Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1524 The Stallion Man's Big Wife 4

Chapter 1524 The Stallion Man's Big Wife Fourteen
But even if she is a regular wife, she still can't be favored, and she can only rely on her hard work in the past, and she doesn't live up to her expectations. She only gave birth to a daughter, not like she gave birth to a son.

Later, when Lu Zongliang came to the throne, he thought he would become the queen, but he didn't expect that since the queen's seat would be cheap to that woman, how could it be possible, she was just a child of the world, how could it compare to his own status?
So she did it, but he wasn't the only one who did it, other women did it too. He thought that for the sake of these women, Lu Zongliang wouldn't pursue it even if he found out, but he was wrong... Lu Zongliang found out After these women killed his little junior sister, they didn't care about their past friendship at all, either giving them a glass of poisoned wine, or giving them a three-foot white silk, and it was better to be quiet...

When she opened her eyes again, she found that she had returned to 5 years ago. She was so happy that God allowed her to live a new life. It must be to change what happened last time. Maybe let herself live a new life. In order to get Lu Zongliang's heart.

But it's a little strange, why did the junior sister who was inseparable from Lu Zongliang in her previous life abandon Lu Zongliang and return to Jiangnan alone?This is completely impossible to happen, but it is also a good thing for me, after all, my junior sister will be able to get along with Lu Zongliang for a long time without me. Maybe she will become a queen by then.

As for the other unsightly women, Bai Xiu'er has already been taken care of by herself. As for Zhang Hong'er, it's a bit difficult to deal with. After all, that woman is very strong in martial arts, and there are a lot of martial arts people behind her, and her father is also the leader of the martial arts alliance. If you try to harm her, you probably won't be able to find a chance.

But forget it, even if that woman is by Lu Zongliang's side, she is just a careless woman who doesn't care about etiquette. Lu Zongliang will definitely not like such a woman.

Regarding the remaining women... I have to think about how to get rid of them...

Lu Zongliang didn't know that there was a woman plotting against him. After he went out, he sneezed one after another, looked up at the sky, and said to himself: "The sky is getting cloudy, I guess I didn't have a good rest last night. , got a little bit of wind and cold!"

After seeing Lu Zongliang coming, Zhang Hong'er walked towards him with a smile, "Master Lu, since you're here, let's set off!"

The group of them went to the temple in a mighty way. When they saw the huge chess game on the wall, they all had headaches and collapsed to the ground.

Lu Zongliang also wanted to watch it, but seeing their appearance, he knew that the chess game was not simple, so he hurriedly lowered his head, and said to Zhang Honger who was beside him who was suffering from a headache: "Don't look at that chess game, it's weird, look at it. After taking it, I will have a headache, and maybe I will go crazy!"

Zhang Hong'er held her head and said weakly: "But... if you don't watch the chess game, how can you solve the game? If someone in the demon way preempts it, wouldn't it be a loss for someone in the righteous way? No, I have to watch..."

But before she even took a second look, Zhang Hong'er felt her head was about to explode, she fell to the ground clutching her head, and kept moaning over there.

Lu Zongliang looked back and found that most of the people were like Zhang Hong'er. He gritted his teeth, glanced at the chess game hastily, and said in his heart: This chess game must be weird, no, I can't let these people watch it anymore, it won't hurt your health. Shu, if you go crazy, it will be really bad. Although I don't understand ruggedness, I can destroy this game of chess, so that others won't feel such a headache when watching the chess game.

After thinking about it, Lu Zongliang picked up the chess piece placed in the corner, rushed over with his eyes closed, and placed it in a random place. Before he could react, the chessboard exploded.

"Someone solved my chess game?" Master Yideng suddenly opened his eyes and descended from the sky. When he saw the person who solved the chess game, he nodded with satisfaction, "Sure enough, a hero born a boy!"

Lu Zongliang was a little confused. When he saw the broken chessboard, he reacted and explained: "Master Yideng, I didn't solve this chess game. I just played a chess piece at random. Destroy this chess game, so that others will not have a headache when they look at the chessboard!"

Master Yideng was even more satisfied, "A chess player must have a benevolent heart. You play chess to save everyone, so this game of chess is naturally solved. Now that you have solved the chessboard, follow the original promise. This book of Ziyang Kung Fu is entrusted to you, but judging by the situation, you probably won't be able to get out unharmed!

Little brother, if you don’t dislike it, you can stay in my temple, and it’s okay to go out after you finish practicing Ziyang Gong! "

Lu Zongliang raised his head with a look of disbelief on his face, because he never thought that such a big pie would hit him, he nodded quickly, "Then... then thank you, Master!"

It would be a lie to say that he does not practice peerless magic arts. After all, Lu Zongliang has been in the arena all along. He naturally hopes that his martial arts will be strong, so that he can revitalize the sect and become a great master of the generation. Now that what he wants is right in front of him, Lu Zongliang will naturally not be in vain miss.

Although Zhang Hong'er was sad because he didn't get the martial arts secret book, he was relieved that the martial arts secret book didn't fall into the hands of the vicious devil.

"I don't agree!" Suddenly a voice came, and I saw a woman in white descending from the sky, followed by several maids, and the petals fell gracefully.

Master Yideng looked at the woman, "Girl, I agreed at the beginning that anyone who can break my chess game will get the martial arts secret book. Now that someone has broken this chess game, but you don't accept it, you are too serious." Those of us who are martial artists should pay attention to it!"

When Hua Yueyue heard this, she sneered, "Okay, you old bald donkey, dare to choke me with such words, but I just don't like this, you said whoever can crack your chess game can get the cheat book, but You must have a heart of benevolence to break your chess game. Isn't this embarrassing us demons?
Anyway, I don't care, I don't recognize this matter! "

Master Yideng lowered his head and clasped his hands together, "Amitabha, since the benefactor doesn't recognize her, don't blame me for being rude!"

Seeing that people were about to fight, Lu Zongliang looked at the woman and said, "Girl, I don't think you are a messy person. Everyone has admitted about the secret book, and I got the secret book, that is also fair and aboveboard." If you don't want to admit that you didn't get it by some nasty means, wouldn't you put everyone in the martial arts world in your eyes? You can deal with one person, but can you deal with so many people?
So girl, I advise you to leave, to save time and suffer, don't blame me for not reminding you! "

Hua Yueyue raised her head angrily, and when he saw Lu Zongliang, he hesitated for a moment, then withdrew his hand, "It's you, I really didn't expect to see you in this place, originally that old bald donkey explained Those who start a chess game must have a heart of benevolence. I still don't believe it, but after seeing you, I believe it. After all, you were willing to listen to my words and let the flower picker die, and believed that he would repent, which shows your thoughts Clarity!"

Hearing this, Zhang Hong'er gave Lu Zongliang a hard look, and asked angrily, "You caught that flower picker and let him go. Do you have any brains? That flower picker is the most vicious person." Ah, have you ever thought that after you let him go, he will go to harm other girls?"

Lu Zongliang's face turned pale, "Miss Zhang, I also know that I shouldn't do such a thing, but I just went out of the rivers and lakes, and I don't understand many things. I also listened to this girl and felt that the flower picker really repented." Heart, that's why I let him go, I already know I was wrong!"

Hua Yueyue snorted coldly, "You are really stupid, you obviously did nothing wrong, on the contrary, you did something good, after all, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, so what's wrong with you Is there?"

(End of this chapter)

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