Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1448 After Husband’s Rebirth 8

Chapter 1448

When the queen mother heard her son say this, she lost her face and forced a smile, then said: "They are all good girls, but there is only one queen. Do you have a favorite candidate?"

Pei Zhang shook his head first, "Reporting to my mother, I haven't yet. After all, the matter of becoming a queen is cautious. Although those girls are all virtuous and virtuous, and have a good reputation, after all, I have never seen them before, and my son dare not make a decision..."

The queen mother nodded casually, "You're right, this matter really needs to be cautious, but... besides the queen, aren't you going to choose some other concubines?"

Pei Zhang first naturally understood what the Queen Mother wanted to say, and then said: "That's natural, after all, the children and grandchildren are grown up, and when they reach the age of marriage, it is indeed necessary to select some girls from innocent families to fill the harem!"

The Empress Dowager's face finally looked better, "Then what do you think of your cousin? She was with you as a childhood sweetheart, and she is also infatuated with you. Naturally, the position of empress is unimaginable, but a concubine..."

Just relying on the status of a cousin, dare to portray the queen's seat?Are you daydreaming too much?
Let alone the concubine position, Pei Zhang is not even willing to give her a concubine position. If he hadn't worried about the mother's mother being still there, he would have wanted to clean up the Li family a long time ago!

Seeing that he was in poor health in his previous life, he turned the limelight early and prepared to seek refuge with his younger brother. How could he still keep such a man who is acting according to the wind, and he would not keep the cuckold for himself. I feel sick just thinking about it.

After thinking of this, Pei Zhang first made no secret of his disgust, "Cousin? I used to think she was cute, but when I went out of the palace to see my cousin today, seeing her unruly and willful appearance, I immediately felt disgusted. Empress, You said that she looks the same in front of me, but she looks the same in front of outsiders, you can pretend too much, I really don't want this kind of duplicitous person!"

When the Queen Mother heard this, she opened her mouth wide and wanted to say something, but in the end she could only sigh helplessly, "Your cousin didn't do it on purpose, she was just weak, that's why she wanted to stay in the pavilion, she didn't rush out on purpose." Someone else left... Forget it, you don’t like her if you don’t like her, but your cousin must attack, and you can’t give a concubine position, so just give her a position and let her stay with me in the palace!"

"Then a noble person!" Pei Zhangxian used this position to dismiss Miss Li casually. Of course, he didn't have any old feelings for his cousin, but he just wanted her to stay in the palace and be a green light for the rest of her life.

"Your honor..." The queen mother frowned, this position is too low, at least give it to a concubine, but seeing her son's look of disgust, the queen mother swallowed the words that came to her mouth, and began to complain Miss Li, you said you were fine, why did you drive others away? Although she could still see the emperor in that pavilion, after all, you and the emperor have a deeper bond. Now that you are fine, the emperor hates you Alright, this life is over...

Pei Zhang first talked with the queen mother for a while before leaving. When he came to the main hall, he found that the guards were there, and handed over a booklet filled with the names of people, and those people were by his side. traitor.

What Pei Zhangxian hated the most in his life was the traitor. Although he was in poor health at the beginning, as long as he took good care of him, he would be able to recover. Unfortunately, it was those traitors who should cooperate with those people that made him seriously ill and died.

"Take these people out and kill them!" Pei Zhangxian said expressionlessly.

After the guards responded, they followed the emperor's instructions respectfully. Soon, someone with a heart found out about it. The Queen Mother was naturally the first to know about it. Her face became extremely ugly. He threw the cup in his hand on the ground, and the beautiful celadon teacup suddenly became torn apart, and the brown tea stains stained the rose carpet and the exquisite dress.

The Queen Mother stood up, gritted her teeth and said, "Sure enough, the wings are stiff, and even the Ai family dared to move them!"

Nanny stood aside, her expression was uncertain. Although the emperor was the empress dowager's son, but because the empress dowager's status was too low, the emperor was brought up under the knees of other concubines as soon as he was born, so the empress dowager and the emperor also Not much affection.

Over the years, the emperor has been thinking about the empress dowager's gift of childbearing, and he is willing to obey the empress dowager, but it makes the empress dowager a little carried away, and now the emperor's action directly hit the empress dowager to the ground.

Seeing the appearance of the queen mother, the confidants of the empress dowager naturally wanted to dissuade her and said: "Your Majesty, no matter what you say, the emperor is your son and you will rely on him in this life. As long as you live well in this life, the emperor will definitely not Will disobey you!"

The queen mother sneered, "Won't you disobey the Ai family? It's a big joke. You see, he dares to kill even the Ai family now, and his cousin, he clearly knows the Ai family's true thoughts, and he really gave it to the Ai family. To be a nobleman is to slap Aijia in the face, and it is even more to slap Aijia's uncle in the face!"

The maid gave a wink and asked someone to clean up the teacups on the ground, and then comforted the queen mother carefully: "Queen mother, the emperor didn't deliberately disobey you, you heard it too, he mainly saw it Miss Biao's true face, I feel that Miss Biao is double-faced and not a decent girl, so I feel disgusted, it's not because of the queen mother that I hate your girl... As for the person who dealt with the empress, it would be even more wronged, After all, besides those people who talk about you, there are other people. If these eyeliners are placed by the emperor's side, how dangerous the emperor must be, and the emperor's treatment of those people is just to prevent them from happening..."

The Empress Dowager's face brightened a bit, "It's Aijia who thought too much... But since he has dealt with those people, he must know that there are Aijia people among them, forget it, I can't help it, I don't care what Aijia wants to do." Well, you can order the Imperial Dining Room to send him a bowl of soup later, and tell him to pay more attention to his body..."

Momo smiled, "That's right, but the empress doesn't want to fight against the emperor, that empress will always be the queen mother, and no one can surpass you!"

The queen mother nodded, followed by showing a tired look, "You will send a letter to my brother later, and by the way, tell me what happened today, and... Although my brother's daughter has been abolished, she is at least as good as the emperor." Childhood sweetheart, after all, the emperor has some affection, even if he is not favored when sent to the palace, at least he has the position of nobleman!

Of course, we have to make second-hand preparations. You ask my brother to prepare some beautiful girls and let them raise them well. If one doesn't work, just the second one, the third one, there will always be one that will work... No matter what, the Li family must have another prince, so that they can continue to prosper! "

Mammy nodded, "I think the old lady will be very pleased to know that the mother is helping the Li family so much in the spirit of heaven!"

(End of this chapter)

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