Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1495 Soul Transformation 8

Chapter 1495 Soul Transformation Eighteen
Zhang Xiaoman was very reconciled, and he was still heaving a sigh of relief. At the same time, he also felt that he had failed too much in life. He could recognize his husband and children, but why couldn't his parents recognize him?
Thinking of her parents treating others as herself, her chest hurts like hell. After thinking of this, a fierce light flashed in her eyes, "If you make me feel bad, I will make you feel bad!"

Yes, on the second day he went to the mountain to find Zhang's father and Zhang's mother. As soon as he entered the door, he knelt down towards them and cried bitterly: "Dad, mom, I am Xiaoman, your daughter!"

Zhang's father and Zhang's mother were obviously frightened when they heard this, and took two steps back, "Little girl, is there something wrong with your mind?"

"I have no problem, I am really your daughter!" Zhang Xiaoman said with tears all over his face: "Mom and Dad, do you still remember that when I was 5 years old, I fell into the mud and almost drowned? If all this If not, do you still remember my first full score in the sixth grade exam? At that time, you were very happy and kept saying that I was promising... and bought me a cake to eat... I still remember that the cake was very delicious , sweet and fragrant!"

Zhang's mother covered her mouth, wanting to believe but couldn't believe it, "You... how could you know this, you..."

Zhang Xiaoman said anxiously: "Mom, I really didn't lie to you. I am really your biological daughter, and my body made me look like this. She was drinking and racing, and the two of us went out together. After the car accident, my soul changed... I have never dared to tell others, because I was afraid that others would burn me to death like a monster!"

Mother Zhang still couldn't believe it, "You must be lying to me!"

"Of course she is lying to you!" Lin Lang walked in, looked around, and said very firmly: "Mom, this woman is mentally ill, and she is also schizophrenic. I didn't know she was ill at the time, so I put my I told him many things, but I didn't expect him to use my affairs to deceive you!"

"This..." Zhang's mother looked at Lin Lang, "Then tell me, what grade were you in when you got chickenpox?"

"It's the fourth grade!" After Linlang said this, she pretended to be wronged by her father, "I still remember that after I got chickenpox, you and my dad were busy harvesting rice, and there was no way to control me. I took the money and went to the clinic to get an injection myself!"

"How is it possible? How do you know this?" Zhang Xiaoman looked at Lin Lang incredulously, "Are you investigating me?"

Lin Lang said angrily: "Is your paranoia still not healed? No wonder your husband sends your child to your mother-in-law. It's your own fault. You should be more sober. You can't marry someone you don't like. , just continue to be decadent like this, there are many people who are more unhappy than you, but they still managed to survive and face life optimistically!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? What's the situation between the two of us? You know better than me!" Zhang Xiaoman yelled, "That bastard took my body and wanted to take my parents away. Take away my life, it is impossible to return my body to me!"

Lin Lang squinted her eyes and said threateningly: "If you talk nonsense again, I'll call your husband and let him know that you haven't recovered yet, and I'll send you to a mental hospital!"

Zhang Xiaoman opened his mouth wide and wanted to speak, but he was reluctant to part with the current glory and wealth. Lin Lang stepped forward and took Zhang Xiaoman's hand, "Let's go, I'll take you back!"

Seeing that the two of them were about to leave, Zhang's mother hurriedly said, "Daughter, even if you don't like him, don't hurt him. A mental hospital is not a place for people to stay!"

"I know, but this matter must be made clear, otherwise he would come to our house every day to make trouble, and it would be quite annoying!" Lin Lang smiled, and then pulled him out.

On the way back, Lin Lang kept a gloomy face, and then simply parked the car on the side of the road, turned her head and looked at Zhang Xiaoman, "What do you mean by looking for them today? If you want to go back to this home, I can I will help you, but the ugly words are in front of me, my current identity and status are all based on my ability, if you want to return to this home, then you can only go back to the countryside with your parents to farm!"

"I..." Zhang Xiaoman lowered her head and trembled with fear, she knew that she was reckless, even if she was jealous of another person, she shouldn't do such a thing.

"I... I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it, but when I think of how you get along with my parents, I feel very uncomfortable in my heart. I really miss my parents, so I want to get along with them Admit it, don't worry, I will never look for them again, and I won't bother you..." Zhang Xiaoman said honestly.

Lin Lang would never believe such an argument, "If you missed your parents, you would have confessed the moment we swapped bodies, but you didn't!
Now you confess that you mainly want to make me feel bad, don't you?But have you ever thought about the consequences of your confession, your mother recognized you but the Lu family?

Lu Shangyan, I'm not a fool, he has already sensed that something is wrong, if he finds out that you are not his wife, he will definitely kick you out, and then you will lose your identity, status, and ability..."

Zhang Xiaoman was terrified, "You... Please, please don't tell Lu Shangyan, I really don't want to lose my current life, and I know you don't want to lose my current life, after all, you don't want to stay in that house at all , right? So for your own good, for my good, let’s just pretend that nothing happened today, okay? "

Lin Lang approached Zhang Xiaoman, raised his chin with her finger, and said viciously: "You made me wipe my ass for the trouble you caused, and now you still want me to not pursue anything, how can such a good thing be done!"

"I..." Zhang Xiaoman cried, "Then what do you want? A check, a house, or jewels... I can give it to you!"

Lin Lang sneered, "I don't care about these things at all. I want me to forgive you and not expose this matter. It's very simple. I just ask you to leave this place immediately, no matter where you go, and don't come back to this place again." Come to the city!"

"No, I don't want to!" Zhang Xiaoman shook his head fiercely, "I don't want to leave here, my husband is here, my child is here, my family is here, I can't leave!"

"If you don't leave, then I'll have a good talk with your husband!" Lin Lang suddenly smiled, "I forgot to tell you one thing, when I married Lu Shangyan, because my father was about to go bankrupt, So I'm considered high-married, and I signed the distribution of pre-nuptial property on the day I got married, which means that if I divorce Lu Shangyan, I won't get any money!"

"How is it possible..." Zhang Xiaoman was terrified, "You must be lying to me!"

"Why should I lie to you? And there is another one. If Lu Shangyan wants a divorce, I must satisfy it unconditionally. Of course, if you don't believe it, you can ask Lu Shangyan's lawyer. After all, the contract was drawn up by the lawyer! " Linlang smiled mischievously.

Zhang Xiaoman looked at the person in front of him, as if he saw a devil, "I... I know, last time Lu Shangyan said that he would send me abroad to recuperate, I originally disagreed, and I will talk to him when I go back later. Talk about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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