Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1476 Merchant Girl

Chapter 1476 Merchant Girl Ten

The daughter-in-law is indeed not something they can provoke, especially the people behind the daughter-in-law, let alone their own son. Several officials.

Moreover, a big family like the daughter-in-law's family is the least tolerant of women who are abandoned and returned home, because it will affect their reputation. If the Lu family forcibly abandons their daughter-in-law, it may cause trouble for the daughter-in-law What's more, it will affect his son's official career.

The old lady Lu really didn't dare to gamble, and Lu Jingqi didn't dare to gamble either. After all, he finally got to this point, so the family could only endure it.

The daughter-in-law there is not a fool either. He understands that although the mother-in-law and the husband-in-law have not bothered anymore, but when they become prosperous, they will abandon themselves sooner or later, so she conceived herself as soon as possible. After having a child, the attitude of the mother-in-law has improved Some, but Xianggong is still as cold and unkind as before.

The daughter-in-law doesn't care, after having a child, she can gain a firm foothold in this family. Of course, it would be even better if it was a boy. Sure enough, after she became pregnant in October, the daughter-in-law gave birth to a boy. Although the old lady of the Lu family didn't like this Daughter-in-law, but she waited to see her eldest grandson, so she was kinder to this daughter-in-law.

Although the daughter-in-law didn't care about those things in the past, it didn't mean that he had let go, especially when he thought of what his sister-in-law said, he felt even more aggrieved, thinking that when he got married, he helped you share so many chores, and he was still busy all day long. I bought you delicious food, and even made you new clothes, but as a result, you turned your face and denied anyone with just a few words, hehe, do you really think you are a soft persimmon?
The daughter-in-law rolled her eyes and discussed with her mother-in-law, "Mother-in-law, my sister-in-law is not young, now that my husband has won the Juren, it is time to bring up her marriage!"

"But..." Mrs. Lu seemed to have thought of something, and there was a bright light in her cloudy eyes, "But the family is not rich, and they can't even afford a decent dowry..."

The daughter-in-law curled her lips, Nima just wanted her to pay the dowry, but why, since she was not his own mother, why should she pay the dowry, besides, her parents didn’t give her much dowry, she also He was going to keep it for his daughter, how could he give it to a sister-in-law who was not toward herself in every way, made trouble for herself every day, and was too lazy to die?
"Mother-in-law, don't you look at the status of the husband now? He is a Juren, and the younger sister is no longer a child of an ordinary family, but the younger sister of a Juren!" The daughter-in-law continued: "So, the dowry should be less. What's the matter, anyway, for the sake of my husband, many people come to ask for it!
No, a few days ago, a matchmaker told me about my sister’s marriage. I chose a few, but I still couldn’t make up my mind. After all, the matchmaker’s words are ordered by my parents, and my mother-in-law has to decide on this matter... "

After hearing what her daughter-in-law said, the old lady of the Lu family knew that the matter of marriage would definitely be over. She couldn't help but sighed, why didn't she marry a good wife? If it was Lin Lang, she would definitely be willing to spend a lot of money A sum of money for his daughter as a dowry.

But it's fine if the daughter-in-law doesn't pay. After all, the daughter-in-law's money belongs to her son. If she really puts on airs for her daughter, to be honest, she still feels a little distressed.

"Then tell me, which family is there?" the old lady of the Lu family asked while coaxing her eldest grandson.

The daughter-in-law giggled, "It is said that there are hundreds of female begging in a family. I didn't believe this before, but now that I am married to my mother-in-law's house, I really believe it... There are so many people coming to ask for marriage , I was dazzled by the selection, and I selected a few with particularly good conditions, but well, each has its own strengths and weaknesses... Like the old Zhu's family, they have been butchers for generations. If my sister-in-law gets married there, she should have no shortage of meat to eat, and no shortage of money to spend!

If the mother-in-law is not satisfied, there is also a scholarly family like us, but... that family is not rich, and the man is only a child so far, but he is very motivated...

By the way, there is also the son of the Wang Landlord's family. They have thousands of acres of fertile land, and they also said that after the sister-in-law gets married, they will cover all her dowry, and they will give 50 taels of dowry, and they will also buy A maid takes care of my sister-in-law...

Of course, I've only singled out these three people for now. If the mother-in-law is not satisfied, then I will bring all the matchmaker's rosters over! "

To be honest, my daughter-in-law is quite jealous of my sister-in-law. After all, my sister-in-law's marriage has gone smoothly, unlike me, who picks and chooses, although my husband is promising, but my heart is not hot at all. I am not single-minded, and I feel chills when I think about it.

Mrs. Li heard what her daughter-in-law said, thought about it, and thought that this is good, that is good, but each has its own advantages and disadvantages. It would be better if they were combined.

"Then at night, I'll ask the third child to see what he thinks!"

What can my sister-in-law think, she is naturally willing to marry the little landlord's family. Although the one who was born with a child is really great, but he doesn't have enough to eat, he has already suffered from not having enough to eat, and he doesn't want to Marry and work hard.

"But... I heard that the son of that family is stuttering, and his brain is not working well..." Mrs. Li said hesitantly.

"Mother, what are you afraid of? His brain is not good, but I am good. Anyway, I have had enough of this kind of life. Even if you want to marry me to someone else's family, you have to pay the dowry, you Can I afford the money? If you don’t marry me to the little landlord’s house, not only do you get a dowry, but you also give me a large dowry. Where can you find such a beautiful thing!” The sister-in-law said with a look of yearning: “And I also heard that they are going to hire a maid for me, mother, you think you are Juren’s own mother now, and you can be considered a decent person when you go outside, but there is not even a maid to serve me, but I It's coming soon... Anyway, I don't care, I've taken a fancy to this family, you help me agree!"

Mrs. Li sighed, "Okay, I just hope you don't regret it in the future!"

The daughter-in-law is naturally very happy to be able to send away the shit-stirring sister-in-law. In fact, this matter also has his own selfish intentions. The son of the landlord's family is really not good at brains, so the landlord is willing to spend a lot of money to marry her. Sister-in-law, the purpose is to take a fancy to her husband's identity as a woman, thinking that after the sister-in-law gives birth to a son, she may inherit her husband's ability to study.

Besides, the family is not married for nothing. In addition to the dowry, they will also give 50 taels of silver, 50 taels of silver. According to the stinginess of the mother-in-law, she will definitely not give the money to the sister-in-law, so That money will fall into their pockets. As for how well my sister-in-law will live in the future, that is not something I can worry about. After all, my sister-in-law chose the road, and I didn't force her to choose.

(End of this chapter)

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