Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1489 Soul Transformation 2

Chapter 1489 Soul Transformation Twelve
When Mother Lu heard this, she sneered unceremoniously: "People say that the older you are, the more you know and the more you can read... But why do you live more and more? I don't believe you don't know What kind of person is your mother, but why should you listen to him?
As for him saying that taking the child back was not to feel sorry for the child, but to use Xiaobao to achieve his own goals. Although you are my daughter-in-law and my son likes you, I absolutely do not allow anyone to use my grandson! "

Zhang Xiaoman nodded in shame, she didn't want to do this, after all, she never thought that a mother could be so hateful, "Mother-in-law, don't say any more, it's all my fault today, I promise I won't do it again next time." Yes, but let me meet Xiaobao, I am Xiaobao's own mother, I haven't seen him for such a long time, I really miss him..."

Lu's mother lowered her head, "Today is Wednesday, and Xiaobao is going to school. If you really want to see him, just wait until three o'clock in the afternoon, and he will be back by then!"

It's only 1:3 noon now, and there are still four or five hours until [-]:[-] in the afternoon. When he thinks of spending four or five hours alone with such a mother-in-law, Zhang Xiaoman feels that something is wrong all over his body. He stood up and said with flushed cheeks: "Mother-in-law , I have something to do this afternoon, if Xiaobao is still in school today, then I won't wait for him, I will come to see Xiaobao next Sunday!"

Lu's mother disliked this daughter-in-law more and more, "Don't you miss Xiaobao very much? Why can't you even wait for these few hours? Could it be that the so-called miss is just a verbal miss? Do you really miss Xiaobao with you? Mom is getting more and more like her, and there is no truth in her mouth!"

When Xiaoman heard this, he almost cried, and said with a choked voice, "I know that I have done a lot of things wrong, but no matter how I say it, I am still your daughter-in-law, do you have to speak so badly? "

"Although my words are ugly, at least I'm telling the truth. I'm not like some people who say they care about you, but in their hearts they think about how to plot against you..." Mother Lu sneered, " Let me put it here, I will never recognize your mother, and I will not be in-laws with him, if you want to get closer to him, then stay away from our house, away from Xiaobao One point, I don't want your mother to spoil our little treasure!"

Zhang Xiaoman also knew that his so-called mother was not a good thing, and lowered his head aggrieved, "I know, I will never have any contact with him again!"

Mother Lu waved her hand and said with a look of disgust: "Didn't you say you have something to do this afternoon? Hurry up and leave!"

As a mother, I can't figure it out, how long has it been? How did my daughter-in-law become like this, not to mention stupid, and my personality is not as pleasing as before. Although I used to talk to myself often, but how happy I was before The two of them can say whatever they want, not like this, they hide it, you say a word, she cries aggrieved, making herself like a wicked mother-in-law, she didn't do anything bad, just The mouth speaks badly.

Zhang Xiaoman breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, grabbed his bag and ran outside, but after he ran outside, he realized that he came by car with the original owner's mother, and now the original owner My mother has left, how should I go back?Is it possible to walk back, but this is a mountain...

Zhang Xiaoman turned his head, looked at the magnificent mansion, gritted his teeth, "Walk back, just walk back, just in time to lose weight!"

After he finished speaking, Zhang Xiaoman walked down the mountain step by step, but he really overestimated himself, before he walked halfway, he was so tired that he couldn't stand it, and he also developed several blisters on his feet.

The sun was shining on his body, Zhang Xiaoman felt his mouth and tongue were dry, but he couldn't take it anymore, found another villa, knocked on the door, and heard a very familiar voice, "Who is it? What's the matter?" Is something wrong?"

Zhang Xiaoman said dryly: "Ma'am, I'm really thirsty, can you give me some water?"

"Ah?" The woman in the room hadn't reacted, and then asked: "You asked me for water? Didn't you bring water?"

Zhang Xiaoman answered no, and then said: "I accompanied my mother to my mother-in-law's place today, but my mother-in-law didn't want to see me and kicked me out of the villa... I just came here from the top of the mountain, I was really hurt I'm thirsty and tired, please give me some water, I'm really not a bad person!"

Hearing this, the door was suddenly opened, "My darling, why is there such a vicious mother-in-law now, and it's such a long distance to come here from the mountain, her thoughts are so vicious...Girl, You can come in if you want to drink water, but we don't have any mineral water in our house, let alone any beverages, only ordinary mountain spring water tastes great!"

"Thank you very much...Ah...Mom..." When Zhang Xiaoman saw the woman, his eyes widened, and he subconsciously covered his mouth, "I'm sorry, I, I, I..."

Zhang's mother raised her head after a while, "Miss, what's wrong with you? I just heard you call my mother, you..."

Zhang Xiaoman hurriedly lowered his head, his heart was beating like a drum, "No...I...Yes, I just missed the job. I think you are very much like my mother, so I couldn't help but shout out!"

After Zhang Xiaoman finished speaking, a tear rolled down the corner of his eye and fell to the ground. Yes, he felt very guilty for not recognizing his mother, but the current life is good for both of them. She will lose her status as a wealthy young lady, and her mother and father can only return to their hometown and work hard on farming.

"So it's like this..." Zhang's mother didn't doubt what the girl said, stretched out her hand, and patted the back of her hand lightly, "I don't know what's going on, but when I see you, I feel kind and like you Just like our kids!
By the way, didn't you say you were thirsty?Come in, have you had lunch yet? "

Zhang Xiaoman kept shaking his head, but he didn't dare to look up to see Zhang's mother.

Zhang's mother smiled, pulled Zhang Xiaoman into the house, and said as she walked: "To be honest, you were the first person who came here with me and my old man to knock on our door... but all the people who came were... Guest, you don't have to be polite, I'll let our old man warm up the food later, you can eat some together!"

When he sat at the dining table and ate the familiar food, Zhang Xiaoman couldn't help crying again.

"Miss, why are you crying? Is it because your mother-in-law doesn't like you? Don't cry, there are many evil mother-in-laws in this world, you can't hurt your own body just because of your mother-in-law!" Mother Zhang comforted road.

Zhang Xiaoman raised his head and shook his head, "No, I didn't miss my mother-in-law, I think the food you cook is so delicious, and you are so kind, thank you so much..."

Mother Zhang smiled a little embarrassedly, "There's nothing to be thankful for, it's just an ordinary meal. If you want to eat, you can come to the mountain to find us!"

(End of this chapter)

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