Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1491 of 1507 Soul Transformation 4

Chapter 1491 of Chapter 1507 Soul Transformation Fourteen
Lin Lang also stepped on the brake subconsciously. At this moment, the door of the Maybach was suddenly opened, and a pink and tender little boy ran out, shouting happily while running: "Mom, mom, mom!"

Zhang Xiaoman's eyes lit up, and he was about to get off the car, but when he glanced at Lin Lang next to him, he felt a little guilty, "This...do you want to go down and have a look?"

Linlang lowered her eyes, thought for a while, then shook her head, "Forget it!"

Hearing these words for some unknown reason, Zhang Xiaoman breathed a sigh of relief, opened the door, raised a smiling face, and quickly ran to the little boy, holding him in his arms, "Baby!"

Baby Lu raised his head and tried to widen his eyes, "Mom, am I dreaming? I have had such a dream before, but when I opened my eyes, I found that my mother was gone...Mom, don't you leave me, okay?"

Zhang Xiaoman just wanted to nod, but unfortunately he thought of the savage mother Lu, lowered his head in shame, and said insincerely: "Of course, mother will not leave you, but mother also has her own affairs, but mother assures you, as soon as you are free Come and see you!"

"Mom..." The baby was a little sad, "I want to move back to live, so that I can see my father and mother all the time, and I can also eat the meals made by my mother..."

Zhang Xiaoman's heart was broken when he heard this, but he really didn't dare to provoke Mother Lu, so his eyes were erratic, "Mom wants to take you back, but there is nothing in the house, you follow grandma first, wait Mom has settled the matter here, and I will definitely pick you up, okay?"

"I don't want to, I want to go back with my mother, mother don't leave me, okay? Mom, I really like you..." Xiaobao cried.

The driver of the car also got out of the car, nodded to Zhang Xiaoman, and said: "It's getting late, I'm going to take the young master back!"

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaoman asked cautiously: "Can you not take the child back? I am his own mother, and I won't harm him... Otherwise, you go back first and tell your mother-in-law that I will take the child with you." Let's go, wait until tomorrow and send it over, okay?"

The driver shook his head, "Ma'am, don't embarrass me. If you really want to take the young master away, please call the old lady yourself. Only if the old lady agrees, I will let the young master go." Come back with you!"

"Ahhh!" Lu Xiaobao burst into tears, hugging Zhang Xiaoman tightly, "I don't want to leave my mother!"

Zhang Xiaoman was also in a dilemma. On the one hand, he really wanted to take the child back, but on the other hand, he didn't dare to offend Lu's mother.

At this moment, Lin Lang got out of the car and said to the driver: "It's so funny, a mother has to ask her mother-in-law if she wants to take the child home, this is really the biggest joke I've ever heard, this is not a feudal society!
Linlang, you can take the child to my car, I don't believe the driver dares to stop him! "

The driver became anxious immediately, "Miss, don't embarrass me, I'm just a part-time worker, please let me take the young master back!"

Lin Lang didn't have the habit of embarrassing others, but the driver's tone of voice was too harsh, so she nodded at him, "Don't worry, Sister Lin Lang is Xiaobao's real mother no matter what, she will definitely not do anything to Xiaobao Yes, besides, it's not that Sister Linlang doesn't want to send the child here, she just wants to take the child back for a night!"

"This..." The driver hesitated.

Lin Lang said to Zhang Xiaoman, "Call your husband and ask him to tell Mrs. Lu!"

Only then did Zhang Xiaoman come to his senses, quickly took out his mobile phone, and called Lu Shangyan, "Husband, I am at the foot of the old house now, and I happened to meet the driver to bring Xiaobao back today, and I haven't seen him for a while Xiaobao is dead, and Xiaobao is also reluctant to part with me, I want to take Xiaobao back to live for a day, do you think it is okay? I promise to send Xiaobao back tomorrow, and he will never be delayed from going to school!"

Lu Shangyan frowned, and was about to say no, but Xiaobao couldn't help it, and said to the phone: "Dad, I really miss Mom, please let me go back, I promise to be good, and I will never make trouble for you ..."

Lu Shangyan's heart softened, "Okay, you bring Xiaobao back, but you have to send it to the old house tomorrow!"

"Okay!" Zhang Xiaoman immediately agreed, raised his head and said to the driver, "My husband has already agreed, so you shouldn't feel embarrassed!"

The driver immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded quickly, "Of course it's no problem, then madam, do you need me to pick up the young master tomorrow?"

Zhang Xiaoman shook his head, "You don't need to pick it up, I will send him back!"

On the way back, Lu Xiaobao hugged Zhang Xiaoman tightly all the time, but for some reason, he couldn't move his eyes away from that woman. He felt that this woman was very kind and warm, but she was not easy to get close to. .

"Mom, who is this auntie!" Lu Xiaobao asked softly.

Zhang Xiaoman opened his mouth wide, not knowing what to say, and looked at Lin Lang next time.

Lin Lang turned around and said lightly, "Your mother and I are just ordinary friends!"

"Oh!" Lu Xiaobao nodded, and then raised a smiley face, "Auntie, I really like you, you can visit our house when you have time, our little cakes are delicious!"

Lin Lang nodded casually a few times, and after finally sending the two of them to the back, she was about to leave, but Lu Shangyan followed her back. When he saw that you were cold, he frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

Lin Lang was also a little scared. After all, his ex-husband was not a fool. He had graduated from a real high school student with a first-class IQ. If he really saw something, it would be really bad.

So Lin Lang anxiously said to Zhang Xiaoman: "I still have something to do here, so let's go first, let's contact another day!"

Zhang Xiaoman didn't want the two of them to meet, so he nodded quickly, "Okay, please slow down on your way!"

Lu Shangyan watched the interaction between the two of them, and said to Zhang Xiaoman: "Is this your friend? Everyone who comes is a guest. Since you are here, come in and have a seat!"

Lin Lang naturally didn't want to stay here for a long time, "I still have something to do here, I really can't stay here, I'm really sorry!"

Lu Shangyan felt a little disappointed, but it was not easy to force him to stay. After he left, he looked at Zhang Xiaoman and asked, "Is this your friend? Why have I never seen you together?"

Zhang Xiaoman lowered his head, and replied with a guilty conscience: "It's just ordinary friends. I haven't been there for a few years, and I just met today, so I just chatted with you!"

"So it's like this..." Lu Shangyan was a little casual, "I always feel that your friend is a little familiar. I think I've met him before. By the way, what's your friend's name?"

"Oh..." Zhang Xiaoman rolled his eyes wildly, wanted to answer but didn't dare to answer, and finally said cautiously: "My friend is called Zhang Xiaoman, and now I own an entertainment company, specializing in film and television business... But you must I don't know her. After all, he was born in a small place, and he just graduated from an ordinary university. Although it was nearly two years since he founded the company, you must have never seen her. As for your so-called familiarity, I guess it is in what You may have seen her on TV or in newspapers, after all, the movies and TV shows she made are quite famous..."

(End of this chapter)

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