Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1522 Stallion Male Big Wife 2

Chapter 1522 Stallion Male Big Wife Twelve
When Bai Xiuer heard this, she looked at Lu Zongliang sadly with her beautiful eyes, hoping that he could say a few words for her, but Lu Zongliang kept talking to the girl next to her as if she hadn't seen anything.

"Junior Sister, we'll finish dealing with the matter here later. Let's go back later and go shopping, okay? I heard that the osmanthus cake in Jiangnan is delicious!"

"Forget it, you're in a hurry, just bring me some when the brother goes back!"

"But the pastries still have to be freshly baked!"

"I don't care about this!"


Seeing such a scene, Bai Xiu'er almost gritted her teeth, lowered her head, and said unwillingly: "Everything is up to the girl!"

Wang Wan'er showed a hint of complacency as if her revenge had been avenged, "So, then you can go home with me. From now on, you will be a servant of my Wang family, and you must behave in everything you do. If you If you don’t follow the rules, don’t blame me for being unkind!”

No matter how unwilling Bai Xiuer was, she could only admit it through gritted teeth, and only hoped that she could find a chance to get close to Lu Zongliang so that she could complete her master's task.

When Lin Lang left, she thought for a while, pulled Lu Zongliang's sleeve and walked to the side, and carefully said: "Brother, you must pay attention to safety when you are out alone, and don't act on your feelings when you encounter anything. Think more and do more!
Also, Ms. Wang is a good woman, if you have feelings for him, you must be responsible to the end! "

Lu Zongliang was quite happy when he heard the first half of the sentence, but when he heard the second half, his face immediately pulled down, "Junior Sister, don't you understand my intentions? As for Miss Wang, I don't care about her at all." mean!"

"Brother, I only regard you as my elder brother. Now that you are getting older, it's time to find me a sister-in-law, but I have a sister-in-law who requires me to be kind-hearted regardless of her birth!" Lin Lang emphasized. Said.

"But... I don't want to be your brother..." Lu Zongliang said anxiously.

Lin Lang just smiled, and got on the horse, "Brother, let's say goodbye today, you must take care of yourself!"

Seeing his junior sister leave, Lu Zongliang was a little out of his mind. If he hadn't taken into account his own background, he would have wanted to go back with his junior sister a long time ago.

"Young master Lu, don't worry, I think Miss Lin's martial arts are very strong, and nothing will happen!" Wang Wan'er comforted her carefully.

Lu Zongliang couldn't listen to the persuasion at all, "Miss Wang, you don't need to say more. Regarding the matter of fabrics, I hope Miss Wang can send someone to investigate as soon as possible. I am really anxious!"

Naturally, Wang Wan'er didn't want the matter to be resolved as soon as possible, because she still hoped to have more contact with Lu Zongliang, so she readily agreed.

On the way back, Wang Wan'er explained Lu Zongliang carefully all the time, and she spoke softly, like the spring wind, refreshing.

But Lu Zongliang didn't care about it at all, and was always distracted. Although Wang Wan'er was anxious, she also understood that such things should not be rushed.

"Huh? Mr. Lu?" Suddenly a gust of wind blew by, and a woman in red was blazing like a song, with a hint of surprise in her eyes, "I didn't expect to see you here, what a coincidence, by the way, where is Miss Lin? "

After Lu Zongliang raised his head and found that it was Zhang Hong'er, he said, "So it's Miss Zhang. My junior sister has gone back. When did Miss Zhang arrive?"

"It's not too long ago!" Zhang Hong'er smiled, and then showed a look of pity, "It's a pity, I kept saying that I want to compete with your junior sister, but unfortunately there is no time. Now that your junior sister has gone back, I don't know when I will wait moon!"

Hearing this, Lu Zongliang breathed a sigh of relief on the contrary, this red boy has rough hair and big hands and feet, what if he hurts his junior sister during the competition, so it is better not to compete.

"By the way, who is this girl?" Zhang Hong'er looked like Wang Wan'er, and asked in bewilderment.

Lu Zongliang said calmly, "This is Miss Wang Waner, a friend of mine, and I'm staying at his house because of some things!"

"So that's it!" Zhang Hong'er nodded, and then suddenly said: "Young master Lu, you also know the secret book mentioned by the people in the devil's way last time. Young master, help us and fight for the secret book with the people in the magic way!"

Lu Zongliang thought for a while, and although Zhang Hong'er had a bad temper, at least he was a good person with justice in his heart, so he nodded, "Of course, what does Miss Zhang need me to do?"

Zhang Honger said: "My father has already investigated the secret book, and now the secret book is being kept by Master Yideng. Master Yideng said that anyone who can solve his Linglong chess game can get the secret book!"

"But..." Lu Zongliang said with some embarrassment, "I don't know how to play chess either!"

Zhang Hong'er smiled, "Master Lu, it doesn't matter if you don't know how to play chess, but you know martial arts. In case we have any disputes with the Mo Dao Zhiren, Mr. Lu can also help out!"

"I accept this!" Lu Zongliang nodded, wrote down the address Zhang Hong'er said, and left with Wang Wan'er. On the way back, Wang Wan'er hesitated to speak, and finally couldn't help but said: "Young Master Lu has a chivalrous heart. , I really admire it!"

Looking back, Lu Zongliang was a little puzzled, "It's nothing, after all, as a person of the righteous way of martial arts, to maintain the righteous way of martial arts, these are what I should do, and I can't be a word of admiration from a girl!"

The corner of Wang Wan'er's mouth twitched, and then she continued: "By the way, I just saw that red-clothed woman in a heroic manner. I wonder who that red-clothed woman is?"

"Just ordinary friends!" Lu Zongliang said casually.

"Just ordinary friends?" Wang Wan'er's eyes flashed with surprise, then she sighed and continued, "Master Lu, there are some things... I don't know whether I should say it or not..."

"Then don't say it!" Lu Zongliang choked back directly, not caring about anything else at all, and completely ignoring Wang Wan'er's ugly look.

Wang Wan'er gritted her teeth with anger, and said patiently: "But, this is about Mr. Lu, so let me talk more!

Since Master Lu and that Miss Zhang are just acquaintances, but that Miss Zhang is too self-righteous, and the tone of her speech is completely blunt, saying that she is asking Master Lu to help, but she does not mean to beg at all, nor does she It's so unreasonable! "

A look of astonishment flashed across Lu Zongliang's face, "Miss Wang, it's not like this. Maybe you are a lady of everyone and don't understand the rules of martial arts. Perhaps in the eyes of Miss Wang, Miss Zhang is very rude, but Miss Zhang is very rude to us martial arts people. I think that Ms. Zhang is very forthright, talking about things when she has something to say, unlike your ladies, who speak in a weak and weak manner, and they are also convoluted, which makes people puzzled!

In fact, I also don't understand, why can't you girls speak more directly?A few twists and turns in one sentence makes people feel so confused! "

Wang Wan'er's face turned pale in an instant. If she hadn't taken into account her own posture, she would have pointed at the other person's nose and scolded her. The old lady is obviously gentle and decent, okay? Not IKEA IKEA at all!

(End of this chapter)

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