Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1454 Husband Reborn 4

Chapter 1454 The Husband Is Reborn Fourteen

Lin Lang still hesitated about fighting for the throne, "This...have you really thought about it?"

[I thought very clearly that I attacked to take care of my mother at the beginning, and it was indeed forced by the situation when I got to that step, but I asked myself that I was worthy of anyone, and I also asked myself that I was a good emperor, but why did I belong to My honor was so easily deprived by others, I am very unwilling, I know what it feels like to have power over the world, that feeling is very good, otherwise I would not have agreed to this because of that man's rebirth An ordinary wish, because I have enjoyed power over the world, I really have no choice but to live like an ordinary person, and I am even more unwilling to become an ordinary concubine in the future. If I am lucky enough to give birth to a prince, maybe I can Become a Queen Mother!

But those are not what I want, becoming a queen mother, people may just record it in the history books, but if I become the emperor, the first empress since ancient times, then the history books will be rewritten by me!
So you know how much I hate that man, right? That's why I want to regain my position. Don't worry, I won't let you suffer. As long as you help me regain that position, I will give you the rewards that should be given! 】

Lin Lang thought about it for a while, and then said: "This matter... I can only do my best. You know that man has been reborn, and now he is very strict with me. There are so many people around me. There is no way to develop my own person, so for the future, I..."

[I also know that I am a little too strong. After all, facing a man who knows everything, and a man who can predict the future, it is really difficult to take his position away, but I believe you can do it. If you can’t, then forget it ! 】

Lin Lang nodded, as if he had accepted the task. Not long after he fell asleep, he heard a noise. He turned around and found that it was Bi Tao standing at the door, "Miss..."

Lin Lang nodded casually, with a hint of impatience on her face, "Didn't I say I want to rest?"

Bi Tao's tears fell in an instant, and she knelt on the ground crying and said, "Miss, did this servant offend you somewhere? Why did you..."

Lin Lang glanced at her, and then said: "You are really good, loyal and capable, but you have something bad, you don't know what to say and what not to say...

Maybe I want a capable person, but I want a slave with a tighter mouth. I will enter the palace after a while, and then I will choose another servant. As for you...be honest Stay in the mansion, wait for a suitable opportunity, I will let my mother marry you off, and I will not treat you badly in terms of dowry..."

"No, Miss!" Bi Tao said sadly, "Miss, please don't abandon me, I will change it!"

Lin Lang became more and more impatient, and clapped her hands, "Is there no one? Pull this Bitao down, and don't let him come into my yard from now on!"

Just like that, Bi Tao was dragged down by those guys, and Lin Lang lay on the bed, and slept until night. When she woke up, after eating some food, she went to Zhang's yard.

"Mother!" Lin Lang softly shouted to Mrs. Zhang who was praying after sending away all the servants.

Hearing Lin Lang's voice, Mrs. Zhang turned her head and said to her, "Mother doesn't ask you to be rich, but only asks you to live a good life!"

"Well, I hope that in the days after I leave, mother can take good care of her body!" Linlang said in admonishment.

Mrs. Zhang nodded, and then stood up, "Okay, mother will take good care of myself. After you leave, we don't know when we will meet again. Mother has nothing to give you. The money It was my mother's chance these years. I originally wanted to accompany you to make a dowry, but I didn't expect you to enter the palace. You keep the money. Everyone in the palace is red-topped and white. If you don't have money, I guess you You will get a lot of stares..."

Linlang looked at the box full of bank notes, tears fell down, shook her head, hesitated, and couldn't help asking: "Mother, there are only two of us here, tell me, why don't you like it?" Father?"

Mrs. Zhang glanced at Lin Lang and sighed, "I didn't expect you to see this... I really don't like your father, because before that, I had a man I liked and I was engaged to him, and I also wanted to marry him." The two of them will get married after he comes back, but it's a pity that he never came back after he left. I wanted to guard him all the time, but I didn't expect...I didn't expect their house to be ransacked because they committed a crime My parents were afraid that if I guarded him, it would bring disaster to the whole family, so they married me to your father... Speaking of which, I have been sorry to your father for not fulfilling the responsibility of being a housewife. I'm sorry for him, and I'm sorry for you, I can't give you a warm home..."

Lin Lang's eyes widened when she heard these words, and she subconsciously asked, "Then...then am I my father..."

Mrs. Zhang nodded, "You are her child. I married him back then. Although I don't love him, I know that since I married him, I can't just keep feeling sorry for him and want to give him a son. It can be regarded as having completed my task, and I will live my own life in the future. After I gave birth to you, I suddenly stopped thinking. I gave him a concubine... He also seemed to understand something, the two of us just get along like this..."

Lin Lang lowered her head and didn't know what to say, so she could only sigh softly in the end, "Mother, I know you've always been thinking about your original fiancé, but I want to persuade you that you always have to move forward. Look, daddy likes you, otherwise he wouldn't have recognized your dowry box at the first sight. Life is so short, it is very lucky to have someone he likes. I hope you can live well for the rest of your life of……"

Mrs. Zhang looked at Lin Lang, and turned the words that came out of her mouth into a sigh, "Child, sometimes emotional matters are not as simple as you said. When you enter the palace, what you will face will be the beauties of the harem." Three thousand, and you are not qualified to be jealous, because you don't even have the right to be jealous... So you must guard your heart, and don't give up your heart so easily, because once you give your heart heart, then you will suffer very, very bitterly..."

"Mother, I got it!" Lin Lang nodded, and the mother and daughter kept talking until dawn the next day. Before leaving, Lin Lang didn't take all the bank notes, but Putting it down halfway, "When I enter the palace, honest people will definitely not just sit idly by, so mother doesn't have to worry that I don't have money... Besides, mother will give me all the money, in case something happens to me in the future What should I do if I need money? So Niangqin should accept some of it, otherwise I'm really not at ease!"

(End of this chapter)

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