Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1503 Domestic Violent Man 5

Chapter 1503 Domestic violence male five
When the old lady heard this, she immediately stayed here, and when she thought about why her daughter died, she immediately stood up and patted the ashes on her body, "Son-in-law, don't mind, I just heard that you have I lost my girlfriend, and I remembered my daughter who died early, so I cried a few words, don't take it to heart!"

Lin Lang stood aside, seeing such a farce, she couldn't help but get angry, and said angrily, "You sounded good, but I slapped you in vain, so what's the score?"

"This..." The old lady rolled her eyes quickly, looked at Wang Qiang at the side, and said slowly: "Wang Qiang, no matter how I say you are your mother-in-law, you won't care about me as an old man, right? If my daughter's Seeing that I have been bullied, the Spirit of Heaven must feel distressed!"

Wang Qiang also had some scruples, looked at Lin Lang, and said kindly: "My wife, you have a lot, don't worry about it with such a crazy woman!"

Linlang said aggrievedly: "Are you still thinking about your ex-wife? Otherwise, why didn't you help me?"

"I... Of course I am not, but he is an old man..." Wang Qiang's eyes dodged!
After Linlang heard this sentence, she knew that there was no hope of seeking justice, so she covered her face and ran out quickly, "You are so cruel, I like you so much, and it turned out that it was because of your ex-mother-in-law , so I watched me being beaten, I... why did I blindly follow you..."

Seeing that his wife was about to run away, Wang Qiang hurriedly chased after her, explaining as he ran, "It's not that my wife won't help you, but you don't think about him as an old man. What if she pretends to be sick if I slap him?" What to do? You don't want your husband's hard-earned money to be in her pocket, do you?"

Lin Lang stopped in her tracks and looked at Wang Qiang with tears in her eyes, "Then I'll just listen to you once, but next time someone bullies me, you can't just sit idly by!"

Wang Qiang nodded quickly, "Just put your mind at ease, my wife is getting late, let's buy vegetables and go back to cook!"

Lin Lang nodded, and followed Wang Qiang to the vegetable market. On the way back, Wang Qiang said as he walked, "I've made up my mind for this day. Since the two of us are married, we also want to settle here in the future. I'm going to Move my work here, anyway, I still have my contacts here, I believe the work will start soon!"

"Husband, you keep telling me that you have a job, but you haven't told me what your job is?" Lin Lang asked with concern.

Wang Qiang was a little embarrassed, smirked a few times, and said hesitantly: "I don't have any work...just helping others to collect debts..."

"Wow, hubby, you have a sense of justice!" Lin Lang praised, "However, no matter how righteous you are, you must remember to protect yourself. If you encounter any danger, you must leave quickly and don't let yourself get hurt. Otherwise, I will feel bad, you know?"

"Okay, okay, listen to my wife!" Wang Qiang agreed with a smile.

Dinner was a simple four dishes and one soup. After the meal, Wang Qiang hadn’t sat down for a while when the phone rang. It turned out that it was an old friend from the past. He heard that he was back and wanted to ask him out for supper. By the way, go out to play mahjong.

If Wang Qiang in the past would have agreed without even thinking about it, but now that he is married to his wife, and she still likes him so much, what should I do if my wife disagrees with me if I go out to play?Is it possible that I want to beat him like I used to beat my wife? That's not okay. After finally marrying a wife, I can't beat him away, so Wang Qiang is a bit in a dilemma.

Lin Lang naturally also heard the movement, but he wished that Wang Qiang was not in front of him, so he said with a smile: "I heard it all, go out if you want to go out, but you must pay attention to safety!"

Wang Qiang stood up, smiling happily, "My wife, you are so kind, I will definitely come back soon!"

Lin Lang smiled faintly, took out a few hundred dollars from her pocket, and handed it to him, "You just came back, and your friend came to play with you, which means that the two of you have a good relationship. Don’t let your friends invite you out for dinner this time, you must take the initiative to invite others, as for when you come back, it doesn’t matter, you must have fun, and you can’t let your friends down the fun, you know?”

What a considerate wife, Wang Qiang hurriedly nodded and agreed, but he didn't take the money. After all, he had already accepted most of his wife's money, and he was a little embarrassed to accept so much money.

After seeing the person leave, Lin Lang changed his face and looked around for a while, looking at the house, thoughtful, and then suddenly smiled.

Here, after Wang Qiang went to his brother's place, he had a great time that night, drinking and playing mahjong until the early morning of the next day.

When he came back, he smelled the aroma of food as soon as he opened the door. Lin Lang walked out of the kitchen. After seeing him coming back, she said softly, "I'm back, go wash your face quickly, and then eat Order breakfast to warm your stomach!"

Seeing that his wife didn't ask him about his late night stay, Wang Qiang breathed a sigh of relief, went to the washroom, and found that the hot water had been put away, and even the toothpaste was remembered for himself. He happily finished washing his face and brushing his teeth. Then I came to the dining table, drank millet porridge, and ate appetizers. I just felt leisurely and happy.

After eating, Wang Qiang went to sleep again. When he woke up, looking at the bright windows and the clean room, he felt comfortable physically and mentally.

"Honey, are you awake?" Lin Lang pushed open the bedroom door, still holding Wang Qiang's mobile phone in her hand, "When you were asleep, the phone rang several times, but I didn't dare to answer it!"

Hearing the phone rang, Wang Qiang immediately became nervous. After all, he was not doing any legitimate business. When he heard that his wife didn't answer, he was instantly relieved, and quickly pulled the phone over, "It's fine if you don't answer. The people who are looking for me are all about business, if I let them know that an old woman picked it up, they may suspect that I am not serious about what I do!"

I don't know how Wang Qiang said such a nonsense reason, but Lin Lang still pretended to believe it, and nodded slightly, "Don't worry, husband, I will never touch you without your permission." of something!"

Wang Qiang nodded, and after letting Lin Lang go out, he quickly dialed the phone.

"Boss, I'm really sorry, the phone is out of battery and turned off, so I didn't hear the sound!" Wang Qiang said respectfully.

"You can't do this next time!" The boss gave a warning, and then continued: "By the way, how are those people you urged me last time?"

"Boss, don't worry. Although those people haven't paid the money yet, they obviously can't stand it anymore. It will probably be over in a while!" Wang Qiang replied respectfully.

"That's pretty good, Wang Qiang, you have to work hard, it's not in vain for me to work hard and reduce your sentence by a few years!" said the man on the other end of the phone.

Wang Qiang was extremely grateful, "Boss, I always remember your kindness, and I will definitely work hard for you!"

"That's the best!" After finishing speaking, the boss hung up the phone.

Wang Qiang breathed a sigh of relief, but when he recalled what the boss said, he felt a little headache again, and couldn't help cursing and said, "Didn't you just help me talk about the period for a few years? What's the big deal, you need to show off in front of me Well, besides, I’ve been asking for debts for you for so many years, and I’ve been holding on to it every day after something happened, you helped me with such a small thing, and you still remember it every day, what a cheapskate!”

Lin Lang had been hiding outside the door and eavesdropping. After seeing no movement, she came to the kitchen lightly. Sure enough, Wang Qiang came out after a while. After seeing Lin Lang, he forced a smile, "Honey, I'm a bit tired at work. I'm not coming back tonight!"

(End of this chapter)

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