster, almost catching up with him, and more importantly What's more, this kid has something he wants, so how could he let him go?
Xie Yanlin was not jealous either, and said directly: "Master, it is said that the two of us owe nothing to each other. I worship you as my teacher for the sake of reputation. As for whether the two of us have a master-student relationship, you know better than anyone else, Master." !"

"You..." The head was very angry, "I really regard you as my apprentice, and I teach you everything, do you not miss the old love at all? I can assure you, as long as you are honest Follow me and learn from me, and I will pass on the position of master to you in a hundred years!"

"No need, Master, no matter what, I'm still a disciple of an official family, and I can't be willing to degenerate into a quack!" Xie Yanlin's mouth was really poisonous, like a hornet's tail.

Hearing this, the head of the sect almost spit out the blood of his heart, dislike the position of the head of the sect?Don't you just despise him?Are you an official disciple?Why do you look down on martial arts people?

But when he thought of this, he couldn't help being silent. Yes, they martial arts people were praised for their flaws when they said it, but they had a breeze in their sleeves, and they were extremely poor, unlike those officials...

"Forget it, since you want to leave, then I won't keep you!" The master waved his hand and said indifferently.

Xie Yanlin didn't even tidy up these clothes, and left the sect directly. Lin Lang knew his plan, so she wasn't surprised. The younger junior said indignantly: "Damn white-eyed wolf, no matter what we say, we are also his senior brothers. He didn't say anything about leaving, obviously he didn't take me seriously, but I wanted to see what he could do out of his wanderings in the rivers and lakes?"

Lin Lang glanced at the junior brother, and said warningly: "Your second senior brother has your second senior brother's ambitions, and if he doesn't come to say goodbye to us, he has his intentions!"

The little brother complained, "Eldest brother, why did you say good things for him? No matter what you say, you are his elder brother, but...he didn't come to say goodbye to you when he left, not even saying goodbye. , obviously didn't regard you as a senior senior brother, so why do you treat him as a second senior brother?"

Lin Lang shook her head, "When you don't know the whole story of something, try not to draw conclusions. Although I didn't like your second junior brother at first, after meeting him for so long, I think he is a good person with no bad intentions. , let’s not talk anymore, let’s practice martial arts more frequently!”

Time swished and two months passed. During this period, the younger junior sister had been dangling in front of him, but Lin Lang was so unmoved. The angry younger junior sister complained loudly and turned her attention to other disciples. Those disciples Although we like Junior Sister, once we get along with Junior Sister for a long time, we really can't stand her bad temper.

"I'm so pissed off!" The little junior sister ran to the teacher's wife's room angrily.

Mistress raised her head and put down the needle and thread in her hand, "I know what you've been doing these days, I didn't say it, you're still a girl no matter what, even if your elder brother doesn't like you, you still have to know how to be reserved, if you go on like this If you don't, your reputation will be ruined, and no one will dare to marry you!"

The little junior sister shrank her head, "If no one marries me, no one will marry me. Who is afraid of whom!"

A sharp light flashed in the teacher's eyes, "It's because I let you go too much that I let you have such a wicked temper! From now on, don't go anywhere, just stay in the room and learn embroidery from me Bar!"

"Mother, I can't do it, you should let me go out to practice martial arts!" The little junior sister said coquettishly.

"It would be fine if you went out to practice martial arts in the past, but it's different now. Your senior senior brother doesn't like you, and the next few juniors can't be entrusted to you for life... So you can only marry outside, but your piano and chess I don’t know anything about calligraphy and painting, and I don’t know how to cook and wash clothes..." The more the teacher said, the more uncomfortable she became, "If this continues, who would dare to marry you? You don’t really plan to stay on the mountain all your life and become an old girl, do you? "

"I... no..." The little junior sister's eyes were erratic, and then she suddenly said: "Mother, there is nothing to be afraid of, you can let daddy tell the senior brother to marry me, and say that as long as he marries me, he can inherit the palm." As the head of the sect, I believe that senior brother will definitely marry me for the position of head of the sect!"

"Nonsense! Is a conditional marriage still a marriage?" Mistress said angrily, "Have you not understood yet? Your elder brother doesn't like you at all, and has no meaning for you at all, and even if he didn't marry you, You can also inherit ours. After all, he is your father's great apprentice, and his ability is there. Can your father give up his position to others? If your father really gives up the sect to others If someone else, the century-old foundation of our sect may be destroyed..."

The little junior sister said with tears in her eyes: "Mother, teach me, what should I do? I don't want to marry a stranger, I want to marry a senior brother..."

"It's too late, who told you to say such hurtful things!" The wife shook her head, "Mother won't hurt you, you learn sewing and cooking from mother, and grind your temper, mother will I will find you a good husband-in-law, although life will not be smooth sailing, but at least it will not be too bad!"

"I..." The little junior sister lowered her head, and tears fell down, "Then I will listen to my mother..."

Lin Lang never thought that things would develop so quickly. The master died, and he died in the room for no apparent reason. The seven orifices were bleeding, obviously seriously injured.

When Lin Lang saw such a scene, she first suspected Xie Yanlin, but after thinking about it, it probably wasn't Xie Yanlin's hands. Although he hated his master, he also grew up accepting Confucianism, and he didn't have the habit of bullying teachers and destroying ancestors.

"Master, now is not the time to cry. Think about it over the years, has Master had any grudges with others, or has any enemies?" Lin Lang asked, frowning as she looked at the crying Mistress, her head hurting from the noise.

Mistress raised her head, her face was full of tears, "You know your master's temperament, he basically doesn't think about other things besides studying martial arts, and he hasn't gone outside these years, how could he have feud with others?

As for the so-called enemies, it is even more impossible. Your master is so old. If he wants to take revenge, why not choose this time earlier, so this is definitely not the revenge of the enemy, it may be someone with a heart Deliberately came here to provoke..."

(End of this chapter)

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