Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1498 Domestic Violent Man 1

Chapter 1498
[I just thought that it would be okay to hide outside for the rest of my life, but I just didn’t want to face that man again, but my brother contacted me again suddenly, saying that my mother was sick and was about to pass away, and wanted me to go back See him one last time!
Although I hated my father and mother for being partial, I thought they were my parents after all, so I went back, but I didn't expect my parents to be not seriously ill at all. The man gave them 5 yuan, and they betrayed me. And tricked me back!
That man got worse in this area, not only crippled my legs, but after he was drunk, he beat me to death!
After I died, when I recalled my life, I felt that I was so useless. When my parents didn’t let me study, why didn’t I resist? After all, I didn’t spend their money on studying!
I hate them, I really hate them, all the tragedies in my life are caused by them, they favor boys over girls, they don’t let me go to school, and let me marry such a lot of men, it’s dowry for my younger brother Buy a house!
Later, they sold me to that man for 5 yuan, and watched me being beaten to death. Even if I was beaten to death, they signed a disclaimer for the money, and the man only served a few years in prison before he came out. But I spent my whole life with him, I am really not reconciled!

I want to take revenge on them, I not only want to take revenge on that man, I also want to take revenge on my parents, I also want to take revenge on my younger brother, the source of my pain all my life is because of them, I want them to die badly, I also want to let They pay for everything they do! 】

After receiving the plot, Lin Lang clutched her chest, feeling terribly heartbroken, as if suffering from angina pectoris, tears also fell down, and after a while, she began to calm down slowly.

After receiving the plot of the client, Lin Lang began to receive the memory of this body again, but unexpectedly, this body not only has memory, but also a wish. If she doesn't help him fulfill this wish, then the body can't help it by itself. get.

[I was born similar to that woman, but my parents love me very much, and my younger brother also likes me, but the family is too poor, my parents are still seriously ill, and there are younger brothers and sisters who need to study. In order to survive, I dropped out of school at a young age and came out to work, but as a girl, I want to learn from you that you have no education, no ability, and the only one who can make money quickly, and can make a lot of money, can only do some illegal business!

If you walk too much at night, you will inevitably bump into ghosts. Yes, I have a heart disease, but I don’t regret it, because I know that retribution will come sooner or later, but I don’t worry about my parents, let alone my family. Those younger brothers and sisters, I can't get out of the mountains in this life, and I can't see better scenery, but I don't want my younger brothers and sisters to be ruined in this life!
So I hope that before I die, I can earn more money for my parents and take care of my younger siblings to go to college. As long as you promise me, this body is yours to use! 】

After receiving the plot, Lin Lang immediately contacted 12580, "You told me that you only accepted one mission, and now there is another one. How are you going to deal with it?"

"Double the points!" 12580 said indifferently.

"Okay, I accepted this task, but only once, if it happens a second time, I refuse to perform all the tasks!" Lin Lang was not a soft persimmon, and directly choked back.

12580 didn't say anything, just gave him a cold look, and then disappeared.

Lin Lang touched her chin. The person before her wanted to deal with her ex-husband and parents. Now this person only wants money. As for money, this is easy. The parents don't know each other at all, and this body doesn't know the ex-husband and parents of the first task client, so how to get online?
Lin Lang felt a little headache thinking about it. Looking at the messy rental house, she simply cleaned up the wine bottles and some rubbish first, and then cleaned the room. Looking at the bright and tidy rental house, Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief and opened the The door was full of garbage and walked downstairs.

Although the girl earns a lot of money, but because she has to take care of her parents and younger siblings who are studying, she doesn't have much money at all. The rented house is also the cheapest urban village. There are many gangsters and gangsters here. Some bad men, if they are ordinary girls, will definitely be afraid, but the principle is to do that kind of business, every time you see them, you will greet them with a smile, and they also have needs, so life is peaceful.

Linlang walked down and walked over. After seeing him, a bald man touched his chin and showed a wretched smile, "Oh, isn't this Xiaohong? It's only been a few days, why did it become like this? Isn't it beautiful? Are you free tonight? I'll come to your side to have a sit down!"

Lin Lang squinted her eyes in disgust, but in order to maintain the current character of this body and not be exposed by others, she could only show a smiling face, "Brother Wang, I'm really sorry, I don't feel well these days, let's talk about it in a few days!"

Brother Wang was a little disappointed, "That's fine, I'll come to you another day!"

After Lin Lang threw away the trash, she looked at the dilapidated house and thought that she would never be able to live here anymore and must move to another place as soon as possible, but when she recalled her savings, her parents who were sick in her hometown and those who were studying Brother and sister couldn't help sighing.

But the business definitely couldn't continue, so after throwing out the garbage, Lin Lang went to find their eldest sister and told the truth, "I'm sick!"

"What?" The eldest sister looked around nervously, and was relieved when she found no one, "Why are you so careless, I told you that the people on your side are not good, and told you not to do business with them, But if you don’t listen, you want to make more money, so let’s overturn it now!
what did the doctor say?Can it be cured? "

"There is no way to cure this disease, we can only take good care of it!" Lin Lang actually gave this body a pulse. As long as it is properly treated with traditional Chinese medicine and supplemented with western medicine, it should be able to live a long life. But this mission is not easy. After completing the mission, she will leave this world. Xiaohong has already survived and died. take medicine.

"You... I really don't know what to say about you. If you don't want to do it, don't want to do it. I won't force you. For the sake of our sisters, you can keep the money, just take it as a matter of urgency." !" The eldest sister is not a cruel person, handed over some money, and said: "You...you take good care of yourself!"

Lin Lang thought about her financial situation, and took the money, "Thank you, but... our job is not good after all, and we will suffer retribution if we do it for a long time, so we should honestly find a job to support ourselves!"

The eldest sister showed a wry smile, "You sound nice, you do this job because your parents are sick, and your younger brothers and sisters still have to study, but I do this job because of unavoidable difficulties, everyone has their own. It's a last resort, otherwise, who would do such a shameless thing? I also want to live a clean life, like those girls, who work hard and can buy what they want without worrying about money at all, but... ...Our fate is like this, we can only hope that we can be luckier, maybe live a little longer, and have a happy ending in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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