Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1441 Brother Chapter 1457 After Husband Rebirth 1

Chapter 1441 Brother Chapter 1457 After the rebirth of the husband
Lin Lang took a look at the layout of the room. Although he wasn't considered rich, at least he wasn't living too badly, especially his small hands were white and tender, obviously he hadn't done any work. It seemed that he should have traveled to a wealthy family.

Lin Lang put down the curtain again, lay on the bed, and began to accept the plot.

"I am the first daughter of a fifth-rank official, and my father dotes on his concubine and kills his wife, so when I was very young, I knew that I would fight, because if I don't fight, I have nothing!

Later, when the imperial court wanted to draft a talent show, I gritted my teeth and asked my father to report my name. In fact, I can also marry a man with equal family background, but I know that if I marry a man with equal family background , In this life, our mother and daughter will not have a bright future!
The life in the palace is very difficult. Although the empress is generous and generous, she treats these waste products and servants very well, but she is helpless. The emperor's favorite is Concubine Gao. Concubine Gao is unruly and willful, and she is especially jealous. With any concubine for a day, Concubine Gao can make that person suffer!

My beauty can only be considered average in the harem, and my talent is mediocre, so I am not favored, but I don't care, as long as I stay in the palace for a day, as long as I am still the emperor's concubine, my mother will not be affected by them at home. bully!
I thought that this life would just go on like this, and I just waited for the emperor to leave and move into the family temple, but I didn't expect that I was pregnant and gave birth to a prince safely!
You know, the emperor is almost 40 years old, but there are only two or three princes under his knees, and those princes are stupid, disabled and disabled, none of them can do it!
Because of this prince, I was made a concubine, and my mother's life is getting better and better. I am not greedy, so I never force it, I just think that everything will come naturally!
But everything happened too fast, the emperor passed away, Concubine Gao joined forces with the emperor's younger brother to force the palace, but was later killed by the empress company and ministers together, and finally my son ascended to the throne!
Because my son is too young, I listen to the government behind the curtain with the queen, and I am increasingly unable to satisfy my own desire for power. I!
I climbed from a small journey of a fifth-rank official to my current position. How could I be dismissed casually after meeting, so I did it, and I found out that the queen had an affair with the imperial doctor of the imperial hospital!
God helped me too, I used this incident to overthrow the queen, and later I got the warrants. After my son grew up and reached the age where he could halal, I still couldn't let go of the rights, and then my son and I came to the opposite side Because of my power, my son failed. He can only stay in the harem for the rest of his life, living like a useless person. Although I am not short of him, but the long-term depression made him die early. Passed away, this is also my heart disease.

I lived until I was 80 years old, and later became the emperor, and managed the country in an orderly manner. After I passed away, I gave up my position to my great-grandson. In my life, I thought I had a clear conscience and was worthy of the world. All people, but when I opened my eyes, I found that I was back when I was young. I thought I would go through the same life again in this life, but I found that everything had changed. The source of everything changed is because the emperor was reborn...

I don't know how the emperor feels about me. I was really scared. When I learned the truth of the matter, I couldn't sleep all night, worried about my mother, and worried about my future. After all, I was called Liaodi, although I later gave up the throne to my great-grandson, I am also an emperor, and no emperor will live in front of another emperor. In fact, I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid that after I die, my mother will have nothing to do. people rely on!
I really can't face everything I have now, so I want to give my body to you and let you complete the rest of my life for me. I don't ask how good my life is, but you must ask me Guaranteed to protect my conscience, my conscience is too bitter, she is the driving force for all my progress! "

After receiving the plot, Lin Lang opened her eyes, and suddenly heard the sound of the door opening, and then remembered, "Miss, it's getting late, it's time to get up and greet the old lady!"

Lin Lang couldn't help frowning when she heard this, but it wasn't because she was about to get up, but because this maid might have been born into the world of martial arts in her previous life, so he was particularly sensitive to people who practiced martial arts. He is agile and vigorous, and he looks like a martial arts practitioner, and his martial arts are not low.

A person with good martial arts stays by his side, what does this passage mean?Is it surveillance?Or take the opportunity to find an opportunity to kill yourself?
Lin Lang lowered her head, thinking about what to do next, when the curtain was suddenly lifted, and a round-faced little maid came into view, with a smile on her face, "Miss, I need a slave to let someone serve breakfast Send it over?"

Lin Lang raised her head, looked at the maid, then subconsciously shook her head, "No need, after greeting the old lady, I'll go have dinner with my mother!"

The servant girl's hands and feet were very neat. She helped Lin Lang make the bed, and helped Lin Lang put on her clothes. Then she walked in from the outside, and a few little maids came. Serve Lin Lang to freshen up!
However, Lin Lang found out that among these little maids, some of them were good at practicing martial arts, and their martial arts were among the best, so she lowered her head and lowered her eyes so as to cover the light in her eyes, and tried her best to make herself mediocre. strange.

Lin Lang was wearing a scallion-yellow silk skirt, with exquisite orchids on the sleeves at the collar, and a simple white jade hairpin on her head. She looked so pure and graceful, her eyes were like a forest after the rain, fog Mengmeng's indescribable delicacy and elegance, coupled with that slim figure, is such a classic and exquisite beauty.

Lin Lang took the maid and walked towards the old lady's yard together, only to find that someone had come earlier than herself, and when she saw herself coming, she said in a loud voice, "Oh, what's going on, it is said that my sister used to come to grandma Please An is the first one to come, why did you come so late today, could it be that you forgot the time while sleeping?"

Lin Lang said to the pretty beauty in pink: "Sister, keep your voice down, grandma hasn't woken up yet, what if you disturb her and cause grandma a headache?"

"You..." Mulan was naturally furious. Although his mother was favored, she didn't know what happened. I hate this elder sister so much, every time I see this elder sister, I can't help but choke her a few words.

(End of this chapter)

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