Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1500 Domestic Violent Man 3

Chapter 1500
Wang Qiang followed suit and nodded, "It would be great if all the girls now have the same thoughts as you. You don't know that my ex-wife asked for a big dowry when she married me, let alone live with me. For a few years, I still disliked me for being poor. After having a child, I didn’t even want a child, and then ran outside..."

"And then?" Lin Lang showed a trace of sadness, "Has she never come back? If that's the case, then you haven't divorced yet!"

Seeing that the little beauty was sad, Wang Qiang hurriedly said: "Don't mention it, that woman was a wolf, and she came back later, but she was not in good health, and she left within a month or two. I abused you, do you think I am a big man who can beat women?
In the end, I called the police, but the police didn't care about it, and they didn't investigate. They directly arrested me and went to jail, which cost me a large sum of money before I got out. It's really unlucky! "

Hehehe, your lies are really slippery, you don't draft your lies, you don't even blink your eyes, it's awesome.

"Brother, you are really suffering. How could you meet such a woman? I'm so angry, and the people from his natal family have all gone into the eyes of money, and there is no blood relationship at all!" Lin Lang said with a face full of condemnation.

Wang Qiang waved his hand, "Forget it, it's all over, man, this bit of suffering is nothing at all, and I don't take it seriously!"

"Brother is really open-minded!" Lin Lang said with a look of admiration: "Brother, I'm not afraid that you might dislike you, the first time I saw you, I thought you were different from other people!
Look at the boys nowadays, they are all weak and rude, one is more than the other, but I think you are very manly, big brother, you are very manly! "

Wang Qiang was very happy when he heard such flattering words, "Big sister, you really have vision. I also feel that the young people are not up to the mark. Every mother is terrible. I still remember when I was young, that was a basis, but Not anymore, I feel old!"

"Brother, are you kidding me? Why are you so old!" Lin Lang said with a disapproving expression, "You are obviously very young, I think...you are just a few years older than me!"

After a meal, the young men and women exchanged WeChat messages with a tacit understanding, and then parted ways.

After returning home, Lin Lang immediately changed her expression, thinking of what she was going to do, she was a little scared, and contacted 12580, "You know, in our line of work, it is inevitable that we will have some special contacts with others, I just wanted to Ask if my soul can leave when I have a special contact with another person!"

"Oh, you mean you don't want to touch it, then you have gone through so many spaces, and you haven't seen you say you don't want to..." 12580 said in a choked voice.

"Okay, just tell me if you can do it!" Lin Lang asked hastily.

"It's a small idea!" 12580 continued, "But points will be deducted!"

[Don't quarrel, if you don't want to, I will. Anyway, I have never experienced a man. I don't dislike such a man! 】Xiaohong popped up suddenly.

"This..." Lin Lang hesitated, "I feel guilty for letting you do such a thing!"

"You don't have to feel guilty, I'm willing to do this!" Xiaohong smiled lightly, "Ever since I knew what that girl went through, I feel sorry for that girl. No one likes her in this life, and she has no feelings To love, it is too miserable, now I can help you take revenge on that scumbag, I am naturally willing, please take revenge on that dead man!"

Linlang breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that this matter had settled down. At this moment, the WeChat reminder sounded. Linlang opened WeChat and found that Wang Qiang had sent herself a photo, which was a photo of her biceps. Then there was a sentence.

"Are my muscles good-looking? I have worked hard to build them. Are they masculine?"

Lin Lang was about to vomit, but she could only reply patiently: "Well, it's really manly, I feel so safe when I'm by your side!

By the way, Brother Wang, I think our boss is not even willing to spend money borrowed from others. Such a person is definitely not a good person. I don’t plan to work with him anymore, and I’m afraid that he won’t pay me. See if you can Come with me to the company tomorrow? "

"Don't worry about that, I'll accompany you tomorrow!" Wang Qiang hurriedly agreed, recalling the woman's face, and said proudly: "I really have a romantic relationship, and I can attract beautiful women just by standing there. Knowing this, why did I get married in the first place, and spent so much temper, and even left a criminal record, really unlucky!

Although this woman's family background is not superior, she is pretty and gentle, and it is just right to marry her back as a wife, and she doesn't need to spend too much money..."

Yes, it will not cost you more money, but it will kill you!

On the second day, Wang Qiang accompanied Lin Lang to the company. At first, the boss was unwilling to pay the salary. After all, Lin Lang had only been working for a month. Even if he wanted to leave, he had to wait for the newcomer to come.

"Boss, my boyfriend is here. If you don't pay me, I can't guarantee that my boyfriend won't lose his temper!" Lin Lang said in a threatening tone.

The boss' face changed when he heard this, he gritted his teeth, took out a large wad of money from his wallet, and said while putting it on: "You will cry after finding such a boyfriend, you know how his wife is. Did he die? He beat him to death, hehe, girls nowadays don’t know what they think!"

Wang Qiang's expression changed when he heard this, "What are you talking about, you..."

"What's the matter? Did I tell a lie? We all know about your imprisonment!" The boss said sarcastically.

Lin Lang snorted angrily, "Boss, even if my boyfriend is a bit fierce, you can't slander him. I know what kind of person he is. He is so kind-hearted. Dead man!
As for his ex-wife, hehe, don't even think about it, what kind of a good person is a person who only knows how to ask for money? "

"You..." The boss shook his head, "Forget it, since you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do!"

After Linlang got the money, she pulled Wang Qiang out and said as she walked, "Don't listen to my boss' nonsense. My boss is the smallest person. I guess it's because you asked him for money some time ago, which angered him." He, that's why he made up words to annoy you!"

Wang Qiang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what Lin Lang said. Fortunately, there was no news about the girl, "It's okay, it's okay, my lord doesn't care about villains, and I didn't take this matter to heart at all. Now you're taking money too." Arrived, but the job is gone, what should you do next?"

Lin Lang showed a wry smile, "I don't have any diploma, so I'll look for it first, see if I can find a job, and slowly make do with today's affairs, brother. Thank you very much. Without you, can I get the money back? Don't say anything else, or I'll invite you to dinner, it's a thank you!"

"Brother and sister, this is what you should do. You don't have to treat me to dinner, and it's not easy for you to earn money, so let me treat you to dinner!" Wang Qiang said, patting his chest.

Lin Lang nodded, "Brother, you are really a good person. You said that good people are not rewarded. Meeting such a wife and such a boss full of nonsense has damaged your reputation. Brother, are you really a good person?" It's really unlucky, but brother, I know that there is a temple that is very spiritual, just outside the city, let's go to burn incense outside the city tomorrow, and go to get rid of the bad luck, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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