Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1478 Soul Transformation 1

Chapter 1478 Soul Transformation [-]
【The man I married is really excellent. As for why he married me, I don't know. I only know that they need to marry a wife. If I marry him, the crisis of my father's company can be resolved!

I married him, and my life after marriage...is really very ordinary. That man put all his thoughts on work, but I followed like a demon, working hard there, messing up their family. When everyone talked about me, they couldn't help frowning, because they really couldn't figure it out, how could such an excellent man marry such an unworthy wife?

I don't know why, after having a child, I thought that man would change his mind for the sake of the child, but he was still not indifferent to me. After giving birth to the child, I got depression and my whole body collapsed. I almost killed my own baby in one uninteresting situation!
I cried, because I lived the way I least wanted to live. I really wanted to divorce and escape from this cage, but my father refused, because once I divorced him, then the cooperation between my father and him would be difficult. Destroyed once, and father's company will go bankrupt!
I endured it day by day, watching the endless scandals about my husband in the newspapers, and seeing all the contemptuous eyes of the people around me, I broke down, I drank and stayed out at night with messy people, and I could be in the gossip every day Headlines, but it’s not good news, my reputation is rotten, and my whole person is rotten, I really want to die, I want to end this life!

And I made it, I drank and raced, and when I opened my eyes, I'm still alive, and that's not what I wanted, and I wanted to get away from all of them, and just be myself Want to do something!
I have been bound too much in this life, and I have never lived for myself, so I am extremely selfless. I am really afraid, afraid that my future will be like this. When I'm not sober, I'm going to kill that kid, so please, please be me, help me to live my own self, and don't get stuck in this mud again! 】

After receiving the plot, Lin Lang was a little confused, yes, really confused, so he immediately contacted 12580.

[When I just accepted the plot, this woman said that she was born in a wealthy family, but if you look at the current living environment, is it from a wealthy family?This woman doesn't have any delusions, does she? 】

12580 frowned tightly, 【No! 】

Lin Lang nodded, and said in agreement [You also think it's wrong, don't you?I didn't say it, even if you want to increase the amount of tasks, you can't accept a task of a psychopath! 】

12580 shook his head solemnly, [That's not true, what the woman said is true, but why did you appear in the rental house, why is this happening again, I really don't understand, just wait for me to find out Let's take a look at the situation! 】

After 12580 left, Lin Lang cleaned up the dirty clothes in the house, soaked them in the basin, took out the quilt to dry, and cleaned up the house and the room while she was free.

After working all afternoon, Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief looking at the brand-new rental house. When she was about to put on makeup and go out to buy something to eat, she saw herself in the mirror and couldn't help but scream.

My dear, this woman is really too fussy, her skin is dull, her cheeks are covered with freckles, and there are mosquito droppings!
The small eyes were narrowed into a slit, there was still gum in the corner of the eye, the hair was dry, and when he slapped his head, it snowed in June in an instant.

Lin Lang was almost disgusted, he didn't expect a woman to look like this, so he suppressed his nausea, boiled a large pot of boiling water, washed his hair and took a bath, and worked for a long time before cleaning himself up.

But the face and hair are cleaned, but the condition of the skin will not change. With such poor skin, such poor hair, and such poor complexion, how does this kind of woman live? There are three layers of swimming rings on the stomach, a round chubby face...

Lin Lang really didn't know what to say, and after sighing a few times, she resigned herself to the supermarket, but this time she didn't buy any meat products, all she bought were some vegetables.

"Hey, isn't it Gao Xiaoman? It seems that you didn't do well after graduation!" A woman's voice suddenly sounded.

Lin Lang frowned, was Gao Xiaoman talking about herself?But it's not right, the name of the person entrusting the task is Lin Lang just like himself, so he turned around and looked at the woman with a strange face, "Did you recognize the wrong person?"

"How could I have misunderstood you? We have been in college for 4 years and lived in the same dormitory. I would know you even if you were turned into ashes. I also know who you are, so even if you don't go out, I won't be surprised, because you will be like this in your life, and on the contrary, I will think you are very pitiful!" Zhang Yan said with a smile.

Lin Lang frowned tightly, "Then let me ask you something, what is my family situation like?"

Zhang Yan'er waved her hand, "Didn't you say that you were born in a small county town? The family was extremely poor. I heard that your parents knelt down and borrowed money from others for your education!"

"Oh..." Lin Lang couldn't help curling her lips. It seems that the client of the task is really sick in his head, and also has a very serious paranoid disease. What kind of wealthy family, what kind of parents are divorced, what else is married? A wealthy husband with a lovely child, fuck, do you think I'm living in a young idol drama?
Lin Lang also felt a little fucked up. She was not afraid of the difficulty of the task, but she was afraid that the information provided by the entrusting task would be inaccurate, which made her eyes go dark, and she didn't know anything. In case of an emergency, she didn't even have an emergency method, and she was even more afraid of someone Looking for clues to find out his true identity.

Thinking of this, Lin Lang smiled at her good friend who had been in college for four years, "So you are really my college roommate, don't blame me for not recognizing you, the main reason is that you have changed so much over the years I don't even know you anymore!"

Zhang Yan'er smiled proudly, "Of course, after I left society, I joined a foreign company to work under the arrangement of my boyfriend's parents. The benefits and treatment are good. I'm talking about marriage during this time, but you... …Hehe, I heard that you have been writing novels since you graduated from university, but seeing your current appearance, I think you are not doing very well. Find an honest man to marry, I guess this life will be a bit harder, and I can save a down payment or something... But I am different from you. Not only do I have a good job, my boyfriend even bought a house, and The dowry is also given a lot... Forget it, I won't tell you these things, we are not on the same road now, and I will get married in a while, for the sake of our classmates, you Come and participate, maybe you can meet a rich man, marry into a wealthy family and be someone else's stepmother or something..."

(End of this chapter)

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